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Chapter 1


I decided to breathe through my mouth since the hairy old bastard had a severe case of halitosis. Ever since I’d come to Washington, this guy had a hard-on for me, and not in a good way. I flicked through the file and pulled out the victim's photographs with a heavy sigh. I’d seen them all before, but each time I saw the brutality of the murders, it made me wish I could sic my family onto the sick fuck who was killing these women.

“We’re alone now, care to tell me how someone barely out of diapers got a profiler’s position in the FBI?”

“Agent Vale, I believe your superiors already explained my presence here. I’m here to learn and take that knowledge back to the U.K. You don't have the relevant NSA clearance for me to explain anything further,” I said as I continued to lay the rest of the photographs out.

He wasn't the only man with his nose out of shape because of my gender or age. U.K. or US men couldn't cope with intelligent women. Thank God, my grandmother had taught me my worth from an early age. She had a similar mischievous soul like myself. She had encouraged me like no one else in my family. My parents had been distraught at me leaving the country. I thought my dad would have an aneurysm, but I realised he had been worried, so I gave him a break. They knew I chose this path to protect them all.

“I bet you used that tight little ass you flaunt about the office to get here.”

I raised my eyes up from the table to glance at the middle-aged man who sat in front of me with a sly, yet condescending look on his face and smiled. They didn't know what I was capable of, but Agent Vale would become very poorly over the next week or so if he wasn't careful.

“I don't know what annoys you more, knowing that your saggy ass could never tap my tight ass or knowing that you're due to be in diapers soon yourself,” I said innocently.

His face fell so quickly that it was comical. His true face showed the bitter rage that festered in his diseased soul, but what I loved to see was his bleak hatred for me and probably life in general. I didn't know if it was because I was young or a woman, but I suspected it was a bit of both. He didn't say anything but slowly stood up. I kept my eyes on him, but he took his jacket from the back of his chair and began to walk out of the room.

“Agent Vale.”

When he turned around, I tossed him my packet of mints.

“I believe that you need these more than I do,” I said as I watched him look at the packet.

He threw them across the room until they smacked against the wall and stormed out, slamming the door behind him, which made me grin.

God, I thought the British were uptight, but these FBI agents made us look like amateurs.

If I hadn't helped them close so many open cases, I’m sure they would have found a way to push me out the door. I was relieved that he had fucked off so I could study in peace. Luckily, Director Chavez loved me because I reminded him of his granddaughter.

I glanced at the case files. Eight serial killers who’d all stopped murdering people around the last two years wasn't a coincidence, and it had piqued my curiosity. Serial killers all retiring at the same time wasn't possible. Someone was taking them out. A predator could sense another predator, and I was determined to hunt the vigilante down, not for the FBI, but for myself, to study the person or people involved. It was time to take my search to a national level because whoever it was, they travelled across several state lines.



I glanced up at the door and smiled when I saw Harper carrying bags of food.

“I knew I would find you here.”

“Hey,” I said as I glanced at the time on my watch before I gave her a sheepish look. “I got carried away again.”

“I know that's why I'm not offended at being stood up for lunch,” she said as she sat down at the table.

Her eyes narrowed on the various reports and photographs on the table.

“I’m glad I work in the lab, and I don't have to be out there like you do.”

“At least I get to have a gun. I still think it’s weird that I can't drink alcohol, but I’m deemed responsible enough to arm myself with a gun,” I said as I reached for the brown paper bag. “I will get us lunch tomorrow.”

“Meh, you're almost twenty-one, and the gun came with the job.”

True, but Harper didn't know about my little collection of weapons in my apartment.

Chapter 2


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