Page 89 of Or Best Offer

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Chapter Forty


Andy chewed on his bottom lip. Over and over again he dragged his teeth over the pink skin, digging into it until I thought he would break the skin. He gripped my fingers tightly, not meeting my gaze as his knee bounced up and down. We were sitting in his parents’ living room as we waited for the therapist Maverick had found for him to arrive. I was nervous that Andy might freak out and leave. Jump to his feet, tell me that this was bullshit, and slam the door behind him as he left me sitting there to pick up the pieces.

I leaned closer to him, my head on his shoulder, and our fingers still threaded tightly together. I placed my free hand on his knee to try to calm him, but Andy only shook his head and pulled away from me.

“Don’t,” he hissed between clenched teeth and then reached for my hand again. “I’m sorry, I just... This is scary. I have to tell some stranger about my personal shit. What if they judge me? Think I’m stupid for having all these feelings.”

I squeezed his hand. “I know it is, hon. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through, but I want to be here for you. And no professional is going to judge you. They’re here to help you. That’s literally what they do. And if you don’t like this one, you can keep looking until you find someone you feel comfortable with.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Andy tried to blink away the unshed tears in his eyes. He turned away when they slipped down his cheeks. “Maybe this is a bad idea. I should cancel the appointment, and we could go home. Just lie together in bed until all the bad things disappear.”

As tempting as that was, I knew it wouldn’t help him. Not to mention I had a few appointments myself this week that I couldn’t afford to miss. Just as I went to tell him that, we heard a car pulling up the driveway. The doorbell rang a moment later. Andy sucked in his breath.

“I’ll be right here to hold your hand,” I assured him. “And when you’re done, we can cuddle for the rest of the day and eat chocolate pretzels until we explode.”

“Hey, kiddo.” Maverick appeared in the doorway with a taller, blond-haired man behind him. “Harrison Gagnon is here.” He gave us both a smile and turned to leave.

“Dad.” Andy shot to his feet. “You don’t have to go. You could stay. I mean, only if you want to.”

Maverick gave a faint smile. “I’d love to.” He slid the pocket door closed and then moved to sit down on the couch next to Andy, patting his knee gently.

“Andy, it’s nice to meet you. Your father has had nothing but wonderful things to say about you.” Harrison stepped farther into the room. He looked friendly enough. I couldn’t get a read on him as he took in my boyfriend. Harrison held out his hand, and Andy shook it gently, clutching my fingers tightly in his free one.

Andy gave a curt nod. “This is Leo. My boyfriend.”

I managed to untangle myself so that I could stand up. “Hello.” I held out my hand, and Harrison shook it, giving me a bright smile. He had kind eyes. I would probably spill all my darkest secrets to him if he were my therapist.

“It’s a pleasure, Leo.” Harrison nodded as he sat down in the chair Maverick had set up across from the couch.

Andy reached for my hand again. “He’s staying. Both of them. Dad and Leo. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course it’s perfectly fine. This session is more about us getting to know one another. If you choose to continue to seeme, I’d like a more professional atmosphere where we won’t be interrupted. You’re allowed to bring whomever you want, but sometimes it might be best if we do this one on one, so you can talk freely without worrying about the things you have to say. And if you decide you don’t like me, either because you don’t feel we mesh well together or maybe because you once knew a Harrison who maybe had stinky breath or feet, I won’t be offended.”

I giggled. “Sorry.” I covered my mouth.

“Don’t apologize, Leo, laughing is encouraged. Crying, too, if it helps.” Harrison grinned at me. “So, Andy, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”

He grunted. “You already know. I’m sure Dad filled you in.”

“I know what Maverick told me, but I want you to tell me. You can start in the present or the past. Tell me what makes you smile.” Harrison crossed his right leg over his left, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small notebook. “I’m a little old school sometimes. I hope you don’t mind if I take notes.”

Andy chewed on his lip again. “Leo makes me happy.” I preened at his words. “I want to marry him. Start a family and spend the rest of my life with him. He’s everything.” He gave me a shy smile. “I broke up with Leo once, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I have forever to make it up to him.”

“Why did you break up with him?” Harrison scribbled something into his notebook, his head down. But when Andy didn’t answer, he looked up, his brows raised. “Or if you don’t want to tell me, why don’t you talk about your band? My daughter loves Princess Bungalow. She has a big crush on the twins.”

Andy’s knee began to bounce up and down again. “I, uh, fucked up. Sorry. I messed up pretty bad. Someone I trusted told me that I shouldn’t be tied down on tour. That maybe I should try exploring my options. I was a fool.”

“Who told you that?” Maverick exclaimed.

Andy rolled his eyes. “Dad, don’t. I know what an idiot I was to listen. It was the biggest mistake of my life, but Leo has forgiven me. We’re going to move forward.”

“Mm.” Maverick folded his arms over his chest. His eyes flashed angrily as he stared at his son.

I nodded. “I did, and I’m working on forgiving Ford—” I felt myself flush the second his name came out of my mouth. Oops.

Maverick rose to his feet, his fists clenched at his side.

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