Page 21 of Savage

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“If you want food in that scrawny belly,” he tugs hard on my dirty top, at least three sizes too small and his nostrils flare in disgust. “Then you’ll do what’s expected of you. Do you understand?”

I nod, my head still trapped in his iron grip as I bore my eyes into his, looking straight through him until he finally releases his hold on me, granting me permission to move and look away.

I hate him.

He’s a vicious monster and one day I’m going to make him pay. I’ll watch on with glee in my eyes as karma rolls in and claims him. Fucking him in the ass—made to regret every bad little thing he’s ever done to me.

I might be young to some, but at only fourteen I’ve been forced to grow up before my time. Any hope of a childhood stripped and taken away. I’ve spent years fantasizing about watching this sick bastard die, begging for my help as his pitiful life washes away from him, struggling to breathe as he chokes on his own vomit, laid in a pool of his own piss. My thoughts might be messed up to some, but those thoughts keep me going—forcing me to survive.

Maybe if my mom were still around my life would have turned out differently. A mother’s love could have saved me, but it turned out to be my father’s love; or lack of, which destroyed me.

“They’ll be here soon.” The gruff voice calls out, snapping me out of my thoughts, catapulting me straight back to my sick and twisted reality. “Go and clean yourself up. Iwant you as close to pretty as you’ll ever get because your next meal depends on the outcome…”

A cold gust of wind ripples over my body, pulling me out of my dreams but never the nightmare. Taking a few shallow breaths, I try to calm my erratic heart and regulate my breathing while reminding myself that it’s over. Those monsters can’t hurt me anymore. Someone upstairs must be looking out for me because against all odds I’ve been given another shot at this crazy thing we call life. A fresh start. Someone decided I was worthy of a second chance, despite my sins and I should be embracing every moment. But as usual, I’ve jumped and landed in hot water.

Forcing my eyes open, I wait for them to adjust; to focus but I’m greeted by darkness. The only light filters through the dusty window above me. Small and fucking pointless.

I push myself up from the cold stone floor and my body aches. My joints are frozen. Completely seized and riddled with damp as it seeps deep into my bones. I know I’m not dreaming anymore. I also know I’m no longer in Braxton, but trapped here, it feels like I’ve been transported back in time—to the place I’m desperate to forget.

Shuffling backwards, I rest my back against the wall as the events of last night come rushing back to me, crashing to the forefront of my mind. Vivid and ultra realistic. Forcing my eyes shut, I try my damned hardest to block them out. Trying to erase all images of him and his devastating beauty.It’s pointless. That demon has permanently imprinted himself deep into my core and he’s not going anywhere in a hurry.

Dane fucking Savage.

More like the Devil in disguise. Tall, dark and destructive. Searing his mark on me for all eternity. I try to keep my mind calm and focused yet my heart beats frantically deep in my chest, finding it’s brand-new beat. A fucked-up rhythm as my body remembers every devastating touch—refusing to forget him in all of his psychotic and beautiful glory… and then I remember how the sadistic bastard wreaked havoc with my body before locking me up. Treating me like a stray dog roaming the streets. Locking me up, leaving me to rot somewhere in this dark and mysterious castle.

“Did you miss me, buttercup?” A deep, familiar voice fills the dark space around me, and a cold chill shivers down my spine. It’s true what they say:think of the Devil and he’ll show his horns.

The distinctive sound of a zippo echoes around me, my heart thudding in my ears as all kinds of scenario’s circulate in my mind. It wouldn’t surprise me if this psycho decided to set us both on fire. All too soon he flicks it again and this time his angular face appears, my heart skipping a beat as it’s illuminated by the flame.

I don’t say anything as he continues to watch me, his eyes crinkling in amusement. A heavy silence fills the small space between us, blanketing us in its shadow. I’m guessing he hasn’t come to set me free. No, I think he’s come to mess with me some more.

“Go fuck yourself.” I curse, but my voice falls flat, removing all traces of conviction. I don’t have the energy to deal with his level of crazy right now. I’m tired, sore and in no mood for his twisted games—no matter how fun they may be. But I doubt someone like Dane Savage is willing to go easy on me or give me any other option.

“I already did this morning, courtesy of yours truly. It was alright, but I’d prefer to fuck that smart-ass mouth of yours.” He laughs, the flame of his zippo flickering from his heated breath as his deep blue eyes burn into me, all the way down to my dark and corrupt soul.

“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”

He narrows his eyes, his smile vanishing in an instant; all traces of humor gone as his expression turns cold and calculating. Murderous. “Do I look like the kind of guy who jokes to you?”

I take in his stony expression. The sharp set of his jaw. The warning in his eyes and I find myself reconsidering. I’d bet he doesn’t know how to laugh or have a good time if it doesn’t include pain. A genuine smile wouldn’t grace his deadly lips. I can’t say much on the topic after experiencing my childhood, but then this isn’t about me.

“Point taken.” I glare back, my own eyes narrowed but it seems my body didn’t get the memo to hate on this predator. Instead, it’s too busy betraying me at every turn, automatically responding to the psychotic monster before me.

I should be wary. Cautious from my own history, but instead of feeling scared and ashamed; the excitement, the thrill of the unknown tingles down my spine and I’m starting to hope he’s come back to finish off what he started last night.

Both of us continue to glare at each other, refusing to back down. My skin tingles under the heat of his eyes as they burn into me. My body betrays me at every turn, refusing to listen to my mind as it screams out a multitude of warnings. Clenching my fists at my sides, I fight the urge to reach out, to touch him—to prove that he’s real and not some fucked upfigment of my imagination. I’m desperate for him, waiting not so patiently for him to wreak havoc on my body, craving him to destroy me some more.

I know everything about this situation is all kinds of wrong. Dane Savage is bad in every way imaginable, and I’ve had my fair share of dances with death—enough to last me a few lifetimes, yet here I am, willingly offering myself up to him like some sacrificial lamb—more than happy to be slaughtered. My body craves pain and total destruction. My heart is crying out for more devastation, forcing it to work harder with each frantic beat.

I know that what happened last night shouldn’t have happened. That much is a given—but it did. Neither one of us holds the power to change the past. What’s done is done. However, I can control the present, making sure it doesn’t happen again.

“So, are you going to tell me what you want from me or are you going to sit here watching me like a creep until the sun comes up?”

He tilts his head to the side, his jet-black hair falling into his sapphire orbs. “No,” he says, flicking the lid of his zippo between his fingers. “And maybe…”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re a weirdo?”

He smirks back at me, malice in his eyes “Buttercup, you can’t even imagine how weird I can be.”

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