Page 35 of Savage

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“I’m not interested in what you have to say. I’m also not interested in your fucked up games.” I admit much too easily and I’m surprised to find my voice holds a lot more conviction than I actually feel. Yes, I want him to apologize for being a dick. For standing there while his brother tries to intimidate and humiliate me in front of the whole school but we both know that’s never going to happen, period.

For the first time in my life, I find myself grateful for the impenetrable dark cloud which blankets us. This way Dane can’t see through my lies. My face would give me away in a heartbeat.

“Shame…” I hear the faint yet all too familiar sound of his zippo lighter before his devastatingly beautiful face comes into view, catching me off guard, his angular features illuminated by the flame. “Games are what I play best and you… you’re my perfect opponent.”

I pull the thin sheet up my body trying to shield myself from his prying eyes, but I’m also quick to remember that Dane has seen more than enough of my body already. There’s no secrets between our bodies… not anymore.

“Go play with someone else then because I’m not in the mood.” I stammer out, feeling overly exposed under the intense heat of his watchful glare.

“I can’t do that.” He confesses, his voice soft like he’s genuinely offended by my refusal to partake in his games. But I must have misheard because surely the likes of Dane Savage can’t feel anything to be offended. Moving the zippo slightly, it casts his large intimidating frame into the shadows, but not before I catch a glimpse of something in his other hand. Something all too familiar…

Horrified, my erratic heart stops dead in my chest when I recognized the familiar outline of my journal. On instinct I lean forward as I fight against the nausea as it takes over every fiber of my being, battling through the light head rush, refusing to acknowledge it. Refusing to give it any power—preventing it from deterring me.

“That’s mine. Give it back.” I demand through gritted teeth, conscious I sound like a whiney brat, but the instant fear and embarrassment consume me and I know my emotions will be evident on my face. My eyes are wide and I know he doesn’t miss it. Here I am giving this monster the reaction he’s been craving. Usually, I’d be more alert but right now, right in this moment I don’t care. I couldn’t give a fuck if I look weak and vulnerable. All I know is that I need to get my journal back and fast.

No one has any business reading that, period.

Who the fuck does he think he is? Dane Savage has no right to come into my room. He sure as hell has no business going through my belongings. My personal property.

“Chillax, buttercup. It’s only a little fun… all part of the game we play so well.” He snickers back at me, his lack of fucks infuriating me more.

“I already told you; I don’t want to play.” My confession leaves my lips on a quiver, my emotions raw and unfiltered. “I want you to put back what doesn’t belong to you and leave.”

“Ah, now there lies the problem. You seeeverythingbelongs to me… and now that includes you too.”

Ignoring the heat of his threat as it simmers in the air between us, I make my move, crawling down the bed, toward the devil positioned at the bottom, and I’m conscious that Flick is still sound asleep beside me on her half of the room. Just another unwilling and innocent victim in Dane’s deadly games. Fuck, the poor girl would probably have a heart attack if she woke up to find one of the Savage brothers hiding out in her room. Thankfully, Flick isn’t aware of mine and Dane’s extra curriculum activities and right now that’s the way it needs to stay.

“I have to say, it’s quite the read,” he laughs, taunting me some more, knowing he has me right where he wants me. Knowing he’s taken something personal from me, choosing to violate me in a way only he can.

Shaking my head in disbelief I say, “You haven’t. You wouldn’t dare…” What the fuck am I saying? Of course he would. Dane is something else. Next level crazy. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t do to get a reaction. I so want to believe that this is what this is. That he’s playing with me. With my mind and emotions—just to see how far he can push me. And right now, it doesn’t seem very far.

“I’m many things…” he confirms, “and being a man of my word is one of them.” His voice is low, almost a whisper and it sends an icy tingle down my spine. Leaning forward I keep my eyes locked on his and the heat of his breath warms my face, intoxicating me. “Let’s not get this twisted. If there’s somethingthat I want, then you can bet your ass I’m going to take it—by any means necessary.”

I don’t doubt his words. Not for a second, and it does nothing to ease the fury which blazes deep inside me, spurring me on. My eyes narrow as my heart accelerates the closer I get to him. Goose pimples erupt over my bare flesh and I know it has nothing to do with the arctic temperatures down here buried beneath the castle. No, this is all Dane as my body ignites—all too aware of his undeniable presence.

“Fuck you, Dane…” I hurl. “I’ll ask you once more…”

I don’t get a chance to finish the rest of my sentence when his arm snakes around my waist and in one fluid motion he lifts me up before dropping me down into his lap. His big arm holds me close against him, ensuring I have no means of an escape. Reluctantly, I breathe him in and a rush of cedar invades my senses, taking over every fiber of my being; sending my fuzzy head spinning; leaving me more vulnerable and exposed than I was before.

“Are you threatening me?” He asks, zero emotion or traces of humor in his voice. I try to fight, to break free of his restraints but he’s no match for me. He’s too strong. It doesn’t help that my body is refusing to resist the undeniable pull—refusing to ignore the sexual chemistry charging the air around us.

I don’t know what but everything about this monster pulls me in and captivates me.

“I hate you.” My voice wavers, struggling to hide the lie. I should hate him. Fuck, I should hate everything about him. But this guy, dark and fucking dangerous brings out a whole newside to me. A side I’m more than happy to explore. No matter how wrong or fucked up it might be. On my heart, mind or body.

“Correction… you wished you hated me...” Dane sounds so confident as he thrusts his hips against me. “You can lie to yourself all you want, but your eyes… your eyes speak a thousand words and trust me, hate isn’t one of them. Not even fucking close.”

“You don’t know the first thing about me.” I remind him, but in true Dane style he’s quick to shut me down with a flick of his wrist, reminding me that he currently holds all my deepest secrets in the palm of his hand.

Just inches apart I can hear the loud thud of his heart beating steadily in his chest and the swell of his solid dick between my thighs is a welcome distraction. A feeling I could get used to.

“I also know that you’re desperate to feel my dick inside your tight, wet pussy.” He mutters as if reading my mind. “I know you’re desperate for me to fuck you—hard and fast.”

I don’t even try to deny it. Instead I allow him to take my silence for whatever answer he craves to fuel his ego. Plus, I don’t see the point in wasting my depleted energy arguing when he’ll just shut me down and prove me wrong time and time again. Choosing to remain silent, refusing to admit what we both already know he flashes me a killer smile, his dimple making a rare appearance.

“Let me go.” It’s more of a plea as the words fall from my lips but instead of releasing me, Dane’s grip tightens.

“Not gonna happen.” He replies, his tone affirmative and full of authority. A gasp escapes my parted lips when his free hand cups the back of my neck, pulling my face toward him. Mybody freezes already knowing where this is headed. My blood runs cold as he brings his lips closer and whispers, “Beg for me,” against my ear.

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