Page 77 of The Wrong Bride

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His smile widened, causing my brain to blip. “Not exactly,” he said. “Idressedyou. There’s a difference. You kept muttering about how hot you were and tore off your clothes.”

Heat suffused my cheeks as I remembered the incredible warmth I’d experienced as our blood mingled. I thought I recalled…singing. “I put on a show, didn’t I?”

“You did.” Amusement pulsed from him. He kissed the top of Thora’s head, set her on the floor and stood. “Should I have left you naked, as I preferred?”

“No, no. The shirt was a good choice,” I assured him, trying to look anywhere but his muscled perfection. Or the goodie trail leading to the waist of his pants. Or the bulge—no! bad! I was leering at him.

He smirked as if he heard my thoughts.

Um. I should take another moment to collect myself. “If you’ll excuse me, there’s something I must do right away. And it’s not toilet related.” No, I had not just said that. Mortified, I climbed from the bed and padded into the bathroom. His chuckle followed me.

I splashed cold water on my face and studied my reflection. Isobel stared back at me from the mirror, emerald eyes glittering with excitement, lips soft and red, hair wild. I was in real trouble here. I needed a plan. An objective. No more flirting, lots more escaping.

After brushing my teeth, I did end up using the toilet. I washed my hands. Thankfully, a semi-decent plan formed. I would march out there and tell Callen we were spendingthe day apart to think about things. Then I would find a way to reach out to Tavish. If he had survived the explosion, he had a potion and a price. He might even devise a plan to return me to America. The sooner I left Scotland, the faster my emotions could recover from total devastation.

Running away from Callen as you ran away from August?

No! Running to safety. There was a difference. Determined, I did it. I marched out the door and opened my mouth to begin my speech. Before I could utter a word, Callen stepped into me, catching me against him and cupping my jaw. He stared down at me.

“The past is done. You were right. Who we were isn’t who we are now.” His head dipped and captured my lips with his own, kissing me hard, and kissing me well. Holding nothing back, he all but devoured me.

My body reacted on instinct, conforming to his. I clutched his shoulders, able to do nothing but return passion for passion. For the moment, yes, he was my husband, and I was his wife. Marked. We wererighttogether. Maybe I could enjoy this a little longer?

The world spun as he swung me and pressed me into a wall, just as he’d done last night. He moved one hand to my hair, angled my face, and took my mouth deeper. His other hand slid to my throat. He dragged his thumb up the center, before lightly hooking the pad against my chin while lifting his head.

Breath sawed in and out of his lips. He held my gaze with his own. The blank mask he so often wore was gone. His pupils spilled over his irises, savage desperation giving him a sexy edge.

Need clawed at me. “Callen,” I rasped, unsure what I intended to say. How was I supposed to think properly afterexperiencing a world-destroying kiss? Intelligent thought had abandoned me.

He stroked my cheek, and I leaned into the touch. “Let’s start over,” he rasped back at me. “We’ll do this marriage for real.”

I combed my trembling fingers through his silken hair, thrilled but unsure. “What if there are things you don’t yet know about me? Things you won’t like?”

“Whatever it is willna change how I feel about you.” An indulgent smile spread, and he pressed a kiss into my lips, this one soft and lingering. “I like the woman I’ve come to know. I hunger for a future with you.”

Who could ask for more? If he could forgive Isobel for her actions with his brother, maybe he could forgive me for my prolonged deceit. Or even understand. Everything I’d done, I’d done to survive and right wrongs.

Could we forge a life together?

Longing choked me, a part of me refusing to give up hope. Shouldn’t we try?

But the problems. I could have a life with him or my family, but not both. I could be Isobel or Elizabeth, but not both. Yet I was tempted. Beyond tempted. But I couldn’t abandon my family. I just couldn’t.

Callen wasn’t done with the hard sell. “Things will be different from now on, lass. You’ll have your credit card. No limit. A car will be at your disposal, ready to take you anywhere in Scotland at any time. Guards will accompany you because of the wolves, but you’ll never know they’re there unless needed.”

Sweet goodness. He was practically gift-wrapping my escape.

But maybe, if I agreed to remain Isobel, he would decide to help me rather than harm me? I couldn’t calm his rages,but he didn’t need me to. I’d meant what I’d said: he did a bang-up job of it on his own. And really, he could bring my family here, away from Red.

My parents would have to give up everything they’d worked for while another woman ruined my good name. Because, if I remained Isobel, she remained Elizabeth.

On the other hand, I wasn’t allergic to dogs. I could adopt more, giving them the pampered lives they deserved. Was there a worthier cause?

Maybe another kiss would give me the answer. I flattened my palm against the warmth of Callen’s chest, only to hear him groan with disappointment.

“Unfortunately, the conversation and whatever you planned to do must pause. Though I double bolted the door, it seems we’re to entertain a visitor anyway. My fault entirely. I never should have taught her how to use a lockpick.”

I’d barely screwed my head on straight before I heard the pitter-patter of little feet. Mirren zoomed to me. “Elle!” She ignored her father, clasping my wrist and tugging me toward the door. “Gavina says it’s reading time. Let’s go.”

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