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“I would be honored.”

Cameras were flashing, cell phones were out, and I knew that by the end of the day today, Leo’s face would be plastered all over social media right next to mine.

I wasn’t sure I was ready for the world to pry into every part of Leo’s life. He was too important to me.

Chapter Thirty-Four


After finishing fifth in the race, I climbed from my car and managed to remove my helmet before Andy grabbed me. He swung me around laughing, pressing wet kisses against my face before he placed me back on my feet. I knew I had to be an absolute mess. My hair was plastered to my face, mixed with sweat and dirt. My fire suit clung to my body like a second skin. But Andy didn’t seem to care. He was smiling at me like I was the most important thing in the world.

“That was amazing, Ricky. I’m so proud of you!” He cupped my cheeks in his hand.

I hummed happily. “You had fun then?”

The sound of cheering and laughing caused us both to turn just as the twins rushed toward RJ. He was the lucky winner of today’s race, and sure, I wanted that checkered flag for myself, but I was just as happy it was one of my friends. A big smile spread over RJ’s face as Felix and Ford ambushed him, wrapping their arms around his large body and hugging him.

“They’re so into him,” Andy commented, then let out a low whistle. “Oh, shit.”

Rand Shepard was walking toward his son, his eyes narrowed and hands balled into fists at his side. The man was scary on a good day, but right now he looked like he had just walked out of a nightmare. The twins jumped away from RJ the second they spotted him.

“Oh, fuck no,” I growled, only to have Andy hold me back. “Let go of me, hon. I’m about to kick a homophobe in the balls.” My voice trailed off the second Rand grabbed his son in a tight hug, his mouth against his ear and a big smile on his face.

Andy chuckled. “You were saying?” His arm snaked around my shoulders as Rand greeted both twins, shaking their hands and then grinning when Felix insisted on a hug. Okay, maybe he wasn’t as scary as I was making him out to be. Like Maverick.

I was whisked away from Andy by my PR person for interviews and photographs, but he promised he would be waiting for me when I was done. I caught up with Noel and Carson on the way, but my mind kept going back to earlier when Andy got nervous about the cameras catching us together. I had given him my phone before I got into the car, and the sudden itch to check my socials had me wishing I had grabbed it before I left him. Were people talking about us? Did they hate me? Did they think I wasn’t right for Andy? Or maybe he wasn’t right for me?

“Hey.” Noel touched my shoulder. “Everything okay?”

I chewed on my bottom lip. “Perfect.”

“Why does it feel like you’re lying to me?” Noel tilted my head up to meet his gaze. “You and Andy good?”

That brought a smile to my face. “We’re great.”

“So why do you look so nervous? Did someone say or do something?” Noel asked. He popped his jaw. “If you need me for backup, I’m there. You don’t even have to ask.”

I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped my throat. “You don’t have to hulk out on anyone right now, I just...” I sighed. “I think Andy’s worried about us being seen together.”

“Excuse me?” Noel exclaimed, causing a few people to turn to look. “Why would he be worried about that? You’re a goddamn catch, Leopold.”

Carson’s brows dipped. “Like he doesn’t want you to be seen together, or is it something else?”

“The press loves a good gossip story. He wanted me to be ready for the stories that were going to pop up with him being here, for sitting in my pit and watching the race. I mean, I stillhave Andy’s pictures on my IG from years ago, so it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out we have history together. And for the media to start digging around for my background.” I grimaced at the thought.

Noel nodded in understanding. “That’s what you’re afraid of.”

“I don’t want my childhood splashed all over the front page of some gossip rag. About how our parents were too buried in gambling debt to care about their children.” I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

Noel pulled me into a hug. “Fuck them if they do. I’ve got your back.”

“Me, too, Leo. And you know Ezra will literally fight anyone who says anything,” Carson reminded me. That was the absolute truth.

“Thank you, both of you.” I squeezed Noel tightly before we headed into the media center.


I had hoped that Andy would be waiting for me when I finished my interviews, but I was left disappointed. I stepped out into the warm, dark evening air, and disappointment hit me hard. I walked back to my RV alone. Carson and Noel were long gone, heading back to their significant others. I could hear laughing and talking coming from the other RVs as I made my way home, and when mine came into view, I stopped to take in the sight. The lights were blazing inside. Someone was waiting for me. A smile stole over my face. Andy. Andy was waiting for me, and he was the only man I had ever wanted. I had cried myself to sleep over and over again, wishing he hadn’t broken up with me. I’d begged and pleaded the universe for Andy to come back to me.

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