Page 36 of The Wrong Bride

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Callen scowled, the ice in his eyes melting as internal fires clearly raged. “You could no’ contain your curiosity about me at breakfast, yet you refuse to accompany me to the office to spend more time with me?”

I humphed. “I learned you’re the kind of man who sends his spouse to her room as if she’s a child. Consider my curiosity assuaged.”

A muscle jumped in his jaw. “I sought to protect you, nothing more. Now, for the good of my people, I will keep you with me.”

I don’t calm you, I wanted to bellow. Except, I couldn’t tell him without wrecking my plan. But dang it, he really needed to know what had happened, so I could reveal my suspicion that his security team had a weak link. A traitor. Otherwise, Tavish never would’ve made it into my room.

I’d bet big money this traitor had worked with Isobel, too. An offense I would be blamed for, if ever anyone found out. Was there a way to inform Callen of the breach without endangering my life?

On the other hand, as long as he remained in the dark, I could maybe possibly use this someone to further my cause.

Although, staying silent endangered Callen’s life. An undeniable fact. But he wasn’t a person I could trust with the truth. By his own admission, he executed innocentsoul-switchers. And if anyone could protect himself, it was Callen.

Tavish might border on vile, but he didn’t despise me. No doubt I’d forever be at odds with Callen. He preferred his fated mate imprisoned at home, always at his beck and call; I sought to return to my real life.

“You will come with me,” he commanded, breaking the silence I’d allowed too stretch.

Further protesting his “invitation” would do me no good. Why not get something out of it? “Fine,” I said. “But you owe me a boon of my choice, to be named later.” I kissed Thora’s sweet face and rose from the mattress. Checked my pocket. Phone in place. All I needed really. “Well? Are we going or not?”

Callen remained rooted, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

Nose in the air, I swept past him. He caught up with me, projecting annoyance but no longer fuming. In the hall, I expected to run into Buzz. The bodyguard was long gone.

“Did the messenger threaten me?” I asked as I walked side by side with Callen. Was that the real reason he insisted I go with him today?

“Tavish loathes my existence and seeks to hurt me through you. His messenger came with a list of various ways a mortal can be harmed.”

Great! Another threat to my wellbeing. But why hadn’t Tavish struck while he’d had the opportunity? “Why does the wolf king hate you so much?”

Both of Callen’s brows winged up. “Do you truly need a history lesson?”

Yes! But I didn’t push. “If Tavish is so dangerous, why not send me to another country, out of his reach?” Might as well go there while I had the chance.

“That will never happen,” Callen grated.

“Why not?” We descended the staircase. “I get that you expect me to soothe you or whatever, but you got by just fine for years without me. I’m sure you’d enjoy a little time apart from the spouse you despise.”

Stiffness infiltrated his posture. “Our bargain guarantees I don’t have to get by.” Resentment dripped from his tone. “You are mine. I keep what’s mine.”

Flutters erupted deep in my belly. How was I supposed to respond to that? I wasn’t his, and he definitely wasn’t mine. “What else did the messenger say?”

“Say? Nothing. I donna converse with wolves and their minions. I kill them. I only saw the list when I checked his body.”

Shock and horror converged, and I gaped at him. Callen had offered the statements so casually, as if we were discussing the weather. Other thoughts attempted to surge, but I misjudged the last step and tripped, stumbling. He swooped in, winding an arm around my waist and catching me. Our gazes met. My heart rate spiked. Being wrapped against a strong, capable man, safeguarded rather than steeped in peril, was nice. Beyond nice. It was downright amazing.

Eyes wide, I softly asked, “While we’re together, can you at least try to be my friend?” Since we were going to be together, I might as well advance my charm him plan.

“We are not friends.” His ferocity sent a blast of ice through my limbs.

I bit the inside of my cheek. “You’re right. We’re not. But we could be.” Straightening, I attempted to pull from his clasp but he held firm. “We should go.”

He launched into a faster stride, maintaining contact as we exited the house. His powerful body shielded me fromany lurking danger, and some of my upset faded. He might not want to be friends, but this protective gesture said more than his words.

Red alert, red alert!Uh-oh. Fluttery heart, check. Short-circuiting brain and thickening tongue, check, check. Attraction was attempting to bloom again, wasn’t it?

He’d just admitted to killing a man. Or wolf. Whatever! He was supposed to soften toward me, not the other way around. I had no business admiring him.

I focused on the cool, heather-scented breeze. The bright glow of the sun. The flock of birds passing overhead. Anything but the man at my side.

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