Page 132 of Cook

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“So you’re Morris Cook,” said the man, dragging his gaze across me.

I stood taller. “I don’t know who the fuck you are.”

He laughed in a bored tone, strumming his fingers against the top of the desk. His pinkie ring, a shining gold with an emblem, identified him as one of the la Famiglia. Of course, I would be dealing with the fucking Mafia.


To go along with his pinkie ring, he wore another massive gaudy ring, one that identified him as a Mafia Don. That made me want to scratch my head. La Famiglia in these parts only had one Don, and he was in prison.

“I’m Massimo Parisi,” he said, but that didn’t sort out anything in my brain. The man waved his hand toward the chair. “Have a seat.”

“I don’t want a fucking seat. I want to know why I’m here.”

And what the hell had they done with Maddie?

Suddenly, cool metal touched the back of my head, a small and quite distinctive muzzle. A shudder ran down my body, and I fought the urge to round on Snakes and wrap the whip around his neck. Agun could kill way too fast, and I needed to be alive to save Maddie. I raised my hands.

“As I said, have a seat,” repeated Massimo.

I lowered myself into the chair.


When my lungs started toburn and my legs felt like jelly, I finally teetered off the sidewalk and fell into the gravel. The rocks cut into my knees and across my palms, but I couldn’t run anymore, so I needed to hide. I crawled behind a couple of bushes, sucking in a deep breath. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, and I couldn’t hear anything but the rush of blood. I curled myself into a ball, scraping further back into the shadows.

While I had been running, I had occasionally looked to see if Massimo or one of hisboys, as he’d called them,were chasing after me but hadn’t seen anyone. Now, I peeked out of my hiding spot, but aside from the lights, most of the vehicles were silent. Main Street indicated downtown, but no one was buzzing up and down the streets. Aside from a few still cars and the pulse of the neon lights, I saw no one and nothing. I was alone.

Pressing back into my hiding spot, I curled my knees to my chest and sucked in another deep breath. And then another. Slowly, air the pounding in my ears subsided, and my thoughts became clearer.

No one had followed me. I had left the club. Cook had to be freaking out. I glanced through the brush at the dimly lit street.

I’d been running for what seemed like an eternity, without any idea of where I was or where I was going. I didn’t know how I would get back to Serenity.

To Cook.

But Massimo was there too.

Fuck that shit. Fuck him! I threw my head back and sucked in another breath. I couldn’t recognize my surroundings, but wherever I was, it was not far enough away from Serenity. The real surprising thing was that mind was clearing with each breath. The spiral wasstopping in favor of getting back to the one person who could help me.

I could follow the streets to a gas station or a store, but Massimo and his dicks might still find me.

I needed Cook.

Where was Daddy?

I shouldn’t have run out of Serenity. I should’ve gone to Cook. He would’ve known what to do.

He would know what to do now.

I grabbed my purse from where it crossed my body and then took out my cell phone. I fumbled with it. I needed to call Cook, have him get me, and get us the fuck out of here. We would ride hard and fast to the Ridge, and maybe we could keep riding. We could go so far that no one would be able to find us.

We could disappear, just him and me, and I would be safe.

I clicked on his name and placed the phone to my ear, waiting for him to pick up. Four rings, but Cook didn’t answer. Wouldn’t he be worried? Didn’t he know I was gone?

Calling again, I begged, “Pick up, Cook.”

An automated voice messaging system said he wasn’t available. I hung up and then hit his name again, restarting the process.

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