Page 21 of The Dryad's Embrace

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“You’ll do the right thing,” Artemis said.

I nodded and watched as she walked away from me, touching the trunks of the trees she passed, sharing her love for us woodland spirits.

She trusted me to do the right thing, but I knew myself better than she did.

You’ll do the right thing.

Would I?



Iwalked through the cabin to the bedroom where I’d slept and shut the door as if I wasn’t alone in the house.

It wasn’t anyone else I was trying to shut out. It was my thoughts.

My mind spun. I’d felt something with Ash, a pull I couldn’t ignore. I’d let him touch me, kiss me, taste me. If he’d continued, I would have let him take it all the way. I would have let him fuck me.

I’d wanted him to.

What was wrong with me? I wasn’t like this. I didn’t just sleep with anyone. After Oscar and what he’d done to me, I didn’t want any kind of man ever again.

Except Ash, apparently.

I wanted him so badly, it almost hurt. My body hummed in the aftermath of my orgasm, and I could still feel his hands on my skin, his mouth cupped around my sex, and his hot tongue, branding me so that I would never forget.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts.

Despite the hard blows to my head when the men had taken me, my head didn’t hurt. I should have had a concussion. They’d hit me so damn hard, I’d passed out.

But right now, I didn’t feel a thing.

I pressed my fingers against my temple in thought.

I glanced down at my other arm. The cuts and scrapes had healed even more, it seemed. They were barely visible now. The sickly yellow bruises had faded enough that I couldn’t see them anymore. I pressed my skin where I knew they’d been, but I felt nothing.

What was going on here?

Something about this place was all wrong. To the naked eye, it was just a cabin in the woods, but the moment I’d stepped into this part of the forest with Ash, I had felt a shiver running over my skin. A cold finger tracing a line down my spine.

Cat would have loved this.The air is filled with magic, she would have said.

Cat and her dreams. Cat and her musings.

Could she have been right?

I shook off that thought, too. Of course, she wasn’t right. Stuff like that didn’t exist.

Did it?

Thinking about Cat made my stomach twist and turn with panic. Where was my little sister? Was she safe? Had Oscar sold her, too? I had no way of reaching her—I’d left my cell in the bedroom when I’d gone to the living room to help Oscar, and they’d taken me with nothing but the clothes on my back.

Out here in the forest, there was nothing. The cabin didn’t even have electricity. I doubted there’d be a cell signal.

Maybe I could find a pay phone in a town nearby. I needed to find out if Cat was okay. Then I could hide out however long it took.

I just needed to know.

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