Page 21 of Accidental Twins

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But my hands weren’t the only ones that roamed.

He held me behind the neck again, but his other wandered freely over the front of the corseted satin I’d put on hours before. It dipped down to the slit in my dress, hooking behind my upper thigh and lifting it up, up, up onto his hip.

I was losing itagain.

His lips wandered, kissing the side of my jaw, my neck, the soft spot beneath my ear where he’d pressed in with his fingers before. He nipped at the skin before soothing it with his tongue,and every thought ceased. There was only me, him, and an ache beginning to grow between my thighs.

“Please,” I breathed, pulling on the front of his jacket. “Please.”

“What are you begging for, Ava?”

Fuck,the way he said my name when his voice sounded likethatwas exactly how I’d imagined it. No moreLily.“Touch me.”

The air that loosed from his chest almost seemed pained as he let his fingers slide up my thigh and over the curve of my rear, gripping the little strap of the seamless underwear I’d picked out for this dress. He pulled, and they shifted down. The second he lowered my leg enough to have them drop, I kicked them off my heeled feet. “I’m not going to touch you,” he rasped.

What? No, please?—

“I’m going to fucking taste you.”

His hands left me in an instant, and before I could process his words, he was lowering to his knees on the dirty cement floor in front of me.

My fucking heart stopped.

Fingers pushed the sides of my dress apart and up to my hips, and I couldn’t bring myself to care about the potential onlookers from the next building over, couldn’t bring myself to care about the chill in the air. All I knew was that he was looking up at me from the goddamn ground, one arm hooking around the inside of my thigh and lifting it onto his shoulder.

His mouth took me immediately.

A soft hum vibrated against my most sensitive spot, and I could barely breathe. His tongue lashed against me, dragging, berating,attackingwhere I was desperate for him to, but the ache didn’t calm this time. It only built, angrier and angrier, needing more,demandingmore.

But he knew how to work my body too well.

Two fingers slipped inside of me as he sucked my clit between stilled teeth, his tongue drawing far too much from me. I covered my mouth to keep in what I could only imagine were too-loud moans, using my other to hold onto his hair for dear life.

Bright blue eyes flicked up to mine, and oh my God, he was going to make me lose my mind.

Another finger entered as his mouth continued, another little hum making me see more stars than were visible in the light-polluted sky above. As if by some kind of magic, he was already pulling me too quickly toward a release, one that I couldn’t hold back from, and all I could do was let him take me there, let him destroy meagain.

“Fuck, I…I…”

“Come,” he said, and that last little bit of vibration from the word was enough to make me break, was enough to make my knees buckle, and my fingers tighten in his hair, was enough to have me putting my weight on him in the hopes that I wouldn’t go all the way down to the ground.

But he wasn’t done with me.

He raised from the ground as his fingers slipped out, one hand holding my waist to keep me upright as the other worked frantically at his belt. The clanking of it rang through the air, and his damp mouth met mine, the taste of red wine andmecoating my tongue.

“Put your arms around my neck,” he ordered, breaking just enough from my lips to get the words out. I followed what he said, and a second later, he was lifting me, directing my legs up around his waist with his hand. He pressed forward into the wall, letting it take some of my weight.

But then there was warmth at my opening again, but it wasn’t nearly as small as a finger.

“One more time,” he rasped, pulling back just an inch to meet my gaze. “You’re you, and I’m me. Do you understand?”

One more time.My head was too foggy to process the reality of that, but I nodded anyway.

Not nearly as slowly as the last time, but just as gently, he pressed into me, splitting me practically in two. Little bursts of pain blinked into existence before dying out just as quickly.

“Fuck,” I hissed, gripping onto the back of his head and keeping him close to me.

A hand slipped between us, and he found my overly sensitive clit, just softly brushing his fingers against it enough to take the edge off. I relaxed around him, and a second later, he was fully inside of me, filling me in a way I’d ached to know for the last week and a half. “That’s it, love.”

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