Page 36 of Savage

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My mind is screaming at me to push him away. To take back some level of control, but my body doesn’t want to listen, once again responding only to his agonising touch. Responding to his deadly presence.

“The day I beg is the day my body is finally lowered deep into the ground.”

“That can always be arranged.”

I don’t fucking doubt it. He smirks back at me before fisting my hair as he claims my lips like they belong to him and him alone. Perfectly silencing me before I have a chance to give him a smart-ass reply.

His lips move frantically. His tongue is rough, forceful as it pushes against my lips. So hungry, always seeking more, like he’s desperate and deprived. Starved of my touch for far too long. Against my better judgement I succumb to his touch easily, losing myself in my new favorite place—all things Dane Savage as our heated tongues duel against each other, both of us trying to overpower the other, our competitive personalities clashing.

I willingly give in. More than happy to lose all my inhibitions. My body is more than ready to be destroyed once and for all. Emptiness consumes me when he pulls away, pushing himself up to stand, allowing me to drop back down onto my bed like a sack of shit. Like I’m completely irrelevant.

“I’m going to take this.” He waves my journal in front of my face, knowing all too well it’s the only thing in this place which holds any kind of value to me. “I’ll keep it safe.”

For some reason I don’t believe a single thing he says. If Dane has his way, he’ll read through it and post print outs of my personal entries all around the castle just for shits and giggles. “Quit with the bullshit. It’s not funny anymore,” I plead, jumping up to grab it but he’s faster than me. “Give it back to me.” I demand but my words fall on deaf ears.

“I will…eventually.But you know the rules, buttercup. You know what I want from you.” He’s not listening to me… at all. He’s too wrapped up in his own mind games to see that he’s being horrible. Nasty, and downright evil.

“Go suck on a dick.” I snarl, the childish insult pitiful as it falls effortlessly from my mouth. It’s weak, but the truth is, it’s the best I have right in this moment.

“I think we can both agree that’s your speciality.”

This bastard is insane. If he really thinks I’m going to drop to my knees and beg for him to give it back, then he can think again. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ll do many things; stupid and questionable things are what I love, but not that. Anything but that.

His dark brow furrows, confusion creeping onto his angular face. “I’m giving you a chance here. Something I don’t do often—if ever. If I were you, I’d take it with open arms. I’d use this offer wisely because next time you’ll find I won’t be so forgiving.”

I watch as he steps back, his large frame retreating into the shadows, and just like that he’s gone. Disappearing into the night—like he never fucking existed. Once again leaving me all alone with nothing but my racing thoughts for company.

“Phoenix.” Flick stirs beside me, pulling me back to the here and now, reminding me that she’s still here. “Who were you talking to?”

“No one.” I lie effortlessly and a rush of guilt consumes me that I can be so deceitful to the only friend I’ve ever had. “Go back to sleep. It’s still early.”


The halls of Stonebrooke are busting at the seams. Students from all year groups line the halls as they make their way to and from classes. To be honest, I prefer moving around the castle when it’s busy. The more students, the better. This way there’s less chance of me being singled out.Targeted.I don’t get much of a reprieve though as it seems my showdown with Caleb is still the hot topic on everyone’s lips.

Hushed whispers float through the air like wildfire. Curious eyes burn into me, sharp and intense as I walk past them with Flick by my side. Unfortunately, the dimly lit halls do little to mask my embarrassment as it blazes bright red on my cheeks.

My head is spinning but I try to remain focused, keeping my head down, eager to get on with my lessons. Determined to get the most out of this lifeline which has been thrown my way. Melanie might have sold the move to be under false pretenses,but regardless of my rude awakening under Dane’s sinful touch and his wicked ways, I plan to make the most of my time here. I’m going to take full advantage of what’s given to me… a chance to finally put an end to my past. A chance to actually make something of myself.

I know it’s going to be hard at times but I’ll push through because I refuse to be another statistic, or a measly pawn in anyone’s game.

Forcing one foot in front of the other, I keep my head high as I move steadily down the corridor when an icy shudder runs down my spine. It tingles, igniting my senses, warning me that he’s close. Hidden somewhere amongst the masses as he watches me the way he does while I’m sleeping.

Dane is here. He’s hiding. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

I drop my eyes to the floor as I move, gradually picking up my pace to get to class sooner but I crash into something hard. Something solid and human as my books fall to the floor, landing in a heap at my feet. I bend down, trying to retrieve them but my movement is blocked and a strong hand clamps down on my arm, dragging me back up and squeezing hard, forcing me to look at my captor.

My breath hitches when piercing green eyes lock into mine and my heart pounds so hard I think it’s about to break out of my chest. It’s not Dane who has been watching me.

Caleb fucking Savage.

He doesn’t say anything to me as my eyes begin to water from the pain as his strong grip starts to cut off my circulation. He notices I’m struggling which causes a small sadistic smirk to play on his lips.

“Can you remove your hand off my arm.” I bite out, trying my best to be calm and polite so I don’t antagonize the beast before me. Flick stands motionless beside me. She’s rooted to the spot. From shock or fear I can’t be sure, but if I had to guess I’d probably say both. I’m not surprised. I mean, she’s tried to warn me more than once to steer clear of the Savage brothers, and have I listened? Have I fuck.

“You should watch where you’re going.” He musses, speaking down to me like I’m some dumb kid who had the audacity to get in his way. His voice and expression are void of any emotion. His eyes cold and calculated.

“I could say the same thing to you.” I retort, unable to stop myself. “After all, I think you’ll find your were the one who barged into me.”

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