Page 25 of Shane

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“I mean it would be a lot better if the whole group could stick to the meeting dates. It’s not fair for some people to do the work but then everyone gets the credit.”

I feel badly that I’ve disappointed her. She probably thinks I’m some dumb athlete who never does his work when that’s so far from the truth. I just haven’t figured out this whole work-life balance thing yet.

“Tell the truth.” I lean forward. “You hate my guts, don’t you? I already heard that you were trying to bail on the group and join a different one.”

“I don’t hate you.”

Finally, she smiles.

A real smile.

I would love to see her and that smile under me at some point in the near future.

I’m just saying.

A guy’s got to have goals.

“I have a big season opener coming up, and our coach has been relentless about training. The times conflict with when you all meet. I should have mentioned that in class.”

“Lorenzo is an athlete too, but he still makes the time.”

How did I know thathisname was going to come up?

“Baseball season doesn’t start until February. He has all the time in the world right now.”

“I’m sure he’s doing some sort of preseason thing or at least some conditioning in the gym.”


Those lightweights?

“Have you ever been to a hockey game before?” I challenge, having been slightly offended by what she’s insinuating. She must not understand just how grueling the sport is.

“Of course.”

That wasn’t the answer I was expecting.

“Of course?”

She cocks her pretty little head to the side.

“Does that surprise you?”

“It does a little.”

“Do you think hockey is only for coddled, white-bred, suburban kids? We had a community hockey rink two blocks from my house. I grew up watching the neighborhood boys play hockey my whole life. I’m very familiar with the sport.”

“That’s good to hear,” I tell her because it inspires a great idea.

“Why is that?”

“I’d rather give my tickets to someone who will appreciate them.”

“Give your tickets? I don’t follow.”

“Every player on the team gets a certain amount of complimentary tickets. I get one for away games and two for home. If we make it to the playoffs, I get four. It was part of my recruitment package when they signed me.”

“And you want to give your tickets to me?”

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