Page 39 of Or Best Offer

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“I’m sure he will, Andy. Your pop was amazing. So strong and protective, but even he couldn’t save me from myself.”

My throat grew tight. “Dad, I...” I shook my head as I tried to figure out how to word things. I loved both of my fathers. They had taken me in, given me a home, and raised me, had given me chances that I never would have had otherwise. Maverick Frost was my idol. Disappointing him was something I never wanted to do.

“Whatever you’re struggling with, it’s okay. Tell me or don’t, but please don’t carry this around alone. And don’t make Leo carry it for you,” Dad murmured. He patted my thigh before he stood up. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to head to the grocery store. Text me if you think of anything you’d like or need.”

I stayed on the couch until I knew he was gone and then I began hunting around the house. I needed something to take the edge off. Something that would calm my head and the voices inside of it. Only there was nothing. Dad didn’t drink, therefore neither did Pop. How could this entire house be dry? I heard the footsteps above my head as Lucas moved around his room, and a thought occurred to me. He was an eighteen-year-old boy. He had to have something in his room I could use.

“Let me in.” I knocked loudly on his door. When he didn’t answer, I knocked louder. “Hey, Lucas!”

The door whipped open. “Big brother, what can I do for you?” He folded his arms over his thick chest.

“Do you have anything to drink?” I pushed past him and into his room.

Lucas raised his brows. “You think I would be stupid enough to bring anything into this house? Dad and Pop would smell it a mile away. Ground me for life.”

I tried not to look disappointed. I could always go out and buy something of my own. “Of course. Right. I shouldn’t have assumed that.”

“Don’t give up so easily, Andy. I said I wouldn’t bring it here, but that doesn’t mean it’s not somewhere else.” Lucas grinned. “Come on.” He waved for me to follow him.

We went back downstairs, outside, and into the yard. Right to the guesthouse. Once inside, Lucas went over to the fridge, opened the freezer, dug around, and pulled out a bottle of vodka. He winked, grabbed two glasses, and placed everything on the table.

“Now, if the dads ask, this didn’t come from me.” Lucas poured vodka into both cups and pushed one toward me. “You know how Dad feels about booze.”

I did. Wealldid.

I gulped the booze back in a heartbeat. It burned all the way down my throat, but I welcomed it. I enjoyed that first taste, the way it lit up my insides and warmed my soul. “More.”

“You’re going to have to replace this.”

“I’ll buy you a dozen.”

Lucas sipped his as I drowned my second and then third glass, that fuzzy, floaty feeling taking over my body. All my cares seemed to just disappear.

“Are you staying here or going back on the road?”

“I’m home for six weeks and then the tour starts again.” I reached for the bottle, but Lucas snatched it away. “Give it,” I growled.

He shook his head. “Nah, bro. What’s going on with you right now? Even when you lived at home, you never drank. You were the good son. What gives? Is it Leo? Is he seeing someone and this your way to try to escape?”

“No.” I clenched my teeth. “It’s just...I just do it now and then, when my thoughts are scattered and I can’t think straight. It helps calm me.”

Lucas popped a brow. “So, it’s like a coping mechanism? Bro, that doesn’t sound healthy. Have you spoken to Dad about this yet? He would help.”

“No, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t say anything. He’s already trying to get me to talk to a shrink, and that’s not ever going to happen. I’m not broken.”

Lucas scratched his chin, giving me a chance to really take him in as he stared at me. My little brother had become a man. Sure, he was eighteen, three years younger than I was, but he looked much older. His shoulders were broad and thick, muscles bulked beneath his shirt. I was a big guy at nearly six-five, but he was already bigger than that, and he hadn’t stopped growing yet.

“You won’t, right? Say anything to them? I love Dad and Pop. I don’t want to burden them with this.” I chewed on my lip nervously.

Lucas grunted. “Fine, but if this gets out, don’t you dare say I knew anything about it.”

The sound of voices brought my attention to the outside, and when I opened the door to the guesthouse, I saw Killian and Matthias Hampton walking across the yard. They were holding hands, laughing at something, and then Killian stopped, gripped Matthais’s head in his hands, and kissed him.

“Get a room!” Lucas called out, and Killian stuck up his middle finger.

My brother laughed as he left me to go say hello to the Mulligan Downtown singer. I had idolized my father growing up, but Lucas had the biggest crush on Killian. With the blue eyes, the tattoos, and chestnut curls, we all had at one point or another.

I quickly shoved the alcohol back into the freezer just as the three of them walked inside. I tried to force a smile and look normal. Lucas wiggled his brows at me as Killian came closer, his blue eyes taking in everything. Once he seemed satisfied, he sat down at the small table and knocked his tattooed covered fingers against the wood and gestured at me.

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