Page 96 of Or Best Offer

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“Yeah, if you need me, then interrupt all you want.” Noel smiled. “So, that’s a yes, right? To being my best man?”

I bumped his leg with my foot under the table. “I would be honored. Are you going to let Ezra make your suit?”

“I am.”


Noel shrugged. “He was going to make Seth’s outfit, anyway. And he basically guilted me into it. You know how he can be. Annoying but cute.”

“You’re not wrong.” I grinned. “How excited are Seth and Wyatt? I’m surprised the WAGs chat hasn’t blown up yet.”

Noel finished chewing before he answered me. “You’re the first person we told. I wanted to make sure you wanted to be in the wedding before we told anyone else. Ezra already bugged me months ago about making my suit, but even he doesn’t know we set a date yet.”

“I’m the first person you told?” Tears burned the back of my eyes.

My brother gave me another giant smile. “You’re still the most important person in my life, so of course I wanted you to be the first one I told.”

“I’m honored. And I would be more than honored to be your best man before you start the rest of your life with your men.”

Chapter Forty-Four


Over the course of the next few weeks, things began to settle back into something normal. I started seeing Harrison a couple times of week, Leo and I enjoyed living our domesticated life together, and a little bit of happiness filled my heart again. When Leo wasn’t racing, doing things for his sponsor, or spending time with me or his friends, he was helping Noel with wedding plans. That didn’t mean we didn’t spend quality time together, but it made me realize that I almost lost this. Because I was stupid and listened to my brother, thinking he knew best.

He didn’t.

It was during one of those times when Leo was off with Seth and Ezra, doing God only knew what, that I decided to have a conversation with Ford. To find out if he really had wanted me for himself. And why he didn’t just tell me the truth instead of lying to me.

I knocked lightly on the twins’ bedroom door, and when Ford called out, “it’s open,” I pushed it open and stepped inside. He looked surprised to see me. His hazel eyes growing wide as he took a shaky breath.

“We need to talk.”

He grimaced, then gave a quick nod. “About?”

“Why you told me to break up with Leo...” I folded my arms over my chest. “And don’t lie.”

Ford opened his mouth, closed it, and then dropped his gaze to his feet. “Because I thought it would be best if we were all single. That it would be more fun that way. We were kids, Andy. Who wants to be tied down at eighteen years old to their high school boyfriend when there are so many other opportunities out there?”

“More opportunities, or the opportunity to be with you?” I narrowed my eyes.

Ford glanced back up at me, his cheeks crimson. “What?”

“Don’t try to lie. Leo told me. Are you in love with me?”

“I wasn’t... I wouldn’t... No, I’m not in love with you.”

I raised my brows. “So, why? Why did you do it? If you’re not in into me or whatever, why ruin the best thing that ever happened to me?”

When Ford didn’t answer, I sighed. “Jesus, I thought you were my friend. I thought we were brothers, and if you can’t—”

“I thought I was in love with you!” Ford exclaimed, then dragged both his hands through his dirty-blond hair. “Fuck, are you happy now? I thought I was in love with you, but I know now that I’m not. It was just, I don’t know, infatuation or whatever. Wanting what Leo had.”

I stared at him, my best friend, my brother, and watched the emotions that rushed through his eyes, but it was the guilt that shone brightly at me that made me let out a long sigh. “You should have been honest with me.”

“I should have been a lot of things, Andy. A better friend to both you and Leo. It’s going to haunt me for the rest of my life.” Ford chewed on his bottom lip. “Not that it makes it better, but I am incredibly sorry for what I did. You were so miserable, and I couldn’t bring myself to make a move.” He flushed as the words slipped off his tongue.

I chuckled. “That would have been more than awkward. Don’t get me wrong, you’re hot, but I never thought of you like that.”

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