Page 134 of Awakened by Sin

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“Angel needs a woman.”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, he needs agoodwoman, you know?”

“And you think that’s me,” she said dubiously.

“He likes you.”

“That’s nice, but I’m not about to get mixed up with another crime lord.”

“Why not?”

She sighed and tipped her head back against the wall. “Angel got shot three times in the chest.”


“That’s exactly how my husband died. Three to the chest.”

A pause and then a very quiet, “Oh.”

“It was my nightmare come to life right in front of me.” She could still hear the sound Angel made as he got hit, and the image of the men coming to finish him off, just as they’d done to Vinny. The surge of helpless rage threatened to sweep away her newfound satisfaction with her progress today. “I can’t do it twice.”

“But Angel’s a beast.”

“I can’t take the chance.”

“This fucking sucks,” Luci whined. “I already designed a Roman tattoo for you.”


“We all have eagle tattoos. It’s tradition. I was getting one ready for you.”

Holy shit.“Uh, thanks, but I’m good.”

Luci blew a raspberry. “Fine. No new sister-in-law. You know, I’ve been waiting for one of my brothers to get with someone, but they’re taking their sweet time.”

“I’m sure it’ll happen soon,” she said consolingly as she inched toward Honey. She grabbed a handful of food out of the bowl and put it near her. Honey turned her face away. If she didn’t eat by tomorrow, she’d have to take her to the vet. Fuck.

“You don’t understand! I’m like Rapunzel stuck in this brimstone. It’s not fair! When are you gonna come visit?”

“I actually just moved into a place.”

Luci moaned. “No! I was going to tell you there’s another brimstone for sale three down from mine. It would have been perfect!”

Carmen chuckled as she padded down the hallway to the master bedroom and ran the water in the luxurious tub. Thanks to her amazing assistants, all her toiletries were unpacked, and a basket of salts and oils sat on the ledge of the tub. She put in a generous amount of eucalyptus oil while Luci tried to sell her on living in New York.

“I’ll just have to convince you when you visit. Angel told me you and I would get along swell, not that I needed his input. I already knew we’re sisters from other misters. Other than killing that guy and buying a house, what else have you been up to? Banged anyone new lately?”

“I adopted a dog. I just brought her home, and she’s scared stiff. It’ll take time for her to unwind, and as for banging, I’m still doing Gavin’s COO, Marcus.”

“Oh, the hottie with the nice eyes? Yeah, I’d hit that. You guys are dating?”

“Friends with benefits.” She put the phone on the ledge and stepped into the tub. She moaned as she submerged her aching body.

“That good, huh? Damn, Angel needs to step up his game.”

“No Angel,” she snapped.

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