Page 77 of Or Best Offer

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“Whatever you’re going through, just know that we all love you very much, kiddo. The past doesn’t matter because it’s the past. And...” He leaned closer. “I’m sorry for treating you the way I did when you came back. I nearly ruined my relationship with CC, so I have no right to judge you. But do know that I love you, Andy.”

Tears stung my eyes. “Thank you,” I croaked and then buried my head against my knees.

“Tell you what,” Ezra murmured, his fingers still in my hair. “Why don’t I run back to my RV and grab some cookies? Those are my favorite when I’m not feeling my best.”

I huffed out a laugh. “With frosting?”

“Always with frosting, boo.”


Ezra practically force fed me those amazing cookies he always had around. I managed to stop him at four, because my stomach was starting to hurt, and I figured they weren’t the best idea for breakfast. But when we left for the track, I felt a little better and Ezra’s arm was hooked through mine. He giggled happily as we walked through the crowds of crew and family members as he babbled on about how he knew that Carson was going to win today. He said that he could feel it in his bones.

I saw Noel standing by Leo’s pit box, and my stomach twisted. Was he going to yell at me? Push me around and tell mehe didn’t want me anywhere near his brother. When Noel saw me, he let his multicolored eyes roam over my body before he jutted his chin at me.

“Andy. Good to see you.”

What was happening right now?

“Uh, yeah, it’s good to see you, too.” I dragged a hand through my hair and gripped the back of my neck. “Good luck today.” I had no idea what else to say.

“Thanks.” Noel patted Ezra’s shoulder as he walked away toward where Seth was waiting.

Ezra clapped his hands happily. “That’s progress right there. Noel’s already halfway to—Baby!” He squealed as he threw himself at Carson, who easily lifted his husband up as he pressed a kiss to his mouth. That’s when I felt someone press themselves against my side and wrap their arms around me.

“Hey, hon.” Leo’s smile was so wide it nearly split his face. But it quickly disappeared. “What’s wrong? Did someone say something to you, because—”

I silenced Leo with a kiss, crushing my mouth against his and trying to taste all he had to offer. The soft sigh he released as he relaxed against me had me wrapping my arms around him to pull him closer.

“Everything’s prefect, Ricky,” I whispered and held him tighter when he tried to pull away. “I missed you.”

Leo nodded. “You sure that’s all it is? You’re not lying to me? Noel and Ezra haven’t been total bitches or anything?”

“Nah, baby, they’ve been great.” Which wasn’t a lie. Ezra was treating me like nothing had ever happened, and Noel, well, at least he hadn’t punched me. If I were in Noel’s shoes, I would have made my brother’s boyfriend pay for breaking his heart.

Leo narrowed his eyes before he broke into a smile again. “Good.” He rose onto his toes. “Give me a good luck kiss.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice. This time, there was more behind our kiss. Leo’s tongue twisted together with mine, his fingers clutched at my shirt, and for one brief second, I forgot about everything but him. His baby-blue eyes, his ink-colored hair, and that damn bellybutton ring. I wanted to kiss it. Rub my tongue over the cool metal and feel Leo tremble beneath me.

“I love you so much, Ricky.”

“I love you more.”

I chuckled. “Pretty sure that I will win this one if you want to fight about it.” I brushed the hair from his forehead. “We can just call it a tie.”

Leo preened. “That sounds perfect to me.” He grabbed my hand. “I’m so excited that you’re going to get to watch me race today. I’ve been telling everyone how my boyfriend is here for the first time to watch me in a Cup race. I didn’t tell them you were super famous, but some people have already figured out who you are.”

“What?” I glanced over my shoulder to look around. Sure enough, some of the drivers and crew members were watching me. “Oh, I guess I hadn’t thought about that.” It wasn’t like I didn’t want everyone to know Leo was mine. Or that I wasn’t used to people staring at me when I went out in public.

Leo’s face fell. “Did you not want people to know about us? That you’re dating a NASCAR driver?”

“No, Ricky, I want the world to know.” I quickly clasped both of his hands between mine. “I’m so proud to be your boyfriend. But the press might not be so kind. Things will come up that you don’t want the world to know.”

Leo stared down at our hands and then dragged his gaze up to mine. “I don’t care.”

“You might say that now, but when they dig into your past, your parents and your brother, you might change your mind.” I didn’t want anyone saying horrible things about Leo. Not ever.

He shook his head. “I. Don’t. Care, Andy. Fuck them. I’ve been living under a microscope since I started racing as a gay man. If they bring up shit like that, they’re complete and total assholes. I only care about you. Us. I want to be with you, and no one is going to stop that from happening. Now.” Leo gave me a smile. “Come stand with me at my car. The pre-race is about to start, and I want everyone to know you’re here with me.”

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