Page 150 of Ruthless Heir

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“Be careful, Asher. Please don’t let anything happen to Harper.” It must be killing him that this is a situation he can’t control.

“I will protect her with my life.” I tap his shoulder then summon courage and leave.

I want this over and done with. And I want Harper back in my arms. I don’t care what it costs me.

I just want her back.

I walk toward the meeting point, which is in a worse state of abandonment than where Josh and I parked. It’s clear the place is used as a dumping ground for waste. I’m sure all sorts of criminal activity takes place here, too.

The fact that no one is around at this hour of the day is a dead giveaway. I assume the area is mafia territory or something of that nature.

I glance at my watch. It’s two on the dot but there is no one here but me and the stench of piss and shit wafting through the air.

A few agonizing minutes pass before the crunch of heavy boots grabs my attention. I follow the sound and find Nolan and one I assume is Vito walking out from the side of the building. Both carry handguns.

Vito looks exactly how he sounds.

Big and burly with a wart hoggish face and a wide mouth that looks like a fish when he smiles at me.

Behind him two guards appear holding Harper, bound and gagged.

Her eyes are red, a sign she’s been crying. She’s also shaking and looks beyond terrified.

Jesus. I wish I were the one with the gun.

If I had one I would kill Vito first, then I’d take my time shooting pieces off Nolan’s body until he begged me for death. Then I’d torture him a little more before I ended his ass.

Looking at him standing next to Vito seems unreal. I can’t believe they found each other. One guy from my world, the other from Harper’s.

“Asher Le Blanche, we finally meet in person,” Vito booms in a welcoming voice as if we’re all gathered here for a family reunion. “I must say you’re so much taller in real life than your online pictures make you out to be.”

“Cut the fucking shit.” I stare him down, trying to keep my temper under control. I hate talking about nonsense at the best of times, let alone in serious situations.

“Not so brave and pumped with power now, are you?” Nolan taunts, glaring at me with malice in his eyes.

“Just give me Harper.”

“You think you’re some kind of god, don’t you, Asher Le Blanche?”

“Don’t fucking talk to me. Just give me my girl.”

There are two things I can’t do right now. The first is listen to the sound of Nolan’s mocking voice and the second is to look at Harper. I can’t look at her and see her so terrified. It jars me.

Right now I need to focus and get her out of here.

“Hand over the money.” Nolan smiles.

Vito smiles, too, and snaps his fingers to beckon me to come forward.

I move, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. I keep my head up and back straight, never faltering even for a second.

As I get closer I think of all the times I’ve wanted to kick Nolan’s ass. I wish I had gotten the chance to do it before the other day. The mere punch I gave him was nothing.

There’s a chance that if we’d fought in our younger years it might have stopped our fathers from being as close as they were. It might have stopped this shit happening now.

If only I could go back in time.

When I reach them Nolan points his gun at me while Vito’s smile widens.

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