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Svenn remains undaunted by the looming threat before us. I think the very concept of fear is unfamiliar to the man. He pushes me a step behind him, shielding me from the incoming danger.

The beast suddenly rears back before it reaches the coral outcropping.

An all too human whimper escapes her throat. She blinks repeatedly in disbelief at the sight of the pale smaller seadragon approaching shyly from the shallow waters.

I see Kiiska’s sheer joy from the movement of her tail. The seadragon nuzzles her equine snout to her daughter lovingly, like she can’t get enough holding her. They sing a song together, low and haunting, too mystifying for simple elven tongue.

Their beautiful reunion makes me happy. I smile despite the fear building in my heart. I am content hiding behind Svenn forever from those jutting teeth until I see the massive spear on the larger seadragon’s back.

The Caehir lightning bolt, named after my grandfather in Kashran. Another one of my family’s clever inventions.

Bitter fear punches through my guts but I know I have to do what’s right.

I touch my chest.Take courage, heart.

I take a trembling step towards the edge of the cliff to speak to the colossal creature.

Svenn shoots me a warning glance. “Rhianelle…”

“It’s all right. Trust me,” I tell him, but he is not reassured.

He inches forward together with me. Maybe it’s for the best. I feel braver with him by my side.

The seadragon’s lips pull back in a silent snarl.“What do you want?”

I steel my spine and move nearer to the precipice.

“I can help you remove the barb,” I offer, pointing to the weapon protruding just below her neck.

“Do you think I will let a dirty elf lay her hands on me?”A guttural sound rumbles in the colossal creature’s throat.

Svenn’s gaze falls to her heart spontaneously and my fear intensifies.

“Mommy, she’s my friend,”Kiiska whines to her mother, swimming around in circles and vocalizing another soft tune.Their difference in size is jarring. The imprisonment must have stunted the baby seadragon’s growth.

“The elf is no friend, my dear,”the seadragon hisses, her nostrils flaring.

She whips her tail to the ridge close to it and the entire cliff is decimated. I feel her fury charging the air, her wrath summoning the storm.

It takes everything in me to remain standing from that show of power. I’m certain she had sunk plenty of ships and vessels during the war.

But I know she requires all the help she can get to return to their lair. The Varan trench lies west of Avalon, deep below sea level. She will have to fend off predators like the giant squid and the sea crocodiles to protect Kiiska.

I steel my spine and let her see the truth in my heart. “I have enough blessings to heal you. You need the strength for the long journey back home.”

The beast narrows her sharp, ageless eyes at me.“Why would you do that?”

I summon all the courage I have and straighten my shoulders. “Because I can.”

Her eyes remain skeptical.

I spread my hands and make a show of turning around. “I have no weapons with me.”

Her dark gaze drops to Svenn, as if she knows that he alone is worth a thousand swords. The seadragon takes another glance at her beautiful daughter. Kiiska is playing with currents awkwardly, testing her newfound freedom.

An eternity passes before she finally lowers her head on the rocks, giving herself to the mercy of her enemy.

Svenn approaches the seadragon first. There is little warmth to be found in his eyes as he takes his place at the side of the creature’s back.

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