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I smiled. “Yeah, yeah, I think that we are.”

“That’s all you’re going to give me? Not even a little hint about that giant hickey he sucked into your neck?” RJ smirked and then I watched it slip right from his face. “Oh shit. You’re not a virgin anymore.”

I grew warm. “I’m not.”

“Was it everything you thought it would be?” RJ’s brows dipped. “I know you wanted it to be special and with someone you loved, so it only makes sense.”

“It was everything and more.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Now that Leo had left, it felt like something was missing. There was a hole in my heart that I couldn’t fill without him. I had promised to call, to text, to reach out in every single way if I needed him, and the second he was gone, I had to stop myself from texting him. I didn’t want to come across as too clingy or needy. Who wanted that?

I do.

Leo had never been overly clinging. We spent a lot of time together but had our own friends, did our own thing. Yet now he was the only one I wanted to spend time with. The one who grounded me.

“Andrew, a word.” The sound of Ezra’s voice had me jumping back and turning around. He flashed a devious smile as he looked up at me, his gaze hard.

Where had he even come from? I hadn’t heard any footsteps, but then again, I had been lost in thought.

“Did you just Spiderman your way into the house? Shouldn’t you be at the race with your husband?” I tried to calm my racing heart.

“Mm, yeah, CC is fine without me this weekend. He’s a big boy. I told him I wanted to spend some quality time with my bestie, Maverick.” Ezra’s dark eyes narrowed. “And his eldest son.”

What was happening right now? Was Ezra going to burn me at the stake or tie me up and waterboard me? For such a small man, he could be terrifying. He had that in common with my dad.

“I thought you were okay with Leo and me getting back together.”

“Oh, was I?” He stalked toward me, grabbed my hands, and squeezed them lightly. “Leo is like a child to me. I love him fiercely. And what you did?” Ezra shook his head. “It was unacceptable.”

My stomach lurched. “I know it was wrong.”

“Do you, boo, because you’re sliding back into Leo’s life like nothing changed. Like he’s still that boy who looked at you like you hung the moon and stars. Spoiler alert, he’s not,” Ezra warned.

Tears stung my eyes. “I love him.”

“Doesn’t mean you won’t hurt him again. You did it once, and you claimed to have loved him then, too.” Ezra tightened his grip on my fingers. “Leo deserves the world, Andrew. He needs someone who will put him on a pedestal, cherish him, and treat him like the beautiful princess he is. You said that person was you, but then you changed your mind. I won’t let it happen again.”

I untangled myself from Ezra. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I took the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I destroyed him. I shouldn’t have done it. I’ve spent the last three years regretting my choices. Thinking that maybe I never should have asked Leo out. Then he wouldn’t have fallen in love with me and let me destroy him. I know it was wrong. I know Leo deserves so much better. Someone who won’t hurt him, but I need him. Ezra, I can’t... I love...I should...I need...” I dropped to the kitchen floor as sobs wracked my body.

“Oh, boo,” Ezra cooed softly. He was suddenly next to me, his arm around my shoulders, and he used his free hand to tilt my face up. “I didn’t mean to make you so upset. You sweet boy. I was only trying to knock some sense into you.” He brushed the tears from my face.

I sniffed. “I’m kind of a hot mess right now.” Ezra’s lips twitched. “I know you hate me—”

He placed a finger over my mouth. “First off, that’s a lie. And second, I don’t hate anyone. Look at me, huh? I’m best friends with my husband’s ex-boyfriend. Do you really think I’m capable of hating someone? Wait, scratch that. I hate my ex, but that’s another story.”

The worry in his eyes had me trying to pull away, but Ezra stuck like Velcro. “I would hate me.”

“I’m not you, boo. I’m Ezra, and I believe that nearly everyone deserves a second chance.” He plopped down on the floor next to me. “What’s troubling you? Your eyes have dulled. The shine they once held is gone. You’ve changed, Andy. Talk to Uncle Ezra.”

I snorted and shook my head. “Did Dad put you up to this?”

My gut twisted at the thought of Dad knowing. I didn’t want to burden him with my problems when he worked so hard to fix the ones he had. Even though I had promised Leo I would talk to my parents, I wasn’t sure I could.

“You should know me better than that.” Ezra patted my arm and brushed the curls from his forehead before he winked at me. “I hope the two of you are practicing safe sex.”

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