Page 55 of Their Princess

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“Her place?” I scowled.

The man leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, holding the bottle between them and shaking his head. Then, he flashed his gaze to me. “Never asked to be tied to one cunt for the rest of my life.”

Graff scoffed. “This can’t be about Kaos?”

Sas let out a long breath. “Nah, man. I’m just not built for relationships.”

“What’s chaos?” I asked.

“Who,” Graff corrected.

“She’s a sweetbutt,” said Sas dismissively. “One of the many eager bunnies to choose from.” He toasted me with his beer and guzzled the rest, then launched the empty bottle basketball style into a trashcan at the end of the counter. “Maybe you should try one to loosen up your tight ass!”

I rolled my eyes. There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell I was going to fuck any of the women out back. “They’re not my type.”

“And what is your type,brother?” Sas spat the last word my way and cracked open the second beer.

That had me pinching my lips together, because I would never have the person who was my type. With my past and the sinful thoughts in my head, I could never hope to be worthy of her.

“That’s what I thought,” said Sas. Then he waved the bottle toward the door to where Adelina had gone. “This sick deal with your brother, Rafe... it’s a business deal. Nothing says I can’t fuck whoever I want.”

Thankfully, Graff spoke up. “Marriage says you can’t, asshole.”

Sas scoffed, and I clenched and released my fists at my side.

Graff tucked his chin, glaring up at him. “Not saying it has to be monogamous, but it’s a fucking vow. You stand behind whatever you say.”

“Right, you are, brother.” The Veep chuckled. “So, I’ll vow this: I fuck who I want, when I want, and how I want.”

I balled my fists so tightly my knuckles ached. Adelina could be hot headed, and obviously, she was working out her bratty tendencies with Sas, but she deserved more than that. I didn’t care when she did it with Massimo because my brother would never hurt her, but I didn’t trust Sas. Words wouldn’t form to argue, so I stalked toward him.

He sat up straighter as I came near and then I rammed my forearm into his throat, slamming his head back against the upper cabinets. He barely even flinched and didn’t fight me off.

Raising onto my toes, I came into his face and tapped my pointer finger against his forehead. “You need to start thinking with whatever’s in here. Assuming there is something.”

Sas gave me a lazy smirk.

The bastard.

Through his jeans, I latched on to his cock and balls. His beer crashed to the floor, shattering. Despite the fact that he was drunk and high, his eyes went round.

“If you keep thinking with this, you’re going to get yourself fucking killed,” I growled.

“Is that a threat?” Spittle leaped from his mouth.

“No need for a motherfucking seer to predict where you’ll end up if you keep acting like a toddler,” I said. “Kids make easy targets.”

“What? You think Adelina will kill me?” Sas laughed, holding his stomach like it was such a funny concept.

“Nah,brother,” I spat back at him like he’d hurled the word at me. “You’re asking to see what I can do to you without boxing gloves and without a ring.”

Sas had already seen part of my Marines training, but I had more tricks than what I learned at base and bootcamp. I had grown up in the Mafia, played devilish games with capos, and been on the front lines of war. I had killed without mercy or discrimination, and slowly murdering someone who meant to betray my niece, well, that would be so fucking satisfying.

“My father,” I said in a low tone, stopping anyone from eavesdropping, “had a penchant for stripping the skin from a person’s bones while they were still breathing.”

Graff took a sharp intake of breath, but Sas said nothing. Did nothing. He was thinking, but the wheels turning in his mind didn’t move fast enough. It would get him killed.

“You threatening me?” he asked again, missing the vibrato he had before.

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