Page 80 of Shane

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“Good to see you, Prez,” Neo finally greets me while staring at Violet as well.

“Same,” I respond. “But dude, this is an exhibition game, not a real one. Your midfielder almost took my girl’s eye out!”

An audible gasp comes from someone sitting around us. These busybodies at VCU never mind their business, stunned at the manner in which I spoke to Neo.

They’re just freaking hockey players,I think to myself.

“Who’s this?” Neo asks me, referring to Violet. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off her but I’m not about to allow him to make her hockey bunny number one-hundred and fucking one.

“This is Violet, my roommate, and she’s not looking for any new friends, Neo.”

“You have a shitty holiday disposition,” Neo claps back, still closely watching Violet.

“What else is new?” Shane scoffs.

“Are we done here?” I say, frustrated with them both. “Violet and I want to enjoy the rest of the festival.”

“Come to the kickback tonight and bring the bibliophile,” Shane tells me.

Oh, he’s really trying it.

“Bibliophile?” I parrot back in a mocking tone. “Are we using our big words today, Shane?”

“Everything I use is big, Kee-Kee.” He grins, and I’m two seconds from smacking that lewd look off his face.

“Don’t call me that,” I warn him as he dismisses me with his annoying laugh.

“If you can tear yourself away from whatever that is,” Neo says to Violet, pointing to the book in my hands with the end of his hockey stick. “You should come too.”

Way to go, Neo. You probably scared poor Violet to death.

I hear someone mutter “who the fuck is she”under their breath and Neo and Shane flick their eyes behind us with a hardness that’s dangerous and intimidating. Suddenly, everyone around us is quiet. I have to admit, those two are impressive.

“Win the game, and we’ll be there,” I challenge them both.

“You want us to win, huh? I thought you just said it’s just an exhibition game and to take it easy on them?” Shane counters.

“I told you to win the game, not lacerate half the spectators.”

“So dramatic.” Shane rolls his eyes.

“Are they actually going to continue playing?” Violet blurts out loud, confused about why they would continue the game when part of the protective glass around the rink is compromised. “What if they run into the glass again?”

“They’ve never suspended a Santa Fest exhibition game in the history of it being played. It’ll be fine. The stadium staff will just move everyone in this section to different seats. I’ll make sure they give you good ones.” Shane smiles.

“Just win the damn thing,” I tell them again, rolling my eyes.

He’s always showing off.

“Already done,” Neo says. “And then we’ll see you both tonight.”

“Good luck,” I say with a faux smile.

Then I finally exhale a breath I didn’t realize I was holding as Shane skates away.

Damn, I miss that boy.


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