Page 11 of Escaping Rejection

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“I don’t think talking to the press will do much for our cause,” I said. “Right now, everyone’s alive. No one was lost during the last challenge. That’s something to celebrate. Until I figure out what we’re going to do, we have to keep playing the game. Like the… mating chamber tomorrow, and the next day.”

Despite my best wishes, talking about the mating chamber sent an image flashing through my mind. Wyatt, slick with sweat, grunting and thrusting into Chelsey, her head thrown back as she screamed in ecstasy. I blinked it away quickly, but the image had already seared itself into my brain. What made it worse was that Chelsey probably had the same thoughts running through her head, but instead of disturbing her, they probably excited her.

My inner wolf snarled and growled. If I didn’t have such heavy control of her, I thought she might try to force me to shift and rip Chelsey’s throat out. I did my best to soothe the beast within me.

Chelsey took another large swallow of her tea, shaking her head in disgust. “Okay. Let me know if anything changes. I’m ready whenever you are. Say the word.”

I smiled at her as I stood to leave.

She leaned forward and put a hand on mine. “Kira, I know this isn’t the best place to be, or the safest, but I’m glad we met. I was so worried you’d hate me once I came onto the show, but you’ve been nothing but kind. It’s really made this whole thing easier to get through.”

Guilt washed over me. “Hey, no problem.”

Chelsey released my hand and leaned back. “Thank you. Especially for everything you’ve done to help me and Wyatt be together.” She chuckled. “I think he’s still a little hesitant about it, but maybe between you and me, we can turn him around.”

Shame like cold mud coated my skin. I nodded, not knowing what else to do. “I’ll let you rest.”

“Okay.” Chelsey took up her mug again and went back to gazing at the ocean. Feeling like the world’s biggest asshole, I hurried away.



My body was wiped out from everything I’d gone through during the challenge and the weirdness that followed. I collapsed in my bunk almost as soon as Von told us we had the rest of the day off, then slept for fourteen straight hours. Nightmares had me in their grip the entire time.

I dreamed that Leif had been successful in dragging me up the volcano. In the dream, the mountain hadn’t been dormant; it had hissed and spit sparks and lava. Massive clouds of ash plumed out of it, lightning arcing through the black clouds in great spiderwebs of light, like the storm had come from hell itself.

The dark, foreboding tunnel echoed with the sounds of the erupting volcano. Drumbeats reverberated off the wall. The closer we got to whatever destination Leif dragged me toward, the louder the mechanical whirring and clicking sounds grew. Eventually, those sounds drowned out all the others.

My fingernails tore as I desperately clawed at the stone floor to get away. Leif continued dragging me somewhere I did not want to go. The madness in his wolf’s eyes iced my insides over. He pulled me to my doom, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. A great wooden door swung open at the end of the tunnel.

I woke with a start, nearly tumbling from bed. Sweat coated my body, and my breath shivered out of my lungs in great, shuddering gasps. The fitted sheets were twisted and torn from the corners of the mattress. I must have clawed at them in my sleep. Unsteadily, I rose and dressed. While my body felt rested, my mind was still exhausted.

The clock on the wall showed me how long I’d been asleep, and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. It was almost time for lunch. I’d missed dinner and breakfast while that nightmare had its hold on me. My stomach gave a warning rumble, and I hurried out to get some food before I passed out from hunger.

The mansion was droning with activity by the time I arrived downstairs. The other alphas had already migrated to the kitchen and dining room. J.D. sat in the corner, picking at a salad, staring miserably into the bowl. Tate, Abel, Mika, and Gavin sat at the breakfast nook, chatting and eating. They were acting pretty friendly. Strangely so. From the corner of my eye, I caught the hovering cameras. I glanced at my wristband and saw the green light. We were recording. That meant everyone had to put their game faces on.

J.D. glanced up as I walked in and nodded a greeting to me. I returned it and headed toward the buffet they’d set up for us.

“Mr. Rivers? Panini?” a chef behind the table asked as I stepped up.


He motioned toward a sandwich press and a pile of ingredients and loaves of bread. “Panini sandwich?” he offered. “Would you like one?”

“Um, yeah, sure.”

“Excellent. Prosciutto, mozzarella, and capicola? Some spinach and caramelized onions?”

I waved his question away. “Yeah, yeah. Sounds good. Thanks.”

While he made the sandwich, I loaded my plate with pasta salad, a slice of quiche, and a massive slice of cheesecake. I’d been hungry when I woke up, but once I saw the food, the sensation grew ever more intense. The chef placed the steaming grilled sandwich on my plate, and I headed over to join the conversation, leaving J.D. to his thoughts.

“Hey, guys. How’s it going?” I said as I sat. “I’m glad you all made it through yesterday.”

I meant it. I didn’t want anyone else to die. But Tate must have assumed I was being a smartass because he snorted. “With what a douchebag you’ve been lately, I bet you’re lying about that. Probably pissed you aren’t the only alpha left, right?” He laughed. “Shit, you probably want both the girls to yourself. Is that what you’re going for? Hoping the show will let you have a little harem of your own or something?”

“Even if that was what he wanted,” Abel said dryly, “that’s not how it works. One male and one female together.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Don’t give them any ideas. They might do that next year for ratings.” He turned to me. “Change of subject. Tell us how the hell you got so turned around yesterday. The course was pretty cut and dry. Didn’t seem like something you’d struggle with.”

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