Page 3 of Savage

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She moves some more, the sedative not holding its usual effect. I didn’t expect her to build up such a tolerance so soon, but I don’t allow that to discourage me. I’ll just increase her dose tomorrow. An easy fix to a little problem. Her resistance doesn’t have to change anything between us—at least not yet.

“Fuck…” I bite out, dragging the small sheet away from her body, tossing it to the floor where it belongs, alongside her innocence. What the fuck is she doing to me?

My balls draw up and I explode, cumming all over her perfect little titties. Showering her. Marking her as mine, even if her conscious mind doesn’t know it. Unable to stop myself. Unable to hold back, I bring my hungry lips down to hers and bite hard, piercing her soft flesh.

“Mine,” I growl, my tongue darting out and licking away the blood like a possessed animal. Wild and out of control. Like the savage beast I am. The way I was trained and conditioned to be. True to my fucking namesake. “Mine to use. Mine to abuse. Mine to fuck and destroy. To expose and dispose.”

And just like that it’s done.

I’ve marked this brat as my own. Dane and Cameron might be having fun with her, but in the end, it will be my hand that destroys her. To them she’s just a bit of fun. A hot pussy with a mouthpiece to pass the time, but to me she’s more. So much fucking more.

I’m the one with the vicious vendetta. The destructive endgame. A deadly score to settle. Something to prove. That’s why I set out to destroy this sleeping beauty long before Dane and Cameron came into my life. Her fate was sealed with my hands and now I’m the monster, silently creeping into her room in the middle of the night. I’m the one who violated her body formy own sick and twisted pleasure. Staking a claim on her. Fueled by an unsatiable need. A relentless rage. Hell bent on revenge.

She’s the unexpected enemy. A fact we all need to remember, and whether she wants to play a part in my game or not, sooner or later she’ll have to face the consequences. This brat will pay the fucking price for messing up my life. For the damage caused. For the sins of others, even if she didn’t sign up for it.

Unfortunately for her, mercy doesn’t form part of my vocabulary. Foolishly she’s the one who walked into my life, putting herself bang in the middle of a brutal war full of lies and destruction. A vicious and constant battle to the death.

A life for a life.

Harsh, maybe… but it’s the only way to balance the scales. While she’s been dead to the world she made a deal with the devil. Her innocent soul sacrificed; sealed with her own blood; and she has no recollection of it.

A secret between me and the shadows.

All she’ll have is a hazy mind when she finally comes around in the morning. The real monster still hidden from view, always watching—preying on her every move.

Stepping back, I pull off my mask before retreating into the darkened corner of her room. A mixture of hate and hunger beats ferociously in my chest, my heart fighting against my mind. Giving into her beauty wasn’t part of the plan. I have every intention of getting closer, finding the perfect way to get inside her deluded mind, fucking it up—intent on destroying every part of her. But the more time I spend hiding out in her room, the more I’m struggling to walk away unscathed.

I’ve watched her from a safe distance for years, more than happy to bide my time. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike. But that all changed not too long ago when she turned up here, invading my territory like she has the fucking right. Rubbing her very existence in my face.

I knew then, right in that moment I had to find a way to claim her. To keep her under my control, I set my newly revised plan into action. Keep her close at all costs. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?

Now she’s just millimeters away. Within touching distance and I’m finding it hard, almost impossible to stay the fuck away from her. I’m struggling beyond reason to resist the pull. My mind and body, usually cold and composed, emotionless and empty, are failing to resist the temptation she brings. Something I’ve never experienced before.

“This won’t last forever.” I tell myself, not feeling the conviction on my tongue. Hell, this fucked up situation can’t last forever. I’ve worked too hard, sacrificed too much to drop the ball. I’ve focused most of my life, dedicating it solely to her inevitable downfall….

Yet here she is, laid bare before me. My body responding to her every move, every breath, throwing all my plans out the window like they never fucking mattered.

Get it together, Caleb.I scold myself.

I need to keep my mind focused. I need to keep my head in the game. Constantly reminding myself why I started this to begin with. Reminding myself why this needs to happen. Reminding myself who I am and what I stand for.

I’m Caleb fucking Savage.

King and ruler of Stonebrooke Manor. I’m ruthless, heartless and corrupt to the core. Power fuels my twisted mind. Destruction soothes my darkened soul, and revenge keeps my hollow heart beating, forcing determination through my veins.

One day soon the novelty will wear off. I’m not sure when, but I’ll eventually grow tired of sneaking into her room when the lights go out. She’ll become all too familiar. Her body predictable and I’ll bore easily of the ungodly and unspeakable things I do to her body while she’s comatose beneath me.

She’ll soon lose her appeal.

In time, this fucked up obsession or whatever it is, will fade away alongside her rotting corpse. The torture, both mental and physical, will be nothing more than a distant yet beautiful memory. Like it never happened.

All that will remain is a deep-rooted rage and a constant thirst for revenge. That will be my moment. My time to shine and when that day comes all bets will be off. I’ll have no problem ending her. I’ll lure her in, making her fall deeper under a false sense of security before shooting my shot. Striking like the venomous predator I was born to be.

I just hope she finds time to enjoy the ride while she can, because this brat’s days are numbered. She’s living on borrowed time. Time which is depleting by the second.


The darkness descends around me, greeting me like an old friend. The shadows speak to my soul, embracing me like I never left. I welcome it. The beautiful feeling of emptiness as it consumes every fiber of my being. Slowly losing myself… succumbing… sinking into the inevitable void.

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