Page 64 of The Wrong Bride

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Frowning, I accepted the device and pressed the power button. Lights flashed on and a page opened up to reveal a digital library with seven books, each part of the cozy mystery series that featured the delightfully bonkers gravekeeper I adored. The series I’d looked up on Callen’s computer while snooping in his office. But, but. This was so sweet. So thoughtful. Sopersonal.

Reeling, I petted the device. I didn’t have time to read right now. Not more than a chapter or three of the second book. Just the quickest of check-ins with the quirky cast of characters. Maybe a description or two of the blueberry pancakes they loved, because yum. Then I would jump into my plan of action with renewed energy and focus. Time was ticking, after all.

“I’ll be with you in a jiff. Only need a few minutes,” I muttered to my guest. Settling deeper into my seat, I keyed up the opening pages, stuffed a chip into my mouth, and began reading…

Dude.I finished the book. My eyes burned, my lids seemingly lined with sandpaper. And my poor, sweet back! It was far worse than before, but worth it. Ow, ow, ow. I stood and stretched, hoping to loosen the tight, knotted muscles.

Though I’d never heard Mackenzie leave, she was longgone. So was the tray of food I’d munched on while devouring every word in my tale.

Thora slept on the bed, curled up in a little ball.

A yawn nearly cracked my jaw. I checked the time on my phone. 3:46 a.m. Yikes! Time to finish Skye.

I worked the rest of the night. Or morning. Whatever. When the time came to head down to breakfast—please, please, please serve blueberry pancakes today!—I was exhausted but satisfied. The doll survived her surgery, with only the promised scar to prove she’d pulled through.

Showered and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt with grinning cartoon stars, I cast the sleeping Thora a fond glance. My snoozing darling hadn’t budged. Steps light, I strode from Callen’s bedroom, the repaired Skye in hand. Well, well. My two guards stood at their posts.

“Slacking yesterday, but not today?” I quipped.

“Just because you don’t see us, doesn’t mean we aren’t nearby,” Buzz responded.

Good point. Was he the mole or not? “Is Callen punishing you for something? Is that why you’re stuck guarding me while your brethren are out wolf hunting?” Such a circumstance might explain his allegiance to the wolf king.

He rolled his eyes and motioned me onward.

Okay, so, my attempt at an interrogation had revealed nothing. I made my way to the dining room, where Gavina and Mirren awaited me, eating porridge in silence. Two perfect ladies at their best, not a hair out of place. Gavina hadn’t borrowed my clothing but upped her elegance with a sunny yellow dress.

“Someone is fully recovered and ready to see her mama,” I said from the entryway.

“Skye!” Mirren exploded from her seat andflew over, snatching the toy and hugging it close. “She’s alive?” Features scrunched up in concentration, the little girl studied the doll from every angle.

Tense, I waited for the verdict.

“She is, she is!” Mirren exclaimed, only to deflate. “She’ll probably get sick again and die.”

Yikes. Tough crowd. “She just needs fresh air. After breakfast, we’ll take her to the guard tower. While she strengthens her immune system, we can study—I mean drink in the layout of our land, as any good queen and princess should.”

Mirren thought for a moment, then heaved a sigh. “Verra well. For Skye.”

I smiled at Gavina. “Come with us. I’ll take full blame for the deviation in Mirren’s schedule.” My attention caught on a platter of muffins. Not pancakes, but a fabulous second choice.Don’t mind if I do. I moseyed over and snagged one. My eyes closed as I bit into it. Red berry and honey. My new favorite.

“But. The guard tower?” the other woman said, scandalized. She popped to her feet. “Why would you go there? Guards are on duty. You can drink in the land’s layout from a map.”

“It won’t hurt to see what’s being done about our safety while Callen’s away.” Not a lie.

Gavina’s jaw dropped. “She’s teasing, obviously,” the other woman informed everyone and no one. Scrambling my way, she whispered fiercely, “If you do this, you’ll be questioning your husband’s care of you. A great insult. He’ll be forced to punish you.”

Um, if his punishment was anything like the last one, bring it on. If not, well, let himtry. I would finally stop indulging in those foolish moments of attraction and admiration.

On the other hand, I had no desire to embarrass Callen. “As queen, I take my duty to help my husband protect the people seriously. I’ll be showing him great honor by admiring what he’s done with the tower guard.”

The other woman chewed on her bottom lip and nodded, as if she wanted to believe me. “Since I’m not his cherished mate or beloved child, I willna risk his wrath. Better I rest in my room until your return. If you’ll excuse me.” She hurried off before I could protest, vanishing beyond the door.

I sighed. I hadn’t meant to frighten or stress her. She was the first person to show the hated Isobel any kindness, and I would like her forever for it. Now, though, I wondered what kinds of punishments Gavina had endured over the years to instill this fear.

No.Focus!After I visited the wall and checked out the path I’d use to escape the castle grounds, I would complete the rest of my To-Do list. No more distractions. I’d have my chat with Mackenzie, try to interrogate Buzz and Ponytail again, and search for the credit card Callen promised to leave for me.Unless Malachi sent items I could easily sell.

That’s right. The gifts. I’d take a gander at them before hunting a traceable card.

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