Page 61 of Bitter Secrets

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“He wants me to see his connections and know I can’t reach any of them without him, right?”

She was stunned by his calm, accepting manner.

“Unusual method, but effective.”

She searched his face. “You’re taking this really well.”

“I got my foot in the door. That’s enough for now.”

Behind her, she could hear people talking. They were less than fifteen feet away, but for Roth, it might as well be miles. He watched the crowd intently, but made no move to engage. How many times had he been rebuffed before he got the message and retired to the sidelines? Once more, she took in his casual clothes. Had Dad lied to him about the dress code or not told him on purpose? The fact that he brazened it out spoke volumes. His confidence and poise were astounding. She remembered Dad’s amazement that Roth had come so far with so little resources and connections.Sheer grit, Dad said, yet he invited Roth here with the sole purpose of humbling him. Dad and his friends were a bunch of bullies and liked to watch newbies flounder on their turf. He wanted to show Roth what his life could be like and the privileges that came with being part of his inner circle, but it came at a cost. He wanted Roth to grovel. How many hoops would Roth have to jump through before Dad deigned to throw him a bone? She couldn’t imagine this man bowing down to her father, as so many others had. And why should he?

A strange burn sputtered to life in her belly. She had been born into this world and didn’t feel like she belonged, but here was a man who made it on his own, and they were still treating him like an outsider. It wasn’t right. He deserved their respect, not their disdain.

She whirled and eyed the crowd. It took her less than a minute to notice that Dad and a handful of venture capitalists were missing. They were off discussing the deal that Dad teased Roth about and would never let him be a part of.

“Who did you speak to?” she asked sharply.

When Roth didn’t answer, she glanced back at him.

“Who did you approach before?”

Those eyes raked over her face before he rattled off the names of the most prominent venture capitalists. Dad must have warned them about Roth, but that didn’t mean everyone got the memo.

She scanned the crowd and was pleased to see her sisters were also absent. A strange recklessness stole through her.

She held out her hand. “Come.”

When no hand landed in hers, she clucked her tongue.

“What’s with you? Are you a germaphobe or—?”

A large hand engulfed hers. She blinked. His hands were rough and calloused. Most of the men in this room got regular manicures, and the others she interacted with didn’t have the types of jobs or hobbies that would cause their hands to feel like sandpaper. Is that why he hadn’t taken her hand when she offered hers the first time? She pushed away the theories that crowded her mind and stepped forward.

“Where are we going?”

“To make the most of a crappy night,” she said as she linked her arm through his and led him to the masses.

She saw people’s heads turn as they approached, and noted the narrowed eyes and sudden cold shoulders. Most had probably taken note of the investors' reactions to Roth, and were copying the behavior instead of finding out who he was and why he hadn’t been escorted out if he truly didn’t belong here.

There were some who would allow an introduction, but there was a group in here that would appreciate the full scope of Roth’s accomplishments if they would give him a chance. Befriending key venture capitalists would be ideal, but since that option wasn’t available, the next best thing would be for Roth to make a connection with someone else. All he needed was one person here to believe in him, and It didn’t have to be her father.

Matthew was the first to notice their approach. He elbowed Lincoln, who turned to see what caught his eye. Their grins faded, but she didn’t let that stop her. Julius and Preston instinctively backed up, creating a natural space in their circle that she and Roth fit into nicely.

“I wanted to introduce you to James Roth,” she said with a winning smile. “He was invited tonight by my father.”

“Was he?” Lincoln said dubiously.

“I thought he came to the wrong party,” Julius said snidely.

“No, he’s right where he should be,” she said brightly and hoped Julius read the threat behind her smile. “You know how selective Dad is about his guest list.”

Julius didn’t look impressed, but Matthew and Lincoln were no longer looking at Roth’s clothes and were eyeing him thoughtfully. When she made introductions, Matthew was the first to extend his hand. The look of surprise on his face when he shook Roth’s leathery hand confirmed her suspicions about why Roth avoided handshakes. The other guys grudgingly followed Matthew’s lead, except Julius who excused himself and joined another group. She hoped he wasn’t planning to follow in his father’s footsteps. No governor would go far if he was so prejudiced. She was tempted to bash him with her clutch, but she restrained herself and focused on the open-minded ones who remained and were waiting for more.

“What does Maximus want with you?” Lincoln asked.

“Dad’s been following his career,” she interjected before Roth could speak. “He started at Stanford and then graduated from Columbia.” She turned to Carlton. “That’s where you want to go, right?”

Carlton grunted and beckoned a server to order a drink.

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