Page 63 of Pucks and Pups

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She’s too much.

Too perfect.

Too everything.

I lean my elbows on the boards, caging her in so that our foreheads meet. “I’m always up for a challenge with you.” I kiss her nose. “Hey there, baby girl.”

Clara’s eyes glow with desire as she curves her lips. “Hey there, Riggs.”

“I thought you’d be home.”

“Nope. I came to the game, and then I decided I wanted to learn to skate.”

While she says one thing, her eyes say another.I came and I saw you lose, but I don’t care. I only care about you, and I want to be with you.Who am I to push her away? Especially when all I want is to hold her closer than ever. I kiss her nose once more before standing. I exhale and notice a pair of skates in her hand.

“Whose are those?”

“Elliot’s. I went to her office and stole them. We’re the same size, but I’m not sure how to put them on.” I’m confused since it’s easy, but why wouldn’t I want to do it for her so I can be between her knees?

I nod to the bench. “Alrighty, baby girl, take a seat. Let me lace ya up.”

She does as I ask and toes out of her orange sneakers. I take her ankle in my hand, putting the skate on her foot before lacing it up quickly. She watches as I work, her eyes intent on what I’m doing. It reminds me of when she watches me cook. She has such expressive eyes. She wants to learn everything there is to know, and I adore that about her. Clara is a real treasure to behold.

Once I get her skates on, I stand up, and she takes my outstretched hands. I have to hold back my chuckle when her legs shake, making her look like a wee little lamb.

I must be the big, bad wolf ’cause I want to eat her whole.

“I got you, baby girl.”

Her eyes shine for me, and I see no fear, only trust. I direct her out onto the ice, and she clutches on to me like a life preserver. Once we’re in the center of the ice, I hold her hands with one of mine and then bring my stick between us. “All right, put your hands in the center, and I’m going to pull you so you can get used to the feel of the ice under your skates.”

She nods eagerly, her eyes flashing with excitement. I take her around the rink twice, showing off a bit by speeding up while enjoying the view of her hair flying behind her and the flush filling her face. Said face breaks into a big grin, her eyes wide and giddy as I pull her around a third time. Then I show her how to really dig into the ice, moving her skates to do all the work. She catches on quickly, as I knew she would, but when it’s time to let go of the stick, her arms go flying, and I catch her around the waist. “Steady now.”

A giggle escapes her. “That was scary! I lost my balance.”

“I saw,” I chuckle, kissing the side of her mouth. “Focus now. You can do it.”

She sends me a little grin before I guide her by her hips, and she starts to skate. She’s natural, all strength and beauty, as she skates away from me. When I catch up to her, I clap my hands, and she beams up at me. She takes my hand in hers, and we thread our fingers together. She looks down at them, and before I can catch her, she lands on her booty with an oomph.

She hisses as she leans onto her hip, rubbing her ass cheek. “Ow!”

I gather her up quickly. “Shit, baby girl. You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, but that sucked.”

“Yeah, your ass isn’t big enough to cushion you from a fall,” I tease, and she smacks my chest. I kiss her nose. “Told ya I was an amazing coach.”

She gives me a pointed look. “You’re the best coach I know.” She threads her fingers with mine again, and we start to skate. “Talk to me.”

I press my lips together, and she squeezes my hand. I look over to see her watching me, support shining in those navy depths. “I feel like I failed. We should have won. I know that not all games are wins, but fuck, I wanted this one. I wanted to be done with the series. I wanted to move on to the next round and win the Cup.”

She nods. “Are you still playing for the Cup?”

I side-eye her, confused. “You know I am.”

“Then you’re not failing,” she says simply. “You’re still in this. The boys are going to rally, and let’s be honest, they play better in Michigan. Should they have won this game? Yeah, it was tight, but whatever. At least you’re still playing.”

I know she’s right, and hell, I almost said the same thing to my boys. But why didn’t I believe my own words when I wassaying them? Why did I feel like a fraud in front of my team? Yet, this beautiful girl with her killer eyes and bratty attitude tells me almost word for word what I already yelled at my boys, and I’m hanging on every word she says. “You’re right.”

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