Page 143 of Bitter Secrets

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She broke away from Roth and stumbled in her haste to get to her brother-in-law.

“Watch your fucking feet,” Roth snapped from behind her.

Apparently, Lyle was worried too because he came forward with his hand outstretched. When he was close enough, she threw herself at him. As his arms closed around her, her tenuous hold on her emotions shattered, and she burst into tears. Two weeks traveling in foreign countries with no constant besides Mo, Johan, and Roth made her feel like she hadn’t seen him in six months. To see him in Portugal, of all places, sent her into a state of giddy shock. She pulled back with a big smile as tears streamed down her face.

“What are you doing here?”

His eyes fixed on something over her shoulder before they flicked down to her. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m…” She let out a slightly hysterical laugh as he mopped up her face with his handkerchief. “I’m so happy to see you. Is Colette and Polara here too?”

“No, they’re home. I had some business in Morocco. When Colette told me you were here, I decided to pop in and see how you were doing.” His eyes raked over her face. “All’s well?”

“Yes. We spent the day exploring Sintra and then came here to watch the sunset. I wish you told me you were coming. You could have come with us.”

“Youwent sightseeing?”

Lyle stared at a point over her head.

“Roth took the day off and came with us,” she answered for him.

Lyle refocused on her. “Us?”

She turned and pointed as Johnny and Aleixo approached. “You remember Johnny Salazar?”

Lyle’s scowl faded. “I’ll be damned,” he said quietly before he stepped forward. “Johnny, I didn’t know you lived in Portugal.”

“Been here a couple of years. I’m happy that Jasmine reached out to me.” Johnny shook Lyle’s hand. “I haven’t seen you in, what, nine years?”

“Around there.”

“This is my partner, Aleixo. Aleixo, this is Lyle Caruso, Jasmine’s brother-in-law and one of the best hedge fund managers there is.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Can you join us for dinner?” Johnny rubbed his hands together in an attempt to keep them warm. “There’s a great seafood restaurant not far from here. Our treat.”

Lyle shot Jasmine a veiled look she couldn’t read. “I think I will.”

She glanced at the darkening sky. “We should get off the path while we can still see.”

When they reached the parking lot, she wasn’t surprised to see Lyle had a car waiting. His driver looked vaguely familiar.

“Where’s this restaurant?” Lyle asked.

“It’s a five-minute drive from here. Just follow us.”

Lyle slid an arm over her shoulders. “Jasmine will ride with me so we can catch up.”

“Lyle,” she began, but he gave her a squeeze to silence her.

Lyle gave Roth a challenging look. “You can bear to be parted from your wife for five minutes, can’t you?”

His insolent tone made her pinch his side. Johnny and Aleixo looked on with wide eyes, clearly picking up on Lyle’s poorly concealed hostility. She wanted to stomp his foot. Roth arrived on the scene with his fists swinging, and now Lyle was trying to start a fight. They were giving Americans a bad name. Couldn’t she get through one day without drama? Mo and Johan didn’t take their eyes off Lyle’s driver, who wandered over, clearly ready to engage if necessary.

She rolled her eyes and defused the tension by blowing a kiss at Roth. “I’ll see you there, baby.”

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