Page 15 of Offside Bride

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My stomach is still churning over what Sawyer said a few moments ago. How he’d rather lose a huge endorsement deal than marry me. I don’t know why that bothers me so much. Personally, I’d rather shave my head than go on a single date with him, let alone marry the man. But to hear it like that. I’m both hurt and angry—just like I was that day he got me all hot and bothered, only to walk out.

So, I clear my throat, stare at Sawyer right in the eyes and say the exact thing he said to me right after he tugged the hem of my bridesmaid dress back into place and smoothed it over with his palm. “This just isn’t working for me, baby.”

I hear Emily applauding as I walk back into the house. I grab my purse that I’d left at the foot of the stairs, go up to my temporary bedroom, and plop on the bed, refusing to cry.

Wanting a distraction, I take out my phone to doom scroll my socials.

It’s then I discover an email notification. It’s from the apartment I’ve been waiting to hear from.

Please be good news, please be good news.

But when I read it, my heart sinks, and I’m almost tempted to go back downstairs to polish off the rest of those cookies.

Dear Miss Jones,

Thank you for your interest in renting the property at Spadina Crest Apartments. We regret to inform you that your rental application has been denied due to the followingreason(s): insufficient income, low credit score, negative rental history.

Our criteria ensures the successful tenancy of the residents within our community. While we cannot reconsider your application for this property, we recommend exploring alternatives that may better align with your current circumstances. Additionally, we encourage you to address any areas of concern mentioned in our evaluation.

Once again, we appreciate your interest in our property and wish you success in finding suitable housing. Thank you for your understanding.



Spadina Crest Apartments

I’d throw my phone across the room, but I can’t afford a new one. Instead, I very carefully tuck that precious phone into my pocket and content myself with digging through my moving boxes like a rabid raccoon to see if I need more supplies for my jewelry making business.

I’m not a quitter, and I refuse to lose. But most of all, I’ll do anything to prove I donotneed a man—especially not an arrogant hockey player with his millions of dollars or dazzling eyes or cornsilk hair…or miles and miles of muscles.

I do not need him in a house, I do not need him with a mouse.

And even if I did marry him, he’dsoooohate it—simply because it would cramp his style.

Wouldn’t that be funny? I can picture him trying to bring his dates home, but his good little wife would be waiting for him with a rolling pin or an iron frying pan. I could, in theory, do a lot of damage to his sex life. Actually, that doesn’t sound bad at all. It might be a lot of fun.

Cue the mustache twirl and diabolical laughter, because maybe I’m thinking crazy thoughts, or maybe… I might just be an evil genius.

"My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me."




Sneaking into the jeweler shop through the back-alley entrance isn’t how my younger self pictured ring shopping for my bride-to-be, but here we are.

My younger self would be appalled, actually, because there’s no element of surprise, no planning the perfect proposal—none of the usual things that come with an engagement. Then again if my younger self took one look at the crap-show of my life, he’d have freaked out a long time before today.

But my young, optimistic self died a sad, pitiful death exactly a year ago. Yeah, that guy was living in a fictional world and might still be in that same deranged dreamland if it weren’t for Dad and his greed.

If he hadn’t gone to prison.

But the deluge of hard truths is what hit the hardest. How me and my sister witnessed the disillusionment of every single thing we’d ever known. Our wholesome childhood. That white picket fence. The all-American picture-perfect family.

All lies.

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