Page 56 of Offside Bride

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“All my blood, sweat, and tears. It cost me a lot of money to publish that book, you know.”

“I know, babe. People suck.”

“I feel so…violated.”

“Listen,” I say, wiping a wet strand of hair that stuck to her face and tucking it behind her ear. “This doesn’t take away from what you’ve accomplished. We’ll figure this out, okay? I promise.”

She suddenly sits upright, back ramrod straight.

“What gives them the right?” she says with renewed anger.

“I could get my whole account shut down for this, you know.”

“Really? You mean your publishing account?”

“Yes! Even when it’s not my fault. It happened to aome people I know.”

“Wow.” I find a box of tissues on her nightstand and hand it to her. She takes a whole wad of tissues and blows her nose.

“And another thing,” she goes on after a minute of stewing. “Just because someone thinks they’re entitled to something doesn’t mean they can just come take it,”

“That’s true,” I say.

“I mean, there are libraries.”

I watch Maggie’s face contort with rage, her cheeks flushed and eyes blazing. It’s kinda hot, not gonna lie.

“I’m just over here trying to make an honest living,” she fumes. “Just because I want a…a lipstick or a painting, doesn’t mean I can just take it. It’s theft!”

My mind drifts to my dad, stealing a lot more than ebooks. That doesn’t make her feelings any less valid, though.”

She whirls on me, jabbing a finger in my direction. “How would you feel if someone walked into your house, made themself a sandwich, and went to sleep in your bed?”

I wink at her. “Well, if it was you, I’d be pretty okay with that.”

She continues on, totally on a rant. “Like, if someone doesn’t have access to books, there are other ways…honest ways to get them. I don’t even remember how many free books I gave away just to get the word out. And there are legit free book promos all the time. You just need to sign up for newsletters to find out.”

“How can these websites get away with this?” I ask. “Can you send them a cease and desist?”

She sighs. “Trying to get them to take it down is like a never-ending game of Whack-A-Mole.”

“I’ll personally go over there and make them take it down,” I declare, puffing out my chest.

Maggie rolls her eyes. “A lot of them are overseas. One of them is in Iceland, and they don’t even give a flying puck who they steal from. Oh, and they have the AUDACITY to ask for donations! Donations for stealing someone’s intellectual property! It’s so trashy, I can’t even!”

“Give me names. Tell me who they are and I’m there,” I insist, feeling a surge of protectiveness. “I’ll get on a plane.”

For some twisted reason, the idea of avenging Maggie’s injustice is helping me cope with my dad issues—even though I know there’s really nothing I can do.

“I don’t remember,” she says. There are so many…maybe it was called PDF Oceans, Sea of Stolen Books…Pirates R Us…something like that.”

I’ve never wanted to call on my dad’s enforcers before, but now all I want to do is burn the whole world for her.

Fresh tears start anew, and she slumps into a sad heap. “I’m justsooootired,” she says, sobbing pitifully. “I feel cheated and angry and I just want to quit.”

I’m struck by how beautiful she is, even when she’s a mess.

Gawwd, I’m in trouble.

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