Page 2 of Bitter Confessions

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Thea sighed and continued chopping. “What happened next in this book you read, miss?”

“Oh!” Jasmine tried to remember where she’d left off. “Eventually, Amir and Naida discover the ship her father was working on sank, but several men survived. They visit the island where the survivors were taken. From the moment they arrive, she notices Amir is getting a lot of attention, and everyone seems to know him. Can you guess why?” Jasmine bounced on her toes, so giddy she couldn’t contain herself. When Thea shook her head, she shouted, “He was a prince!”

“Is that so?”

“I was hoping Amir was the son of an infamous pirate, but being a prince is cool too,” Jasmine said with a shrug as she coated a carrot in the garlic yogurt sauce. “Amir fled the kingdom before he could be forced into marriage. It makes sense why so many helped them along the way—they recognized Amir and knew he would repay them generously once he took the throne.”

Thea slid a pyramid of chicken kabobs in front of Jasmine—enough to feed a whole family. Her stern finger-point made it clear she expected Jasmine to eat a few.

“I’m so glad one of the survivors was Naida’s father.” Jasmine’s eyes welled as she recalled the touching scene. “I was starting to think her father died and she’d be left with no family, but...” She waved her hand and continued. “The king was told about his son’s return. He tells Amir if he takes his rightful place as king, he can marry whoever he chooses.” She pressed a hand over her fluttering heart. “Amir proposes to Naida. She has to choose between her simple, peaceful life with her father or one bound by duty.”

Thea’s busy hands paused. “What did she choose?”

Jasmine paused. Thea never asked questions. Most of the time, she wasn’t sure Thea was even listening. That didn’t stop her from regaling the housekeeper with every interesting tale she felt was worth sharing. Yesterday, she’d trailed after Thea helping her dust and change bedsheets, so she could tell the housekeeper about her latest read before Thea shooed her away.

“Well, the queen wasn’t happy to hear that her son wanted to marry a fisherman’s daughter. She told Naida she would never be accepted once her poor background became common knowledge. The queen said she wasn’t suitable to rule at Amir’s side.”

Jasmine flushed with anger, just as she did when she read that horrible scene. Amir’s mom was a witch.

“The queen wasn’t the only one who had something unkind to say. He has these awful sisters as well, who were causing all kinds of trouble. It made Naida realize how difficult this path would be, and that this man, who she thought she had so much in common with, came from a completely different world. She wasn’t sure she could live up to everyone’s expectations, so even though she loved Amir, she turned him down.”

Thea’s brows shot up in surprise. “And she goes home with her father?”

“I know!” Jasmine burst out. “I nearly threw the book across the room. There were so few pages left, I thought they might actually...” She took a deep breath and held up both hands. “A year passes—a whole year—before he shows up, declaring he still loves her and is willing to give up the throne and live a simple life with her.” She did a happy twirl before she composed herself. “Isn’t that romantic, Thea?”

“And who will rule once his father dies?”

Another question. This had to be a record for Thea. “Thankfully, Naida had already decided he was worth the ridicule and challenges that would come. In the end, they decide to rule his kingdom together and live happily ever after.”

“That’s nice, dear.”

“It was glorious.” Jasmine’s face crumped as she slumped against the counter. “I want my own Amir.”

“I’m sure your father will find the perfect man for you.”

“I want us to go on adventures and see the world.” She stared out at the still lake and wished it were a stormy, churning sea. “I want a man who’s willing to give up a kingdom for me.”

“I don’t know how many men your father knows who have kingdoms,” Thea teased, “but they own impressive real estate and companies.”

Jasmine’s disgusted look made Thea snicker.

“I want a prince!”

“There’s precious few of those, and do you really want the responsibilities that come with being a princess? You get so stressed when your father calls you to the city for parties, and you didn’t care for those dance lessons he made you take.”

“Thea! Stop ruining my fantasy!” Jasmine wailed.

“I’m just saying, miss. You of all people can guess what comes with that kind of life. Is that what you really want?”

Memorizing key political figures, learning the customs and languages of the region, endless social events, strict etiquette and protocol... Jasmine wrinkled her nose.

“Not a prince then,” she said glumly. “But someone powerful and influential.”

“Like a businessman?” Thea supplied helpfully, ignoring Jasmine’s glare. “A businessman could take time off for adventures,” Thea wheedled. “And your father wouldn’t consider a man who didn’t have as much power and influence as himself. What if this man is willing to give up his company for you instead of a kingdom?”

It wasn’t nearly as romantic, but it would have to do. “Okay, but he has to love me to death.”

“Why wouldn’t he?”

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