Page 93 of The Wrong Bride

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This horrifying travesty of justice must be stopped! “You think Tavish hasn’t planned for your betrayal? Hasn’t expected it?”

“You’re suggesting I haven’t planned for his plans?” She glanced over her shoulder, as if she’d heard a noise. Hope fought through the sludge of fear. Did guards approach?

I listened, but heard nothing. “Your overblown confidence could get Callen killed.” He must be warned, he and his people saved from this madwoman. As I’d just discovered, ignorance was incredibly expensive. He may have locked me in a cell, but he was still my husband, and I didn’t want his life ruined or taken away. “Tavish seeks your death, too. Probably prefers to do the deed in front of Callen. Why wouldn’t he? You’ll have served your purpose and be of no more use to him.”

“I told you. I can handle Tavish.” She cast another glance over her shoulder. Expecting someone?

Wait, was she holding me here until Callen arrived so he would, what? See Elizabeth attack Isobel? Then Sorcha could make the final switch, and I, as Elizabeth again, would take the blame for it.

Adrenaline surged, and instinct bellowed,Fight! Don’t hesitate.I didn’t take time tothink things through. I launched into action, leaping her way and throwing a punch. Contact!

Sorcha stumbled, blood leaking from the corner of her mouth.With a growl, she lunged at me and swung. By some miracle, I blocked, avoiding the ring’s spike. Would it inject the potion? A sedative? Both? All that mattered was taking her out. Despite the ache in my carved-up hand, I curled my fist and struck again.

We hurled at each other, punching, kicking and scratching. And yes, okay, I did my best not to damage my body too badly because I wanted it back. But my reluctance to leave a mark cost me. Sorcha landed more blows, sharp pains flaring and ebbing. Still, I avoided the ring.

If I overpowered her, I could escape and warn Callen. Prepare him. Would he believe me this time? Maybe she was right, and he would be filled with remorse and eager to please when he discovered the truth about those photos. Maybe my hurthadbeen leading me earlier, because I was pretty sure I could be won over with a good grovel.

“You shouldn’t have hit me,” she grated as we grappled. “I would’ve killed you quick.”

“You would’ve tried.”

She swiped at me, but I grabbed her wrist and wrenched the weapon from her grip. Before I could launch an attack, searing pain shot from my neck. She’d used mydistraction to her advantage and finally pierced me with the ring’s spike.

Weakness invaded my limbs, and my knees buckled. I crashed onto the floor. Heat engulfed every inch of me, so much worse than before. Despite being on my back, dizziness struck full force, but not before I caught a glint of a blade.

No! No, no, no. This wasn’t the end. I wasn’t ready to die, had toomuch to do. Needed another hug from my mother. To tell Mirren and Thora goodbye. To save Callen.

With fury warping her—my—features, Sorcha struck. Paralyzed by the drug, I could only brace myself, waiting for pain. Death. But…


She missed? I struggled to focus and realized she watched something over her shoulder. Another realization came. She waited for Callen. Wanted to be caught in the act of attempting to murder me. No way she’d risk losing the body she would soon inhabit.

I fought wave after wave of fatigue, darkness, and the shadows constricting my vision. The battle paid off! As she refocused on me, as if ready to deliver the blow, a huge presence whooshed up behind her. A man. He clasped her wrist, stopping her fake strike.


My husband’s face shimmered before me, his eyes alight with azure rings. A full berserkerage?

Don’t fall asleep!Too late. The threatening darkness finally snared me in its irresistible web.



Bye-bye Berserker Blues: When Finding Love Means Dodging Battle Axes

FromA Beginner’s Guide to Berserker Bliss

Author Unknown

Moaning, I blinked open my eyes. My head swam and ached, my temples throbbing. Confusion sprouted as I took stock of my surroundings. A room. Spacious but sparse. The only pieces of furniture were a bed and an uncushioned chair.

I eased up, and chains rattled. Chains? I frowned as my gaze followed the link of metal to a cuff secured to my left wrist. Shock jolted me, unleashing memories that crashed into my thoughts like mini-wrecking balls. Being set up and locked in a secret passage. Escaping and running into Sorcha, who had taken control of my body. Fighting. Pain.


My heart raced as I looked myself over. Oh my goodness! I was me again. Elizabeth. No more pale skin andfreckles. No wedding ring on my finger. My dad’s coin ring hung from my neck.

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