Page 31 of Hearts Under Fire

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The sun was lowering over the small mountain ranges in the distance. The sky was painted in pinks, yellows, oranges and blues. Kate and Alexis watched the sun go down over the horizon and held each other close, just grateful to be alive and to be together.

Epilogue: Five Years Later

“Hey, let's get a move on, ladies,” Alexis shouted through the open window. Kate and their daughter Lilly came rushing down the steps toward the car.

They were laughing, and Alexis took a moment to appreciate the little family they’d created. Three years ago, Kate and Alexis had adopted Lilly after her parents had died in a tragic car accident, taking both of their lives and leaving the little girl orphaned. Kate had been friends with Lilly’s father, and when they’d died, Lilly hadn’t had a place to go. She was only seven years old at the time. The authorities wanted to put her into the system, likely a foster home or an orphanage. Kate had nearly come unhinged, desperate to shield Lilly from the grief and pain of loss and also unwilling to let the girl get lost to the foster system.

She’d gone to her chain of command and the legal office, and in a few days, they’d managed to pull together the required paperwork and schedule a home inspection. The process and approval would take ninety days minimum, but the foster system in Palstein moved slowly, since they were an overseas base. Colonel Williams had pulled some strings, and Lilly hadbeen held on location for health reasons. They’d kept her with a local foster family and allowed Kate and Alexis to visit daily. After the ninety days were up, the approval finally came in. They fostered her until their request for adoption was approved. It took over a year, but it had been worth it to them.

Kate and Alexis had talked about the possibility of doing artificial insemination, adopting, or fostering a child. Lilly’s need became the push Alexis needed to commit to them adding a member to their family. The little girl had dark hair and blue eyes, just like Alexis, and when she’d thought of how she’d felt, losing her own parents to a car accident, she’d known it was fate that had brought Lilly to them.

They got in the car, laughing and chattering, and Alexis turned to look at Lilly’s new dress. “Beautiful. It looks so wonderful on you, Lils.

“Thanks, Momma,” Lilly said, her wide grin lighting up the back seat.

“Put your seatbelt on, little rascal. We’re going to be late.”

Kate and Lilly buckled in, and Alexis turned off the radio as she pulled out of the driveway and headed toward the officer club.

“So talk to me about the plan for next week. Do we still have that appointment on Tuesday, or did they let you move it?”

Kate huffed in annoyance. “They rescheduled it after I explained that my child has a ballet recital and that I wouldn't be attending the appointment, and that if they couldn’t reschedule me I’d have to find somewhere else to take the car for maintenance.”

Alexis laughed, knowing that Kate was full of shit. She was too nice and would never give a salesperson an ultimatum. It was probably just what she’d told the person in her head.

“I didn’tactuallysay that. Anyway, it’s rescheduled. Monday I have to teach a seminar on emergency medicine, Tuesday isthe ballet recital, and Wednesday you have to teach that combat rescue training course. They want you to talk about extractions, so I’m sure they’re looking for our story of the retrieval in Syria.”

Alexis grunted. “You’d think people would get tired of hearing about how I almost died.”

Kate cleared her throat and looked back at Lilly in the backseat. Luckily, she had headphones in and was watching Frozen for the third time that day.

“Sorry. Okay. What about Thursday and Friday? Or the weekend?”

Kate hummed and looked at her calendar app. “Thursday through Sunday we are totally free.”

“Ah, perfect. Then let me inform you I’ve just scheduled you for a romantic getaway that starts Thursday and ends Sunday.”

Kate started to object, but Alexis held up a finger. “Ah, ah, ah. No arguing. I reached out to Bowie, and he and his wife are taking Lilly for the entire weekend. They’re taking Lilly and Aliana camping.”

Wide eyed, Kate stared at her. “You planned this?”

“Of course. We haven’t had much alone time since we started these new teaching positions. There’s a lot of demand on our time now, with Lilly, so I thought that we deserve a weekend away. I didn’t want to leave Lilly with strangers, and there aren’t many people I’d trust to watch her for that many days. But Lilly knows them and is friends with their daughter. They’re in the same class, and Bowie’s wife is special forces. No one will get near the girls.”

A smile spread across Kate’s face. “Thank you for making this happen. You’re so amazing. I love you. Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

Alexis laughed and shook her head. “Nope. It’s a surprise.

The car fell silent as they pulled in the parking lot and looked at the many rows of cars already parked. Several peoplemeandered around, slowly drifting inside. There were officers and enlisted members of every branch of the military present, and all non-civilians were in dress uniform. Civilians wore dresses or suits, and everyone looked put together and pristine.

They parked, and Kate reached across the center console to take Alexis’s hand. She squeezed it affectionately.

“Are you ready to go be the guests of honor?” Kate asked her, and Alexis shook her head.

“Genuinely, you’d think people would get over this.”

Kate rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, I guess if I’d known that Lieutenant Cassidy was the son of a general, I would have just let him die out there so you wouldn’t have to accept a purple cross and I wouldn’t have to accept a Soldier’s Medal.”

Her sarcasm was clear, but she’d whispered it anyway, unwilling to allow anyone to overhear such an inappropriate joke.

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