Page 274 of Lady of Starfire

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“What is that supposed to mean?” Scarlett demanded.

But Nuri was leaving their ranks, leaping across the dragon fire to saunter to Alaric’s side.

“After your stunt in the Southern Islands, I realized I would never be the one to convince you to come home,” Alaric said, nodding in approval at Nuri as she fell into line beside the Maraan Lords.

“So you…sent Nuri?” Scarlett asked. “But she didn’t… That’s not why we’re here.”

“No, you came to stop me,” Alaric said, his grin growing wider. “Am I correct, Death’s Maiden?”

“I came to kill you,” Scarlett sneered, starfire flaring in one hand while darkness pooled in the other.

Alaric clicked his tongue, turning away from them and back to the mirror. “Do not be foolish, Scarlett. You cannot kill any of us at the moment. Not me, and certainly not the kings.” He had moved back to the mirror gate, running his fingers along the symbols around it, but he glanced over his shoulder as he said, “You do know about that new caveat? I assume that is why Mikale is still alive somewhere.”

“I know all about the life bonds created when we took down the wards,” Scarlett retorted.

“Then you know your threats are utterly pointless right now. I taught you better,” he said coldly, turning back to the mirror. “I, however, have no such compunctions about killing the mortal kings.”

“What?” Idris and Orvyn demanded, spinning to face their prince.

“Relax,” Alaric sighed in obvious irritation. “Scarlett will not let her precious mortal king perish. Try as I might, I could not drive every last shred of compassion from her being.”

“I do not understand what is happening right now,” Callan heard Eliza mutter to Razik.

“Alaric is about to tell us,” Cassius said grimly.

“Here is what is going to happen, Scarlett,” Alaric said. “You are going to come over here and use that magnificent power you have acquired to unlock this mirror gate.”

“Have you forgotten the part about Achaz wanting to kill Arius’s entire bloodline?” Scarlett drawled. “That includes me. Why would I let him come here?”

“He will not kill you, Scarlett,” Alaric admonished. “Not with World Walker power reborn in you.”

“And when I refuse?”

“I kill the mortal kings. You so nicely delivered all three to me. Or rather, Nuri did.”

“You want me to believe you orchestrated all of this?” Scarlett said, crossing her arms.

“Just like I orchestrated you bringing me the Avonleyan Keys.”

Scarlett snorted. “Because that worked out so well for you.”

“Watch it, Scarlett,” Alaric said in a low tone, and Callan felt his power wrap around him for the briefest of moments. It was something he’d never wanted to experience again. He staggered, and some of the others obviously felt it too, everyone but Scarlett and Razik having some kind of reaction.

“Enough,” Scarlett growled, her shadows breaking free and panthers forming at her sides.

“Then get on with this,” Alaric said, stepping to the side and gesturing to the mirror gate. “I am done playing games, Scarlett. You had your fun. Now it is time to come home.”

Scarlett glanced at Callan, and he could see it in her eyes. The hesitation to carry out the plan they’d devised mere hours ago. The plan that would truly end all of this. He gave her a soft smile before he subtly nodded his head.

They’d already said their goodbyes.

He watched her swallow, her throat bobbing, before shadows started winding up his torso.

Alaric eyed her warily. “What are you doing? Your shadows will not shield him from me.”

“I know,” Scarlett said, her voice nothing but venom. “Know that I will kill you for making me to do this to yet another one of mine.”

“What are you talking about?” Alaric sneered.

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