Page 38 of Savage

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“Alright, enough of the bullshit. Just tell me what you want.” I bore my eyes into his, my patience wearing thinner by the second. “I’ve had my fair share of mind games courtesy of your brothers.”

He holds his hands up in surrender as he licks his lips, before flashing his teeth. “I don’t doubt it, but I promise, I’m not here to play games.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure your brothers said the same thing to me.” My breath hitches as he cups my jaw, his face relaxed and composed—the total opposite of what I expect a Savage brother to be. Dane is all hands on, Caleb vicious and direct, but Cameron… he’s taking a different approach, slowly enticing me in.

“Meet me after class.” It’s not a question, more of a demand as he smirks, stepping back and falling in line with the moving crowd as the students finally catch up with us. Shaking my head, I know I’ve just set myself up for more trouble. Positioning myself front and center of an impossible storm.

A ruthless Savage Storm.


“Girl, you’re asking for trouble.” Flick sighs behind me, disapproval heavy in the air between us.

“Trust me, I haven’t gone out of my way to be placed in the line of fire. I’m just struggling to avoid it.” I try to plead my case with my new friend, but I already know I’m failing miserably. I’m failing on an epic scale.

Her brows furrow together as she steps in front of me, refusing to buy my bullshit. “Okay, so say that is true, what are you going to do about it?”

Well fuck me. That’s the number one question, isn’t it? What am I supposed to do? I’ve tried to keep my distance, to avoid them all at every turn but they always come for me in the end. They hunt me out, stalking me at every possible opportunity.

“I don’t know.” I confess, not sure of my game plan. All I know is I need to come up with a way to deal with this messand fast. I thought it was bad enough to be caught up with one wicked Savage brother but now it looks like I’ve gone and bagged all fucking three. A lethal concoction and then some. And something tells me I’ve only got myself to blame. “I’ve tried to stay out of their way, really, I have, but it’s fucking hard. There’s three of them and they’re everywhere I turn.” I’m not exaggerating either. As soon as I think about them, they turn up, like I’ve just summoned them from hell. It’s exhausting.

Flick rolls her eyes at me as I move around the narrow corridors like a silent Assassin, desperate to get to our room without bumping into Cameron along the way. So far it seems like I’ve succeeded. A part of me expected to find him waiting outside my last class but thankfully he was nowhere to be seen so I had a free path to escape.

The door creaks, opening easily under my touch. I sense Flick close behind me, and I instantly freeze on the threshold. Two pairs of eyes burn into me. One blue, one brown. Dark and light and I hear Flick mutter‘for fuck’s sake,’behind me.

“You can run but you can’t hide, buttercup.” Dane singsongs, twirling his zippo between his thumb and forefinger.

“It doesn’t have to be this hard, cub.” Cameron adds, his boyish smile lighting up his face, clearly amused at my shocked expression.

“You can’t be here.” I stammer, my plea falling flat and on deaf ears as usual.

“Who can’t?” They both say in unison, and now I see them together side by side, they could be twins. One good, one bad.

“You shouldn’t be here.” I try again but they still look through me as if I haven’t said a word.

Cameron surprises me as he pushes himself up off my bed before striding over to me and his grin spreads wide as he moves closer toward me. “You’re right.” He confesses, his voice soft yet sinister. “If you quit running then we wouldn’t have to come and hunt you down, would we?”

“You’re not looking though, are you? You’re trespassing. I locked this door before we left this morning so I’m guessing you broke in too.”

Dane throws his head back on a laugh. “Jeez, prick… who put ten cents into your box? I knew you were a dumb bitch but fuck me.”

“Don’t speak to her like that,” I warn causing Dane to snap his eyes in my direction hoping to silence me, before turning his attention back to Flick.

“You can’t trespass on your own property or didn’t anyone ever teach you that?” He bores his eyes into Flick. “Just remember that this is our turf you’re vacating; which we’ve been more than happy to allow, but if you can’t control that dumb fucking mouth of yours then maybe we should start discussing your exit plan? After all, there’s plenty more sewer rats out there who’d be grateful to be in the position you’re in.”

“Stop it.” I bite back, unable to stand back and allow Dane to drag Flick into his deadly games. “Why are you here?” I ask through gritted teeth, using everything I have to control my emotions. Nothing good will come from me losing my shit with these two. That much I already know. Whatever problem they have it’s with me. Flick is innocent in all of this, and they fucking know it too.

“We’ve come to invite you to a party.” Dane smiles and anyone would think he’s just come and delivered all my Christmas presents at once.

“You can try to pull the wool over Phoenix’s eyes, but I know first years don’t get invited to parties.” Flicks comment is quick to transport my mind back to my conversation with White when she said first years never get invited to anything. Suspicion creeps in and I can’t help but wonder why now would be any different. What could have changed a rule so strict that the Dean felt she needed to tell me about it?

Eyes blazing, Dane glares at Flick. He looks at her like she’s a bug he’d love to stamp on and I know she doesn’t miss it. I can feel the cold chill of her anxiety rolling off her. “Maybe that’s because we’ve never had a first-year worthy of inviting before.”

“What, and now you have?” I question, refusing to believe the bullshit that’s falling out of his mouth.

“Sure looks that way.” Cameron replies, a hint of something in his tone that I can’t quite put my finger on. “And because we’re feeling generous, we will allow you to bring a plus one.”

Without another word, Dane slams the invite into my chest, knocking all the air from my lungs in the process as he pushes me to the side and storms past me. He calls back over his shoulder, “7PM this Friday at the Manor House. I expect you to be there, Phoenix, so don’t make me come looking for you. Next time I have to hunt you don’t it won’t be pretty.”

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