Page 32 of Savage

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“Don’t even think about it.” I warn, and I feel the vein at my temple begging to throb as my patience grows thinner. “Like I already told Dane, she’s off limits.”

“What? Dane got to fuck it so what about me?”

“Dane now knows to stay the fuck away from her.” I bite out, making my feelings on the situation known to both of them.

“Fuck off. That’s bullshit and you know it.”

“This isn’t up for discussion, Cam.”

Cameron takes his eyes off Phoenix and turns his attention to me. “When did you turn into a killjoy?”

“The second the Braxton brat rocked up and stepped on our territory.” Cameron doesn’t need to know all the details so as usual I’ll tell him what he needs to know and that’s about it.

“Bro, if you want to fuck her then go ahead. I’m used to screwing your seconds anyway.”

A sharp hiss escapes me, my eyes still burning into unforgiving hazel ones. “Let me remind you both… we don’t fuck sewer rats, period.”

“Shit. Talk about double fucking standards.” Dane snickers next to me. “Pretty sure Maisie was a grade A sewer rat last year, or don’t you live by your own rules?”

“I said she’s off fucking limits and that’s for all of us.”

Ignoring my brother’s childish tantrum, my feet move forward, moving on their own accord as they head straight toward the root cause of all my problems. Realistically I should be shrugging it off, acting like she doesn’t mean shit to me. I’ve managed to pull it off through the years, but now she’s here, only feet away from me, her presence is too compelling to ignore.

I’d never willingly admit it to him but now I can see what Dane was talking about. I’m not Dane though. I can’t go around thinking with my dick. If I did then we’d all end up fucked and not in a good way. I need to stay strong. I need to remember the plan and stand my ground.

“Name?” I demand, towering over her small table at the back of the hall. She’s more stupid than I initially thought if she thinks she can hide from me. I already know her name, obviously. I know everything there is to know about her, but why ruin the fun. Keeping her guessing is all part of the fun.

I can feel the heated glares on my back as the vast majority of Stonebrooke watches on with bated breath, desperate to see how this is about to play out.

“I don’t see what that has to do with you.” She bites back, tossing her red waves over her shoulder before narrowing her eyes at me.

Licking my bottom lip, I can’t stop the sadistic smile as I lean over the table, encasing her and shrouding her, my large frame casting her into the shadows. She keeps her face impassive but I don’t miss her breathing falter as I bring my face close to hers and as expected Flick flinches at her side. Her body is trembling and I wouldn’t be surprised if she pissed herself being this close to one of the Savage brothers.

“If you’re in this Hall then you best believeyouhave everything to do with me.” My tone is seething but Phoenix doesn’t falter, remaining calm and composed. Somehow managing her emotions way better than me.

“Whatever. How about you back the fuck up action man, and o fuck yourself.” Her words fall freely and she doesn’t even seem phased that the whole school is watching her everymove. Zero fucks given for disrespecting a Savage brother—for everyone to fucking see.

She’s feisty, that’s for sure. I can see why Dane keeps going back for more. She’s more ballsy than I expected. Far from the weak ass pushover I imagined. And I hate to admit it but that makes a refreshing change when everyone is more than happy to bow down and roll over.

Girls have always fallen to their knees, begging for me to show them just a fraction of attention but Phoenix, she’s batting it away like I’m the one who isn’t worthy of her time. Fuck, she’s going to be more trouble than she’s worth. I can feel it. From the cogs spinning in my head, all the way down to my solid dick as it strains against my jeans.

Looks like a sewer rat, talks like a sewer rat.I remind myself. I can feel my rage bubbling deep in my chest, only this time I’m more pissed at myself. Furious that she’s managed to get a fucking reaction out of me so fucking soon.

“I wonder if you’ll scream like a sewer rat when I strip you naked and set fire to your body. Exposing you for the whole school to see.”

If I thought this would scare her, maybe make her flinch a little I was so fucking wrong. Instead, she keeps her eyes locked with mine as she moves forward, our noses almost touching. Her lips grow wide as my nostrils flare.

“Is that a promise because I’ll look forward to it. Nothing gets me more excited than playing with fire.”

Well fuck me. If she wants to play with fire then make no mistake… I’m going to be the one to make her burn.


"Shit. She shot you down for real bro," shaking my head, my eyes tear up as an uncontrollable laugh rumbles deep in my chest. I try to breathe steady, but I can't remove the image of Phoenix coming head-to-head with Caleb. Girls usually cower and crumble before him, but not her.

That girl knows how to hold her own, for sure.

Caleb is pissed. Never in all his years has he been shut down like that. Silenced amongst the masses. No one has ever dared to stand up to him and, I’d be lying if I said it didn't make a refreshing change. What makes it even more hilarious is not only was he shut down by a girl- but by the one girl he can't stand. Fuck, that must have been painful. Like added salt to his wounds.

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