Page 89 of The Dryad's Embrace

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I couldn’t let that happen. I hated the humans, and Ava had ripped apart everything that had once defined me, but Lorraine didn’t deserve to suffer for someone else’s mistakes.

While I walked through the trees, I sent my magic out again, trying to find her. She was fading. Fast. I struggled to get a read on where she was. Before, I hadn’t been able to pinpoint her exactly, but at least I’d known the direction she was in. Now, with her life draining slowly out of her the further and longer she was away from the vale, I could barely detect where she was.

I had to get out there and go after her. If I could get closer, I would be able to track her down.

I had to bring her back.

“Look at you, all worked up,” Dolus said, leaning against a tree in front of me. He wore his usual black shirt and pants. His thick, muscular arms were folded over his chest. His attitude was casual, but the vibe rolling off him was everything but relaxed.

“I can’t talk right now,” I said gruffly.

“Yeah, the human girl. Missing. The forest is buzzing with the news.”

Was it? I hadn’t noticed.

“I have to get to her before it’s too late,” I said.

“Why do you care so much?” Dolus asked.

I stopped and frowned at Dolus. “Does it matter?”

“Of course it matters,” Dolus said. “You keep telling me she’s not a distraction, she’s not holding you back from wanting to give it all up, to change it all, but all I see is you focused on someone who can expire so quickly.”

I shook my head. “It’s my fault, so I have to bring her back.”

“You could just let her die.”

“I’m not letting her die,” I bit out. “I forced her into the vale with me, binding her here by sleeping with her. The least I can do is get her back.”

Dolus shook his head and sneered. “You’re a very noble creature, you know that?”

“Something tells me that’s not a compliment.”

“Oh, it’s not,” Dolus said. “I thought you were serious about leaving it all behind.”

“I am,” I said. Gods, let him not take that away from me because of this. Me fucking Lorraine had already gotten me into too much shit. If it screwed up my way out of here…

“Loyalty and nobility… they don’t fit into a picture where you’re willing to betray your own kind.”

“I’m not betraying anyone!” I cried out.

“Of course you are. You want to turn your back on who you are, on your duties as a protector of the forest, for personal reasons. It’s selfish.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but Dolus held up his hand to stop me.

“I never said being selfish is a bad thing,” he said. “I get it—you deserve to think of yourself for a change, and I’m here to help you figure your shit out so you can get out of here. This thing with this girl… it doesn’t add up.”

“It will be fine,” I said. “I’m just getting her back so her death isn’t on me, and then I’ll move on with my life.”

“Will you, though?” Dolus asked.

“You keep challenging me like you don’t believe me,” I said through gritted teeth. I was getting pissed off. I had to get out there to save Lorraine, and Dolus was wasting my time, but I couldn’t tell him to fuck off and come back when I had time for him. He was a god, after all, and deserved some modicum of respect. He was also my only ticket out of the life I’d come to hate.

I hated to say it, but I needed him.

“You’re right, you’re right, no need to get testy,” Dolus said, offering me a broad grin. “I’m just here to remind you what your priorities are. I’m sticking my neck out for you, arranging this transfer. It’s in my best interest to know if you’re serious.”

“I’m serious,” I said. “I’m trying to make things right so that my end is clean and I can go without something holding me back.”

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