Page 72 of Or Best Offer

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I hoisted myself up onto the countertop. “I’ll sit right here.”

Parker turned on the water. “Do you mind just closing your eyes for second so I can....” They pointed to the shower.

“Sure, yeah, no problem.” I clamped my eyes shut and pressed my lips together until I heard the sound of the shower door shut and then the loud sob that followed it.

“Parker?” I jumped to my feet. I could make out their blurry figure behind the glass. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”

They slapped their hand against the door. “What if Lucas hadn’t shown up? What if he hadn’t been outside walking around, and they... I could have...” They cried harder.

“I’m coming in,” I announced.

I yanked the door open to step inside, then wrapped my arms around them as the water cascaded over my head, gluing my hair to my face. I didn’t care that my clothes were currently sticking to me or that Parker was naked. This was about making them feel better. Comforting them, assuring them that they were safe, and no one would try to hurt them again.

Parker didn’t fight me, but instead accepted my embrace and returned one of their own. It wasn’t a full-on body hug like Ezra and Seth liked to give, but it was nice. Like maybe all those thoughts that they didn’t like me were just in my head. Or maybe I had come on a little strong trying to be their friend. We stood there, like we were friends, for what felt like hours, but it was probably more like a couple of minutes.

“Baby, everything okay in there?” Andy knocked lightly on the door. “It’s kind of quiet.”

Parker giggled, something I had never heard them do before. It was soft, almost delicate, and sounded like bells on Christmas. “This is a little weird, right? Your boyfriend is literally in the next room, right outside that door, and you’re hugging me. While I’m naked.”

“It’s only weird if we make it weird,” I assured them before I called out to Andy. “Hon, we’ll be out in a few minutes. We’re just talking.”

Parker snorted. “My dick is pressed against your leg, Leo.”

“Oh my God!” I yanked out of their arms, making sure not to look down. “I guess that means we’re besties now.” What was wrong with me? Parker’s brows dipped. “I mean, not really, just like, your dick has touched my body, and I’ve touched you naked so... Fuck.”

Parker gave me a shy smile. “I think I’d like that. Being besties with you.”

“Really? You would?”

“You’re kind. You took care of me today when all I’ve done in the past is be a jerk to you. You’re friendly, and funny, and prettier than I am. What’s not to like?”

I blinked in confusion. “You think I’m pretty?”

“Sweetpea, you have to know that you’re gorgeous.” Parker patted my cheek. “I don’t know about you, but I’m freezing. Could you be a dear and turn off the water?”

I did as they asked, and they stepped from the shower, grabbed two towels, and handed one to me. “Thanks.”

“I should be the one thanking you,” they said. Parker wrapped the towel around their waist and reached for another to dry out their hair.

I shrugged. “You did that already.”

“No, Leo, I...” Their chin quivered. “Lucas saved me. And then you and Andy just dropped everything to make sure I was okay. And then you climbed into the shower fully dressed to console me. No one—Well, my parents would have, but I couldn’t tell them about this. They’re busy with my siblings, and I don’t want them to worry. Mom worries so much already, and if she knew...I.... Shit.”

Parker turned away from me and stared into the mirror. Chestnut brown hair flopped into their dark eyes. One of them was almost completely swollen shut. “I’m going to have to come up with some sort of lie about this.” They waved their hands in front of their face.

“Makeup can fix some if that. I can help you if you want,” I suggested. Maybe I should ask Ezra to help. He was the master at coverup and had taught me so much.

Parker stared at me through the mirror. I thought they weren’t going to answer, but then they gave a short nod. “I’d like that.” They turned around to face me. “Leo—”

I closed the distance between us and hugged them again. “I know, boo, I know. I’m here for you, no matter what you need.”


Andy and I ended up staying at Parker’s RV for a while after they let me borrow some dry clothes.. Lucas doted on them, getting them a plate of food after I cooked up some of Maverick’s famous taco casserole. It was cute, but I was curious—okay, more thancurious—about what was going on between the two of them, but right now was not the time to ask questions. Even if Parker’s cheeks flushed pink when Lucas tucked a blanket around them.,

“Are you seeing this?” Andy asked, his hands on my waist. “I’m not imagining things, right?”

I hummed softly. “I’m seeing it.”

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