Page 37 of Savage

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Caleb moves his head closer to mine and the heat of his minty breath invades my senses, causing me to temporarily lose focus as he laughs. “Rats get stepped on.”

“Yeah, and dicks go limp and lifeless.” It’s not the best comeback I could have used but right now it’s the best I have. I’m in the middle of a busy corridor, having another showdown with Caleb and I’m conscious that every pair of eyes are trained on us, waiting not so patiently for the inevitable explosion to erupt around them.

“Hmmmm… what am I going to do with you?” His eyes narrow and he looks every inch the predator. Everything about him oozes danger and authority and I can tell he hates me with every fiber of his being. Cool, that’s on him if he wants to hate me, but surely he could at least tell me why. As far as I know I haven’t gone out of my way to offend him. He took an instant dislike to me the moment he locked eyes on me. I’m quick to remind myself that that’s a him problem, not mine.

“Leave her alone, Caleb.” An unfamiliar voice echoes out somewhere behind him. Looking around him, I see his younger brother coming into view, causing Caleb’s nostrils to flare in disgust.

“This doesn’t concern you.” The air shifts as Caleb bites back while he never takes his narrowed eyes from mine. “This is between me and the rat.”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re a fucking asshole?” I ask, my bravado increasing.

“Daily.” He drawls back, like he’s bored of talking to me already. “But what you think doesn’t concern me.” Stepping closer so our bodies are perfectly aligned, he squeezes harder on my arm, trying his hardest to hurt and intimidate me, but he falls flat. What he doesn’t know is I spent years being hurt and intimidated by men and one day I swore I’d never allow anyone else the power to hurt or intimidate me again.

“Good to know.” I reply, forcing a fake smile onto my face. “But you’re grip on me tells me you care a little too much.” I push him, knowing I’m the one who’s going to get a reaction.

“Phoenix, maybe we should go…” Flick mutters next to me and I can tell she’s not comfortable, her voice urgent.

“Maybe you should listen to your new friend. Although unnoticeable and irrelevant, she’s been here longer than you and I’m pretty sure she could tell you a few tales of what happens to sewer rats when they get out of line. Isn’t that right, Flick?” Caleb says her name like it’s something nasty and putrid on his tongue.

“Come on, bro,” Cameron steps in again, trying to be the level-headed one here. Something tells me he hasn’t come to myrescue. More like he doesn’t want his brother making a show of himself. “Now isn’t the time or the place, man.”

Caleb doesn’t say anything. Instead a devilish smirk tugs at the corners of his lip and he looks completely at ease. So confident, proving that he’s the leader.

The ruler of this kingdom.

Adding extra pressure, he brings his lips to my ear and says, “Stay the fuck out of my way because next time there won’t be anyone else around to save you. Next time you’ll see what happens to sewer rats who get above their station.”

Without another word he drops my arm and shoves past me, walking in the opposite direction and a part of me is glad to see the back of him. The other is furious with myself because I didn’t say anything. I just stood there and took his shit—just like the pussy he thinks I am.

It takes everything I have to keep my face forward instead of looking back to watch him walk away. The similarities are insane. I know Caleb is Caleb…but he reminds me so much of him. He even sounds like the demon in my nightmares. So alike, yet so different at the same time. It’s hard to figure out. Obviously, there’s no way that he could be here. Not after that fateful night. The night I refuse to process or acknowledge. The very same night which led me here.

“You okay?” Cameron asks, and all I can do is stare at him, open mouthed. “You’ll get used to him eventually.” He flashes me a small smile, one with zero malice and I don’t know whether to hug him or punch him. “He’s not the most social.”

“No shit…” I admit. “What’s his problem anyway?” I ask, already aware that Cameron isn’t going to tell me anything. Bro’s before hoe’s and all that. Why would Cameron tell me anything.He doesn’t know me, and he sure as hell doesn’t owe me shit. Explanation included.

As expected, Cameron goes mute, refusing to give me anything. Reaching down, I pick up the books which I dropped and move forward, hurrying down the corridor. My mind is set, focused, determined to get away from prying eyes before it all becomes too much for me.

“Phoenix, wait up.” Flick calls out behind me. I know she means well but I can’t stop. I don’t want to talk to anyone right now. I want to be alone with my thoughts. Alone so I can try to compose myself before I end up having some kind of mental breakdown in class.

I keep walking as far as I can go, until I’m forced to stop when I come to a staircase concealed in a corner. My heart is racing, my chest rises and falls as I try to breathe, trying to regulate my erratic breathing. I needed to get away because I don’t need another Savage brother taking up more of my time and limited head space.

I hear the sound of footsteps closing in and I know they’re too heavy and hurried to belong to Flick. All too soon Cameron’s face appears in front of me. At first glance I can see so much of Dane in his expression, but when he smiles at me his hardened features soften. Kinder somehow. I remain tight-lipped as his brown eyes take me in, his blond hair falling down as he tilts his head to the side.

“You okay?” He asks, before a bigger smile plays on his lips. I’d love to believe he’s being genuine but so far, I haven’t had the best experiences when it comes to my welfare mixing with the Savage brothers.

“Yeah, I’m fucking great.” I snap back, unable to stop myself from reacting. “Why, have you come to tear a chunk out of me too?”

Cameron watches me closely as he slowly inches toward me, his hands palm up in surrender. He might look harmless right now but deep down I know he’s just another predator seeking out his prey. I try to move back, needing to put some much-needed distance between us but I fall into a cold stone wall. My escape denied.

“Sure sounds tempting.” His warm brown eyes dance with danger as he traps me in with his large frame. I take him in, committing him to memory before he does something to shatter the delicious illusions in my mind. “But you’ve caught me on a good day. I thought I’d come and see if you were okay.”

“Why bother?” Disbelief floods my voice and I don’t even try to hide it. I know I sound ungrateful as fuck but he can blame his brother’s for tarnishing his name and character.

“Call me curious.” Shrugging back at me his tone is casual, but it still has me on edge. These boys are unpredictable and I’m surprised they haven’t caused me an injury from the constant back and forth. “In case you didn’t notice you’ve been the talk of Stonebrooke since you arrived. Your name has been on everyone’s lips. My brother’s included.” So, Dane and Caleb have been talking about me. I guess I should have expected it, but I’d be lying if I said hearing it out loud didn’t sting. “So I thought it only fair I see what the fuss is about.”


“Do I look like I’m laughing, cub?” I roll my eyes, growing tired of their weird ass pet names for me.

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