Page 63 of His Mansion

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“Not…seduce. I want her to be able to call all the shots.” Derrick leaned one hip on his desk, tension hovering around him. As if every muscle waited on the edge of exploding. “Level with me—do you find her attractive?”

Nathan reeled back.Just the type of question I want to answer to a seemingly jealous boyfriend with enough muscles to beat me silly.Fine, Derrick was going to ask the tough ones? Nathan went for broke. Maybe he was about to get a fist to the face, but screw it. “Hell yeah. I’ve been thinking about her ever since I got the bloody assignment.”

“That’s what I thought. And if I hadn’t been in the picture, you would have done what?”

This wasn’t happening. “You’re a strange bastard, Derrick. I would have asked her out while I was here. But she’s not alone. You two are seeing each other. I don’t mess with other guys’ women, not when they’re in a happy relationship.”

“She wants you.”

The instant silence in the room rang in his ears. Then anger joined his confusion. Maybe Derrick was going to be the one nursing some bruises soon. “What kind of boyfriend are you? Are you trying to pimp her out or what?”

Derrick rose to his full height, which let him peer down at Nathan with a rather intimidating presence. “Shut. Up. That’s the farthest thing from what I’m suggesting. God damn it, I’m just—” He turned to slam a fist on the surface of his desk. “Fuck.”

He shook his head and dragged a chair over, collapsing onto it as he leaned his elbows on the desk. Nathan waited, ready to bolt, still wondering how the hell this turn of events had happened. He hadn’t dreamed it though—Derrick had suggested he let Melanie know he was attracted to her.

Derrick made eye contact before speaking quietly. “She’s been self-conscious of her body since the accident. You saw some of that in the gym the other day, but it’s not just a cosmetic issue. The questions she used to get from the public are annoying, but it’s deeper than that. Some asshole insulted her the first time she attempted sex, and until I came along, she’d been letting her sensuality get buried by fear.”

“Shit.” The urge to go and rearrange the idiot’s face flashed white-hot. “Who was he?”

“Doesn’t matter.” Derrick pointed a finger in his direction. “What is important is the fact that you turn her on. She’s had this major crush on you since she was a teen, and if you had shown disgust in her body and scars, the impact would have been devastating.”

Nathan frowned. He’d known about the crush. Kind of been counting on getting to take advantage of that attraction now that they were both grown-ups. “What’s wrong with her body?”

Derrick grinned, and the anxiety level in the room dropped. Maybe this wasn’t going to end in physical violence. “Exactly—there’s nothing wrong, but you’re probably the only other guy she knows who seesherand not some mass of scarring.” He gestured to the chair next to him and Nathan sat. The conversation was unbelievable, and yet made perfect sense.

“That’s a screwed-up thing to do to a woman. Melanie went through hell and back physically recovering from the accident. I’d like to find out who the jerk was and make sure he knows better than to hurt someone like that ever again.”

“I agree, but at the same time, it’s more important to be there for Mel, as satisfying as administering justice would be.”

They stared at each other, the gentle sounds of the small town making their way in through the open window. The conversation turned in a new direction, as if there was a connection between them. No longer were they were on either side trying to get Melanie’s attention, but on the same side, buoying her up. Nathan took a deep breath. “Now that I’m over my shock, can you try that again? What exactly do you want me from me?”

“I’m not suggesting you do anything you don’t want. I’m not telling you Melanie will even agree. The only thing I’m saying is that as her friend, and more, I’m fine with you letting her know how attractive she is. Even if that includes things of a mildly sexual nature. I’m going to be there one hundred percent of the time, but this could be something that helps get her past a tough part of her recovery.”

Nathan shook his head. “The whole idea is bizarre. I mean, it makes sense, but it’s not anything I’ve ever heard of before.”

“I know, but I think this relationship between Mel and me has the potential to be long term. I’d far prefer to have her face this side issue of her body image with you, someone she trusts, and now, than have her carrying the hurt for longer and have to deal with this shit somewhere down the road.”

“You’re still a fucked-up bastard, you know that. Right?”

Derrick laughed, slapping his hand on Nathan’s knee. “Trust me, I was the first one to realize that.”

Unbelievable. Nathan paused, realizing this was one of those moments where he could head down two different paths and his world would be totally different because of his choice.

Only this time, the decision wouldn’t only affect him.

Derrick rose to his feet. “We’ll be two days in the bush. Just—act natural.” He grinned at Nathan. “Sweet-talk her like you’ve been doing.”

Bastard. “Are you going to tell her what you told me?” Nathan couldn’t imagine how to even start that conversation. This one had been freaky enough.

Derrick raised a brow. “When it’s needed, yes, but for now, I’d like to just play it by ear. What do you say?”

There was no way he was turning down this opportunity. Nathan let his grin loose. “I’d say Melanie is going to damn well know that she’s an attractive woman by the time we get through with her.”


Gumby: A novice climber.

Melanie rolled her head, stretching the tight muscles in her shoulders in an attempt to loosen them. After the drive to the trailhead, the hike, and setting up in their remote campsite, she’d thought they’d take it easy for a few hours, but no… Immediately after lunch Nathan hauled out his camera equipment and started gushing about the light being perfect.

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