Page 42 of Savage

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“Fine.” He holds his hand up in partial surrender. “You win. I’ll refrain from having any more fun with her… after tonight.” When I go to argue with him, he cuts me off, “I invited her so I’m going to play host and give her a night she won’t forget.” He raises a brow, watching me expectantly. “What do you say brother, are you in or not?”

“Just tonight?” I ask, nodding back at him, a silent agreement between us. “If I agree then I want you to have nothing to do with her after tonight. She’ll go back to the sewers where she belongs. She’ll live like the rest of them—the way we initially agreed. No special treatment.”

“That’s all I’m asking.”

“One night. That’s all you get so make the fucking most of it.”


I’m fucking lost.

Obviously if it was going to happen then of course it would have to happen to me. I feel like I’ve been walking around this huge Manor House for what feels like forever. I have no idea where I am. I’ve tried to back step but no matter how hard I try I seem to be going around in circles and I can’t break the cycle.

Every hallway and door look the same as the last. Maybe I should have taken Flick up on her offer to escort me but she was talking to some guy she knows from last year and I didn’t want to become the third wheel. However, hindsight is a beautiful thing.

The truth was, I wanted to be on my own. I needed some space. Away from all the chaos so I could breathe and try to clear my mind. I needed to escape the loud thud of music and more importantly I needed to distance myself from the intensityof Cameron’s heated gaze. Heavy, hungry and predatorial. I’m getting used to the heated standoffs with his brothers, but with Cameron it feels different somehow.

Honestly, I don’t know what it is with the Savage brothers but each and every one of them seem to be next level crazy. Full on. Too fucking hot to handle. I think I’ve done pretty damn amazing to survive this far, but that was then and this is now.

Now, I’m standing in the heart of their territory and I have no idea how I’ll cope amongst all three. Those boys would eat me alive if I gave them half the chance. My rebellious side laughs sadistically, telling me that wouldn’t be such a bad thing, but my practical and sensible side is screaming out that I need to tread carefully. The only problem is, it doesn’t really matter how hard I try to listen to my gut because I can’t stay away from them, and they just keep on coming.

I know I’m going the wrong way when this hallway closes in, growing narrower and the marble staircase is nowhere in sight—nothing more than a distant memory at this point. I try to look around for any other signs of life when something moves in my peripheral and my vision is blocked.

Fear consumes me as the dark figure moves closer, stepping out of the shadows and coming straight for me. Blood rushes to my ears as my heart pounds deep in my chest, drowning out the pumping music in the background.

Sandalwood invades my senses and my blood runs cold, every fiber of my being warning me to take a much-needed step back. My senses are on high alert, letting me know that this, whatever it is, isn’t going to end well.

Fuck. Of course it’s not going to end well. I’m stranded in the middle of a derelict hallway in the house where three demons reside. Each and everyone of them out to get me. Only right now it feels like the devil himself has come to take me away.

“You shouldn’t walk alone in the dark, princess.” The voice snarls, full of disgust and loathing. “There’s plenty of monsters within these walls who would love to do bad, bad things to you.”

Caleb.Great. Just what I fucking need when I’m lost. The universe has decided to fuck me up the ass again by placing Caleb in my path. “Let me guess,” I force the words out, refusing to be intimidated, but a trace of fear seeps through as he inches closer. “You’re one of those bad, bad monsters?”

I feel the heat of his breath tickle my face as he closes the small space between us. “The worst fucking kind.” There’s a faint humour entwined with his malice and all the small hairs on the back of my neck stand tall. “I’d tell you to run, but it’s too late for you. I warned you to stay away but you wouldn’t listen to me. I guess you could always try to hide but we both know you’ll never be able to escape me. Not now. Not ever.”

“Yeah… I heard the same empty threats from your brothers not too long ago, and what do you know? I’m still here. Living and fucking breathing.”

“For now.”

I shake my head, not sure where my newly found bravado is coming from. “At least Dane has the balls to put actions to his words, yet you… I’m starting to think you’re all talk and no bite.”

As expected, he’s on me in seconds. His big strong hand grips my throat and instead of feeling scared, all the fear leavesmy body. Instead, I relax in his hold, more than happy to respond to his heated touch. Excitement floods every fiber of my being, swelling deep inside my chest as my legs go weak beneath me.

My stomach tightens as a rush of desire pools between my thighs, heated anticipation of all the nasty and depraved things he wants to do to me. He’ll never openly admit it, but I already witnessed the feral hunger in his eyes the first time he looked at me. There’s a fine line between lust and hate and a part of me believes Caleb Savage is caught somewhere in the middle.

“You have no idea what I’m capable of.” He warns, his face super close to mine and my breathing falters, catching in my throat. “Just because Dane decided to show you a good time, that doesn’t mean you’ll get the same from me.”

I know I should be doing everything in my power to get him off me. To push him away but the truth is, I don’t think I want to. I don’t want to push him away. Ever since I locked eyes with him, I’ve not been able to stop imagining what it would feel like to be alone with him. To feel the heat of his bronzed skin pressed against mine. Wondering if Caleb would be the type of guy to take me rough or slow.

“I’m here. I’m all ears Caleb, so why don’t you go right ahead and tell me,” I tease. I know it’s a stupid move but I can’t stop myself. I’m desperate to get some kind of rise out of him—be it his mouth or his dick. All I know is that whenever these boys are around me my brain decides to malfunction, doing the total opposite of normal.

Caleb moves even closer, his lips tugging at the corner. “You’re first mistake was walking straight into the lion’s den.” His big warm hand slides down my side before coming to a stop between my thighs and a rough, unapologetic moan rumblesdeep in his chest when he finds my pussy bare and pantiless. “Refusing to run away when you had the chance will be your last.”

“Is that a promise?” I ask breathlessly.

“I don’t make promises, princess. Only threats and actions.”


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