Page 74 of Pucks and Pups

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“You’ve got this.”

I was confident before, but now, I feel like I’m on top of the world. “I love you,” I tell her, searching her eyes. “So much.”

She doesn’t dare look away as she says, “I love you too.”

We stay in each other’s arms for a long time, my cock deep inside her and my heart pounding just for her.

There is something visceral about her love.

Being on the receiving end of it is a gift I never thought I would ever get.



Louisa and Ciaran are getting married Friday.

But today, we are celebrating the Knoxville Bears’ victory. Or really, an annihilation. The Knoxville Bears swept the Hershey Bears with a display of pure domination. Elliot had the #BattleoftheBears hashtag going, but to me, there was no battle. It was the Knoxville Bears showing up to get their Cup. The games were incredible, and nothing in this world can touch the absolute satisfaction on my man’s face. Don’t get me wrong—he’s still grumpy and doesn’t smile in pictures, but he at least isn’t growling at anyone.

Well, he’s growling at Alex. It seems he always is, though.

They’ll keep all of us entertained at family dinners for years to come.

A small smile pulls at my lips as I take in how the whole town square is decorated for the Knoxville Bears. Banners fly from all the businesses, orange and black balloons bounce in the summer breeze, big displays of the guys during the run decorate the streets. The Bears logo is painted all over the place, mainly on major streets, and the main road in front of the courthousehas even been renamed Bears Row. Huge Bears flags hang in the shop windows, and everyone has come out to celebrate our Bears.

But I’m only here for one person.

Or rather, I’m here to stalk one person.

Riggs stands with his players, his lips pressed in a line as he nurses a beer. His eyes are bright, though, more milk chocolate than dark today. He wears a nice tailored black suit with an orange tie. I know his cuff links are little Knoxville Bears logos because I had them made for him. He looks as if he’s annoyed, and I know he is, but he is also very excited. I don’t know why he’s allowed his annoyance to come to the party, when it was his suggestion to keep our relationship under wraps until after Louisa’s wedding. We don’t want to distract Peepaw from the happiness of Louisa and Ciaran’s day. I agreed even though I didn’t want to, but I understood.

There is a chance that Peepaw will be upset by us being together, and we didn’t want to ruin any of the upcoming events. I just don’t like that Riggs looks like he’s getting a root canal at the dentist, rather than celebrating an outstanding Cup win.

I roll my eyes as I bring my phone up to text him.

Me: Smile.

I watch as he digs his phone out, and then I see his brows come in. He looks around, his eyes searching for me, but I know he wouldn’t be able to see me all the way from across the square. Plus, a fountain is blocking his view and is currently spurting orange water because Tennesseans tend to be a bit over the top when it comes to winning. I can see the frustration on his face when he can’t find me before the text comes back.

Riggs: No. I want you by me. Your hand in mine. I want people to know that you are mine.

I feel as if electricity is running through my body at his words. He is so intense, and I adore that about him.

Me: It’s better we wait till after the wedding.

Riggs: I have regrets about suggesting that.

Me: And I have regrets about agreeing, but it’ll be all good. I’ll just stand to the side and ogle you until you’re able to slip away.

Riggs: What am I slipping away for?

Me: To ravish me against the nearest surface. You look so damn good today.

I glance over at him, and I can’t help my smile at how his cheeks fill with color. He looks so bashful, so damn cute. So in love.

God, I love him.

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