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We both know Melanie doesn’t owe me shit. No one does and that’s the harsh truth of my reality. Melanie’s just a child counselor. One who’s trying to do her job to the best of her ability. Safeguarding me no matter how much I try to push her away.

Stubbornness runs through my veins and I’m being harder on her than I need to be. I can’t help it. A natural reaction when my fight or flight kicks in. A vicious habit I’ve always struggled to break. Anyone else would be grateful to have someone like Melanie fighting their corner. She’s spent the best part of a week by my side, no matter how nasty I’ve been or how hard I’ve tried to push her away. She still came to see me. Always checking up on me, trying to make this horrible transition run a little smoother while I’ve been held up in this hellhole and look how I’ve repaid her.

The truth is, I can’t trust anyone. Especially right now. A fact Melanie is proving true every time she holds back on me. Withholding vital information. Information which could make all of this make sense.

“You know the rules. I can’t tell you much. I wish I could, but I’m not allowed. If I did it would cost me my job, and I’m not prepared to risk that, Phoenix.” Her mind is struggling, battling against her heart. I can see she’s waging a war in her head as she spins a huge diamond ring around on her wedding finger before biting down on her bottom lip, worrying it between her teeth.

“Can I ask you a question?” I decide to strike while her mind is occupied.

She looks at me, her lips pulling at the edges. “If I’ve learned one thing about you this past week, it’s you’ll go right ahead and ask me no matter what I say.”

She’s not fucking wrong. At least she’s been paying attention. “Do you have kids, Melanie?”

“I don’t see how that’s relevant…”

“Just do me a favor and answer the question. Humor me.”

Melanie contemplates for a moment before finally giving in. “I do.”

“Nice,” I offer her my own fake smile. She’s not the only one with years of practice. Right now, I couldn’t give a damn about her kids, but I’m hoping this might work in my favor. “I want you to imagine that the script was flipped. That your kids were in my position. Imagine they didn’t have any answers to the relentless questions spinning around on repeat in their little innocent minds, confusion running wild.” I pause for effect. “Now imagine they’re being dragged away from everything they’d ever known—forced to shut up and put up while strangers try to root around in their head while making plans to send them away. Uprooting them from their home.”

I’m not surprised when I’m met with total silence. “How do you think your poor innocent kids would feel then? Would you want them to be all alone, forced to remain silent while they’re lives are planned out for them. Would you want them to go in blind or would you want them to have a little bit of knowledge to help them on their way?”

“Phoenix, I know what you’re trying to do. I’ll give you top points for effort but playing the guilt card won’t work.” She sighs, almost defeated. I’m breaking her down, piece by piece. Her steel composure slipping. “I told you already that my hands are tied and you have to believe me. Braxton isn’t the safest place for you right now.”

I shake my head, brows furrowed together in confusion. “What the fuck does that even mean?” I press some more. “I thought the tough guys took the bad man away?”

Frustration tingles down my spine. I should be happy because this is the most Melanie has given me in the days since she crashed into my life. But I know she’s still holding back on me. Massively.

Another low, heavy sigh rolls from her shoulders as she leans across the table, finally caving and admitting defeat. I knew I’d be able to break her eventually. My perseverance is unbreakable… another thing I had to learn over the years.

“Phoenix, please…” she casts her eyes around the clinically white room to make sure no one else is listening in on our conversation. “I need you to listen to what I’m about to tell you. This is important—”

“I’m listening…”

“If you stay here and go against our help and support then you’ll be putting yourself and everyone else you come into contact with, in grave danger. Do you understand what I’m saying to you? Do you understand how serious this is?”

I do, but I still want to hear her say it. I want her to admit everything to me out loud. To look me straight in the eye while confessing everything she knows. Which seems to be a whole lot more than she’s willing to divulge so far.

“Out with it, Melanie.” I push. “Do me a favor and quit with the riddles. I’ve experienced enough of those to last me a lifetime. So, I’m in danger. This isn’t news to me, and you know it.” The way I was raised has always placed me in the line of fire. It’s a part of my life. Something I’ve always known so I don’t know why she’s making such a big deal about it.

“This is bigger than you could imagine…” she urges. “It’s not as simple as warning you about the dangers…”

“It never is.” I pull out another cigarette and light it up, inhaling deep before erasing her features, making them disappear in a plume of smoke.

“The time has come where we need to remove you from them, until they’re eradicated.”

Pulling my leg up onto the chair I rest my elbow, looking straight into her eyes. “How dangerous are we talking?”

“This isn’t a joke, Phoenix.” Her voice is stern, urging me to take her seriously. “I don’t know the whole ins and outs. I just need you to trust me.”

A laugh falls from my lips, causing her eyes to widen. “Trust? Are you shittin’ me? Melanie, even for you, that’s a big ask.” My words wound her, like I’ve just slapped her with each one and a small part of me feels bad but her feelings don’t get me what I want or need.

“I need you to believe that everything I’m doing here is for you and your best interests.”

“Bullshit,” I push my plate of uneaten food away from me; more like slop, and lock eyes with hers. “My best interests are here in Braxton, and you know it.” I point out, slamming my palm down on the table. “Surrounded by my friends. Aroundpeople who care about me. I’m supposed to be starting college next week but I’ll take a wild stab in the dark and guess that’s something else you’ve taken from me too.” The venom leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. “I’d love to hear how you try to justify that being in my best interests.”


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