Page 74 of His Mansion

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Melanie slapped Nathan on the knee. “Dude, none of my ‘boyfriends’ were old enough to have five o’clock shadow. Plus there was that scent—probably only deodorant, but I knew the type you wore. I smelled it the instant you opened the door.”

Nathan groaned as he rubbed his temples. “Shit.”

She smirked. “Anyway, he finally stopped being a chicken and kissed me. Never slipped me any tongue, much to my dismay, but he held the back of my neck, and I think I nearly came from that alone. It was as if I’d stuck my finger in a light socket and gotten an electric zap that went all the way down to my toes.”

Derrick laughed as Nathan pretended to be electrocuted, shaking his limbs and torso rapidly. Melanie smiled happily at Derrick, her body warm and intimate with his. She reached for his hand, linking their fingers together.

Derrick basked in the obvious connection she was making with him.

“I’m sorry I ruined all your teenage fantasies.” Nathan winked, then poked the fire thoughtfully.

Her tongue slipped out to moisten her lips a second before she spoke. “Well, we all have to grow up sometime.”

She turned and brought her lips next to Derrick’s. The warmth of her breath washed his cheek, and she brushed her lips against him before whispering in his ear, “I want to make love to you by the fire.”

Oh hell.His dick flashed to rock hard, the images of flickering light dancing over her bare skin driving up his lust. “And Nathan?”

She drew back far enough to look Derrick in the eye. “I want him to take pictures. For his book.”

Was it hypocritical his mind protested the idea of being on display like that while he longed to seehernaked in the firelight? “Of us making love? That sounds rather kinky.”

Melanie rolled her eyes. “Well, I don’t want to make a porn flick, but if he can take pictures and make them—presentable—I’m game. If he’s interested.”

A sharp gasp escaped Nathan. “Are you serious?”

Melanie nodded. “Serious. Nat—” She paused, then the rest of her words rushed out. “I’ve thought about it all evening. I like you, and you turn me on, but it’s Derrick I want to be with.”

Derrick’s heart swelled. Her confession made everything that much brighter.

Nathan touched his fingers to her cheek. “And I have no trouble with that. Honest. I like you too, and I understand.”

She broke free and stood, stepping to the edge of the firelight and grinning at them both even as her chest continued to heave. “Tell me what to do.”

“Monkey, you’ve just made my year. Let me grab my camera bag.” Nathan leapt up and scrambled toward his gear. Derrick glanced at Melanie thoughtfully.

“You sure about this?”

She nodded. “I’ve been trying to force another panic attack, and it’s not happening. Being with you two has been perfect. Since this photo shoot means a lot to Nathan, I thought this might be a good time. I loved those shots he showed us earlier. I really, really want to try this.”

Derrick leaned back on the cushioned log, letting his admiration for her show. “Then I really, really want to see you naked.”

She looked out from under hooded lashes. “Even if it means you might be in some of the shots?”

Nathan had said all the pictures would be theirs to veto. “I get to make love with you. How could there possibly be a downside to this scenario?”

He stripped off his T-shirt before rising to his feet and reaching out a hand. She slipped into his arms so perfectly, the soft flannel of her shirt teasing his naked chest as he held her tight to his torso. One hand he spread wide over the curve of her lower back, with the other he reached up and caught her neck. Nibbling along her jaw, sneaking up on her lips to make her his. It was going to be his touch that took her all the way to paradise.

Beside them, Nathan drifted like a helpful specter, rearranging the heavy blanket closer to the fire, smoothing it out. Then he moved in one last time and kissed Melanie’s shoulder, stroking his fingers down her back. “Have fun, kids.”

He faded out of the light. Became only a darkened figure in the background, another of the flickering shadows dancing in their peripheral vision. Derrick forgot he was there. Forgot everything except the woman before him and the fact she wanted him.

One button at a time he opened her shirt, the smooth glow of her skin between the swathes of fabric appearing golden in the firelight. She hadn’t pulled on a bra. Derrick’s mouth watered as he stepped back to admire her.

Melanie’s gaze caught his, trapped him. Held him like an animal mesmerized in a bright light. Only the light came from within her as she shrugged off her shirt and let it fall to the ground. His gaze dipped to her naked breasts, peaked nipples revealing her own arousal.

“Take it off,” he ordered. Derrick palmed his erection, rubbing forcefully to give a moment’s respite from the aching need he had to fill her completely. “Take it all off and show me how incredible you are.”

The hesitation she’d shown a few days previous had vanished. She snuck her fingers into the waistline of her pants and slid them down, stepping out from the puddle of fabric. Her skin glowed in the firelight, and even the smooth flawless right half of her torso was dappled with patchy colour from the flickering flames. The tiny pair of panties she wore covered only the smallest part of her mound, silky ribbons all that held the sides over her hips.

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