Page 19 of Savage

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Amused by my silence, Dane’s smirk grows wider. “Just passing the time. Places to go, people to see. You know how it is.”

“More like pussy’s to stroke and holes to fill.” Cameron adds, laughing by his brothers side.

Dane doesn’t say anything. He just glares back at me, his angular face cast into the shadows but I can sense him laughing at me too. Like this is all some kind of joke to him. I refuse to back down and hold his gaze while a multitude of emotions rush through my body. Despite my initial resistance, I’m quickly reminded that his constant need to provoke me is fast becoming a familiar pattern.

“Fucking everything you see isn’t going to fix our current problem.” I remind him.

“You’re right.” He leans back on the sofa, getting comfortable, the way he always does. “But you have to admit, life’s a whole lot sweeter when you’re dicks wet.”

“No shit,” I growl back, taking his bait like he knew I would. “What am I, some kind of dry guy?” Despite my foul mood, a reluctant smile plays on my lips, reminding me that no matter our differences, we’re bound together. Bound through a mutual understanding and family ties. Bound through no fucking fault of our own. A fact neither of us can change.

Brothers ‘til the end.

When we’re good, we’re really good. The perfect dream team, but when the shit hits the fan, things have a nasty habit of turning ugly, and fast.

“I’m still fucking waiting…” I remind him, not letting him off the hook so easily.

“Waiting for what?”

The motherfucker tries to play dumb but I’m not buying it. “I’m waiting for you to tell me what you’ve been doing.” If he thinks I’m going to back down then he can think again. Our problems just got a whole lot bigger. We don’t have time to fuck around. Not anymore.

“Don’t you mean who he’s been doing?” Cameron adds.

Dane rolls his eyes. “Just hanging around.” He muses, refusing to give me an inch. “Fuck, Caleb. I remember when you used to be fun.!

Exasperated I release a heavy sigh. Dealing with Dane is a challenge in itself. “Yeah, and I remember when you weren’t around, yet here we are.”

My words carry the weight of the truth, like acid on my tongue but I won’t apologize for it. It’s a low blow, for sure. But it’s also warranted. Thoroughly deserved.

“Ouch, man. Like a knife straight through my fucking heart.” Dane palms his chest before pushing himself forward, his blue eyes wide and glazed. “What the fuck man. Why would you go and cut me so deep?”

“Get a fucking grip, dickweed.” Reaching out I take the joint from his hand and bring it to my lips. It hits hard, and I lose myself, numbing my mind and shutting out the noise for a moment. My reprieve doesn’t last all too long though.

“He’s been playing with the new girl.” Cameron confesses when Dane refuses to budge, catching me off guard.

“The new girl?” My brows furrow in confusion and Dane snaps his head toward his brother. No one answers me, and my palms grow cold and clammy. “What fucking new girl?” I demand, slamming my fist into the granite table, unable to hold my composure.

Cameron is the first to open his mouth, Dane suddenly mute. “How the fuck would I know? You two don’t tell me shit.” I allow him the dig because it’s warranted, but I still want answers and I’m not moving until I have them.


“I’m telling you the truth. I heard Dane talking about some new girl at dinner and next thing I knew he’d disappeared.”

“Is that true?” I demand, my body shaking violently. Refusing to believe this son of a bitch could be so fucking stupid.

Dane remains silent as he takes another pull on his beer, refusing to meet my glare. Guilty son of a bitch. He’s gone behind my fucking back. I don’t know what’s more stupid, the fact he had the balls to go there, or him foolishly thinking I wouldn’t find out.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I seethe. “You better tell me it isn’t who I think it is.” I know the answer before he’s opened his mouth. Of course it’s her. It has to be her. Matteo’s call and her sudden appearance can’t be a coincidence.

I wait, and not so patiently for Dane to speak but he doesn’t say shit.

“Will one of you tell me what’s happening here?” Cameron demands, growing tired of the riddles, but Dane and I continue our silent standoff.

“She’s a mouthy bitch.” Dane confesses, finally breaking the silence between us, but his comment doesn’t bring me any kind of closure.

“Which girl are we talking about Dane?”

“Hey, if she’s too much for you guys, I’m more than happy to silence her… with my dick.” I shake my head, Cameron showing his immaturity again. And he wonders why I won’t let him in. He’s still a fucking kid. One who has a lot to learn.

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