Page 189 of Lady of Starfire

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Tears were flowing down her face, dripping onto his scales and glistening in the setting sun. “I hate that you know I like chocolate cake and that the promise of books can get me to do anything. I hate that you sleep in my bed but won’t touch me because you’re just that godsdamn respectable. I hate that you make everything with me a competition because you know I won’t back down from you. I hate that you get two glasses and extra food, even when I tell you I don’t want any, because you know I’m lying before I do. I hate that you’re tidy and always picking up after me. I hate that you called me one of Scarlett’s Ladies-in-Wait, even though you knew damn-well I wasn’t. You fuck with me every chance you get. And you have wrecked everything I have made of my life, but in the best way possible. I hate that I love that you have ruined me. Shift, Raz. Fucking shift.”

The soft black glow was the only warning she got before Razik was before her in his human form. His wings were still out, smaller and one ruined, but he had shifted. She swiped the dagger from her boot, slicing the Mark on her arm and then his palm. His dragon fire took greedily, and she let out a small cry as it sank into the little magic she had left. He tried to pull his hand back, blinking his eyes open, but she held on.

She pulled a tunic from the pocket realm, pressing the fabric to his chest where the wound was still steadily losing blood. When she had given him all of her fire, she reached for the hidden pocket in her leathers, fishing out the other vial of tonic.

The one she’d saved for him to take away his pain. At least for a little while.

She pulled the cork out with her teeth before bringing it to his lips. “Drink,” she whispered.

He obeyed, and she could tell the moment the tonic took effect because his eyes flew open. Which was good because her tonic had completely worn off, and she was feeling all of it: the slips and slides down the mountainside, the blows from Keres, the leap from the ledge, the strain on her injuries.

Razik was pushing himself onto his knees, pulling her into him. He bent his head, inspecting her shoulder.

“I’m fine,” she mumbled, trying to push his hands away from her. “We just need to get somewhere safe.”

They were Traveling in the next breath, Razik holding her tightly to him. They were on the islands outside the Wards, and Razik was pulling a vial of blood from somewhere, dumping it into the sea. Then they were in the warmth of…a cave.

A godsdamn cave.

But this wasn’t like the cave she’d spent the last several days in.

This cave was stunning and warm and…a home.

There were stone steps off to one side that wound up to what she had to assume was the entrance. It was one large space. A kitchen of sorts was towards a back corner with a dining set nearby. Sofas and chairs were off to the left with a glass fire pit in the center of them. At the back there was steam rising from something, and off to the left was a large bed. Bigger than his bed in the Aimonway castle. It was low to the ground and piled with pillows and blankets. It was more of a nest.

And treasure. There was gold and silver, gems and trinkets, paintings and books artfully arranged everywhere.

She twisted in his arms. “You actually have a cave.”

He tried to smile, but it fell flat. There was sweat on his brow. Despite the tonic, he was still losing blood.

“What the fuck happened?”

Eliza twisted again, finding Cethin, Kailia, and Niara standing near the fire pit.

“How did you know—”

“I felt him at the Wards,” Cethin interrupted, stalking forward. “When he didn’t come to the castle, I figured he came here. Kailia suggested bringing Niara. You need to let him go, Eliza.”


Kailia reached out, her small hands landing on Eliza’s and gently prying her fingers from Razik’s bloody tunic where she’d been clutching it.

“Niara needs room to work,” the queen said softly. “Come.”

She tried to stay awake, but the weight of everything had her nodding off on the sofa while Niara worked on Razik. It wasn’t until the Healer began unwrapping her wound that she forced her heavy lids open.

“Raz?” she murmured, trying to sit up.

“Wait, General,” Niara said, Kailia holding Eliza down. She was strong for such a petite female.

“He sleeps,” Kailia said. “Cethin is watching over him while Niara tends to you.”

“He’ll be all right?”

“Eventually. If he takes the necessary time to heal,” the Healer said. “You, however…” Niara’s lips pursed. “If you do not take the proper precautions, this wound will not heal a second time.”

“As long as Razik will be all right,” Eliza said, letting herself sink back into the sofa while Niara cleaned and stitched the wound.

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