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An hour later, he received a notification letting him know that Blade returned. He dismissed it, shut down the laptop, and drew Lyla against his chest. He slipped his hand beneath the robe and gripped her breast. Her rough, raised scars rubbed against his skin, a reminder that it was a fucking miracle she was here. He buried his face in her hair and drew in her scent.

He wasn’t sure when he drifted off, but he woke to the sound of her ragged breathing. Lyla was trembling like a plucked string. He turned on a light and saw that she was covered in sweat. Her brows were drawn together, and her hands rose, reaching for something.


Her eyes opened halfway, showing only white and no hint of blue. He shook her and got more than he bargained for when she swung a balled fist, clipping him on the jaw. He cursed and pinned her arms over her head. She fought him for all she was worth, body bowing, limbs thrashing.


One sweaty hand slipped out of his. Her nails came right for his eyes. He deflected but not quickly enough. She raked her nails down his cheek. The burn roused his beast. He gave her a rough shake, which slammed her teeth together. Her eyes finally opened, but there was no recognition, only bloodlust.

“Lyla, wake the fuck up.”

She bared her teeth at him and let out a bloodcurdling scream that raised the hair on the nape of his neck. It was a war cry filled with fury and pain. Before she finished, Nora’s piercing cry split the air. Lyla went silent and blinked rapidly, her maternal instinct overcoming her nightmare. Her dilated pupils finally focused on him. She trembled uncontrollably, face ghost white.

“You with me?” he asked.

Her eyes closed, but not before he saw the glimmer of wet. She covered her face with shaking hands.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“It’s just a dream.” He wanted to comfort her, but Nora was screaming at the top of her lungs.

“Could you see to her? I-I can’t …”

“I’ll be back.”

He rolled out of bed and stepped into the hallway. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Blade clear the stairs and head in his direction. He entered the nursery, pulled Nora out of the crib, and tucked the baby under his chin while her tiny tears hit his chest.

Blade stopped a few feet away. His eyes touched on Gavin’s cheek before it went across the hall to the master suite.

“You heard her?” Gavin asked.

Blade held up his wrist, showing his watch, which vibrated if there were any spikes in Lyla’s heart monitor. Blade should have disabled it since Gavin was home, but he wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t. Blade never let down his guard and was bonded to Lyla and Nora in a way Gavin never expected when he appointed him as Lyla’s bodyguard.

“She okay?” Blade asked.

He nuzzled Nora who hiccupped against his chest. “It was a bad one.”

“No shit.” Blade held his hands out for Nora. “I’ll take care of her. See to Lyla.”

He handed the baby to Blade and was mildly peeved when Nora instantly quieted at Blade’s stern, “Hush.” He entered their room and stopped when he saw the empty bed. His adrenaline spiked.


No answer. She wouldn’t … He was about to run out of the room to search the house when he registered the faint sound coming from the dark bathroom. He slammed his hand on the light switch and saw Lyla in the shower, one hand braced against the wall, head bowed as the water beat down on her.Fuck. She was gonna give him a fucking heart attack.

He opened the door and was engulfed in steam. “What the fuck was that?”

She didn’t acknowledge him.

“Lyla,” he bit out.

When he reached for her, she evaded his hand.

“Don’t touch me,” she said hoarsely.

His beast slipped the leash, and he let it. He turned off the water. She further incited his beast when she slapped his hand as it closed around her upper arm.

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