Page 48 of Offside Bride

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“You read the whole book! In one night?” A horrifying thought strikes me. What was Sawyer thinking as he turned each page? Was he laughing? Cringing? Taking notes? A deep blush creeps up my neck, knowing exactly what kinds of notes he’d be taking. Oh gosh. The broom closet scene. The chocolate sauce scene. ALL of chapter nineteen! And twenty-seven! And thirty-two. GAH!

This is fine. Everything’s fine. I’ll just…never look him in the eye again. Easy peasy.

Sawyer leans forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. “So, when can I expect the next one?”

“Next one?” I squeak. “There won’t be a next one. I’m not writing another book. Ever. I’m retiring from the romance writing business effective immediately.”

He raises an eyebrow. “That’s too bad. I liked it.”

I’m beyond mortified. The thought of him dissecting my romantic fantasies makes me want to dig a hole and live in it until I’m old and grey. I bury my face in my hands. “This cannot be happening,” I mutter.

Sawyer chuckles, clearly enjoying my discomfort. “You know, I particularly enjoyed that scene where the quarterback and the ice cream shop owner?—”

“Stop!” I yelp, peeking through my fingers. “Please, for the love of all that is holy, stop right there.”

He grins, leaning back in his chair. “What? I was just going to say I liked how they shared that sundae.”

“Right,” I say skeptically. “The sundae. That’s definitely what you were going to mention.”

He gets up, taking his bowl to the sink and rinsing it out.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a writer?”

I snort. “Do you tell me every little thing about you?”

“I’m not sure you’d want to know every little thing, Magpie.”

He’s still at the sink, his back to me, and he’s staring out the window. The maple trees are a crisp red and gold now. Soon the branches will be bare and covered in white.

“Oh, by the way,” he says, still not turning around to face me. “I won’t be home after morning practice today.”

“You’re staying at the stadium until the game?”

“No. I have a meeting,” he replies, still not turning around.

“What about your afternoon nap?” I ask, trying to sound casual.

“I’ll survive.”

I chew my lip, hesitating before asking, “Is it another family thing?”

“No.” His tone is clipped, clearly not wanting to discuss it further.

My mind races. Is this the same place he’s been going every week? The place where he gets his ‘needs’ met? Curse that Mrs. Pruitt for putting those ideas in my head.

The silence stretches between us, thick and uncomfortable. I continue to stare at his back, willing him to turn around and explain.

Finally, Sawyer sighs. “I can feel you glaring a hole in my back.”

Without thinking, I stick my tongue out at him.

“You’re sticking your tongue out at me, aren’t you?” he says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I gasp. “Whaaaa? How did you know?”

Sawyer chuckles, finally turning to face me. “I know all your sounds, Magpie. All of them.”

After Sawyer leaves for the day, I grab my phone and fire off a text to Emily.

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