Page 48 of His Mansion

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She stiffened, but her fingers continued their teasing touch at the base of his skull. “I want that too, but…”

He cupped the back of her head and held her tight. Maybe it would be easier if she didn’t meet his eyes. Maybe it was the wrong time of the month, as if that wasn’t the most awkward question ever. “But what? Not a good time right now?”

Melanie out-and-out laughed, leaning back to display a smirk. “Oh God, sorry for making you ask. No, it’s nothing like that, but I am…embarrassed.” Her words tumbled out in a rush as if she had to say it quickly, or not at all. “I’ve got scars from the accident. I wasn’t sure what you’d think of them.”

All the tension that had built in him as he’d considered the dire reasons she could have for putting him off slipped away in a smooth eddy of relief. “I’ve got a few scars of my own. Thirty years of rock climbing and outdoor adventures invites wear and tear on the body. I don’t think there will be a problem.”

“Yeah, well…that’s what someone else told me too. Only it was a problem.”

Shit. As soon as she uttered the words she’d gone as rigid in his arms as a tightly coiled spring. Suddenly he understood. “Is that why it’s been so long since you’ve had sex? You think guys don’t appreciate what you look like? Or did some ass insult you and you never tried again?”

She hung her head. “Walked out on me in disgust.”

Rage flashed inside, along with a deep need to take apart the guy one piece at a time.

“He was an idiot.” He cupped her chin and waited until she looked him fully in the eye. “I swear there’s nothing about your body that can make me not want you. You’ve been driving me crazy since the minute you walked through the door of my club.”

She raised a brow. “Even though I’ve worn nothing but long pants and full sleeves since day one?”

Derrick smoothed a hand down her cheek, reveling in the heat she exuded. “It’s not just about the way you look. Your stubborn determination to learn to climb again is more of a turn-on to me than seeing you in a skimpy pair of underwear with flawless skin. The way you move makes me hard. I smell your skin, and I’m ready to beg you to touch me.”

“God, you’re good.”

He trailed his fingertips down the front of her shirt, scraping a nail over her nipple and smiling as it popped up to poke the fabric. “It’s the truth. You tell me—any of your injuries affect what we can and can’t do when we get naked?”

Her nipple fascinated him, and he continued to play with it, teasing lightly in circles, pressing the tight nub with his fingers. It took a minute for him to register she hadn’t responded. He glanced up to see her pull her mouth shut and a red flush staining her cheeks.

“When we get naked, there is nothing we can’t do.”

He let his satisfaction show. “Then there’s nothing to worry about. Will you come home with me? So we can do the naked thing?”

Melanie straightened her back, but her smile was nothing but naughty. “Oh, yeah. If you’re sure, I’d like that very much.”

It normally took him fifteen minutes to walk home from the park. With all their pauses to kiss each other, they didn’t make it to the gate of his backyard for thirty. Once he yanked the stubborn thing open, she was back in his arms and he had her pressed against the solid wood, their mouths together again as he gave in to the need to massage her breasts through her shirt.

The compact mounds just filled his hands, her nipples spearing into his palms. A growl escaped, tearing from his lips as his desire broke free. He bent over and nipped at the hard peak through the thin material and she moaned. Moisture from his mouth soaked her shirt, and he sucked right through the fabric, making her squirm. It wasn’t enough, not nearly. It took all his will power to draw away, staring at the wet circle left behind. “I want to taste you, everywhere.”

His voice had dropped a level, dark and lust-filled. Behind his jeans, his cock pressed the fabric to its limits, his balls tight to his body as she writhed against him.

“Not outside. Please?”

Of course not. Not considering she was concerned about showing herself in the first place. The thought of seeing her totally nude in the sunlight did crazy things to his groin though, and there was no way he could walk right now. He propped his hands on either side of her head and gave her one last needy kiss before pulling back.


He unburied his keys from his pocket and dangled them in front of her. Melanie grinned mischievously, snatched them from his fingers and ducked under his arm. She ran down the back path and halfway up the stairs to the deck before he could follow. He chased her with an exaggerated roar. She fumbled at the lock before popping it open and slipping inside with him right on her heels.

The back door opened onto the kitchen, but she darted through into the next room, dodged around the couch and coffee table and scrambled for the stairs. He slowed, letting her remain ahead of him.

She paused at the top of the landing and leaned over the railing to beam at him. “Shall I make myself at home?”

His cheeks ached from grinning so much. “Please do. Anywhere you want to go is fine with me.”

Melanie disappeared around the corner, and he stomped his way after her, deliberately loud as he took each step, loving how her responding laugh echoed off the walls. He slowed as he reached the door of his bedroom. Every nerve in his body wanted to grab her and bury himself deep, but his brain was getting the biggest kick out of the whole chase scene.

He hadn’t had a lover he could play with in a long time.

She waited on the far side of his mattress, the curtain half-drawn behind her. Backlit, her hair tumbled around her, a halo of shimmering highlights. “Am I being too forward?”

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