Page 10 of Bound For You

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“You know, I’m beginning to think you’re stalking me,” I state sweetly, and he chuckles as he comes to the counter. He places his hands on it, then leans in, and I smile at him.

“Well, this is the best coffee I’ve ever tasted, and I get to see your pretty smile,” he says, My cheeks go hot, making him chuckle. I swat his arm and turn to make his coffee. “Okay Avery, this is one question I’ve been kicking myself over, it should have been one of the first ones I asked.” I turn back around with his coffee, placing it in front of him and quirk a brow at him.

“How old are you?”

I burst out laughing. Each time he’s come in he’s asked me a question, and once I answer, he’ll answer the same question. It was a deal we made the second day he came in, because he kept trying to tip me over $50. I don’t need the money, well…it would help, but I’m independent, and it insults me, quite frankly. But instead of being rude, I brought up this as a deal instead. His first question was asking me my work schedule, and since I didn’t know what he did, he told me he’s COO and works six days a week. This age question is his fourth question. He already knows my favorite color is blue—his is green, and he knows I love Chinese food, while he loves a good, juicy burger.

“Twenty-three,” I state, and he smiles.

“Twenty-nine,” he replies, and I chuckle.

“You’re old, Sergi.” His mouth drops open, and I giggle while he shakes his head, still smiling. He passes me $5, and I reach to take it from him, but he holds onto my hands. An electric spark runs through my hand and arm, making me gasp. I look up and see he’s also looking at our hands before he looks at me with wonder in his eyes.

He clears his throat. “Nothing old about me,dragotsennyy,” he states with a smirk.

I shake my head at him and grab his change, putting it on the counter, not wanting to touch him again, because I fear I’ll never let go. I wish I had the guts to ask a guy out, but I don’t, especially not one like Sergi. He’s way out of my league, and with my past, he’d probably run away from me anyway.

His phone rings and he frowns when he sees the number, but then he smiles wide, and jealousy instantly eats away at me. I clear my throat and grab the cloth I had before he came in.

He gets my attention again. “I’ll see you soon, Avs.”

I smile at the nickname. It doesn’t matter if Sergi is seeing someone; I think we could be good friends, and I definitely need more friends. I tried in college, but the girls looked down at me, so I focused on schoolwork instead of hooking up. In med school, I thought I had made a friend, but turns out, she wanted the answers to some of our exams. She tried to forge my work and got caught when she tried to blame me, stating I was copying her. The teacher told her my age and she paled. I was an outcast after that. The girl was kicked out but not before she told everyone I slept with her boyfriend, then got her kicked out by copying her.

I shake my head and watch as Sergi leaves, but before his does, he turns and winks at me. I hear him answer his phone and my heart breaks a little, which is crazy, I’ve only known him a week.

“Hey, sweet girl.”


Sergi – One Month Later

I’m sittingin my car outside of the Brew Box, debating going in. Work was long, and Al is spiraling without Phoebe. We’re all worried about him. I miss her. It doesn’t help that Juan’s calls are getting more persistent. I know I can change my number, but he’ll have it again within hours, and I’ve already blocked him twice, and each time he’s magically unblocked somehow, the dick.

I look through the coffee shop window and smile. Avery looks beautiful as always. We meet up on Sunday mornings for a few hours, where we take walks around Central Park, or go get breakfast somewhere. We talk for hours. I know everything about what she likes and dislikes, and how she’s fucking smart, so fucking smart that she only has under a year left of medical school before she starts her residency at General where Sofia works. She wants to become a doctor, and I think it’s awesome how she’s pushed herself. I mean, she’s graduating two years ahead of other students her age.

The only downside is that she’s made family off limits. When I asked her why, she just shrugged and said, “That subject doesn’t need to be discussed.” I wanted to push her on it, but her eyes held so much pain. I know she’ll open up to me one day.

In the weeks we’ve met up, one problem has arisen, a big fucking problem in my opinion: I’ve been fucking friendzoned! And I don’t even know how. A month ago, we were flirting, then suddenly, when I came back a few days later, she made limited contact with me, making sure not to talk about anything remotely personal. She stopped flirting back, and when I asked if she wanted to hang out on Sundays, she made sure it was as friends. I don’t fucking get it. I know she’s attracted to me, I know she felt the spark, but I don’t fucking understand why she’s pushed me away. I sigh and look back in the window and frown. The guy she was serving is still there, and my girl’s gone pale, and yes, she ismy girl. I just need her to get on the same page.

I get out my car and head into the shop, concerned. When I walk in and the bell dings to announce my entrance, she looks up and visibly relaxes when she sees its me.

I scowl, not liking the situation as I walk closer.

“What’s wrong, little bitch, too good for me, are ya? You a little prude? If I want that cunt, I’ll fucking have it!” the guy sneers, his greasy, red hair falling into his face. My girl is visibly shaking. She’s a quiet, shy girl, who doesn’t like confrontation, and this bastard is dead!

I come up right behind him, pissed no one else came up to help her, when I notice a few girls smirking. They look like med students. I frown. She mentioned people don’t like her because she’s excelled, and that another girl said some shit that wasn’t true after being caught cheating from her, but this is fucking ridiculous.

I lean down, holding my breath because the guy reeks, and sneer in his ear, loud enough for the others to hear, “Want to explain why you’re fucking threatening to rape my girl?”

Avery’s eyes widen. I don’t know if it’s because of my declaration or because I have a killer vibe right now, but I don’t let it faze me just yet.

The guy spins around. “Why don’t you fucking back up before I….” He looks up as he talks, then cuts off when he looks into my eyes. I recognize him instantly. Stanley. One of our drug runners.

I growl. We’ve heard rumors he’s been violent toward women but never had proof until now.

He’s dead.

He pales and visibly swallows, recognizing me.

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