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Dane though, that motherfucker should know better. He had one job… one fucking job and his lack of show and tell lets me know all I need to know. Confirming all of my suspicions with his non-existent actions.

Fuck, when Matteo gets wind of this, which he will because even though he’s not here, he doesn’t miss a thing. That motherfucker has ears and eyes everywhere. Matteo is going to lose his shit and Dane best be ready when that moment arrives.

He knows the drill. He’s more than aware of what’s expected of him, yet he still finds a way to fuck up time and time again. I’ve always made sure to keep him at arm’s length for that reason alone. Only telling him snippets. Little and often. Sure, he might be my brother but keeping him on a need-to-know basis was the best decision I ever made.

Trust no one. My past taught me that. Something my demon’s keep reminding me of.

In the blink of an eye our lives have been turned upside down. Changed drastically in the past twenty-four hours. Now, unexpectedly my mission—my end game has pivoted. Taking a complete 360.

Fury purges through my veins as I try to compose myself. Showing weakness isn’t my style. Never has been, and I’m sure as hell not going to change that now. It’s going to be hard as fuck, but I need to keep my head straight, remaining focused. Usually that isn’t a problem, but Dane’s lack of fucks has me seething.

What could be more important than this?

No doubt, knowing Dane as well as I do, he’s probably fucking his way through the first years, torturing them with his sharp, shiny metal toys.

Psychotic and out of control. Where my life is built on one thing; revenge; Dane’s is built on chaos, beer, weapons and pussy. The son of a bitch loves getting his dick wet, but don’t we all? However, the way this seems to be playing out is I’m the one all hands-on deck and he’s resting easy.

I’m having to battle with myself, all the while the unstable beast inside me continues to prowl, threatening to attack at any given opportunity.

The door opens and I snap my head to the side, watching through narrowed eyes as Dane’s large frame comes into view.

“Where the fuck have you been?” I demand, my hands balling into fists at my side, and my jaw clenches as I resist the urge to smack the smug look from his face.

“Whoa… who died?” He laughs as he strides straight passed me before throwing himself down next to his brother on the sofa.

“That will be you if you don’t sort your shit out.” I warn, earning me a snicker from Cameron. “What, do you find this funny?” I turn, directing my anger towards Cam and he shakes his head, his smile still in place.

“Chill out, Caleb.” Dane retorts before taking the joint from Cameron’s offered hand. His blue eyes lock with mine as he brings it to his lips as he takes a hit. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Yeah… about two hours fucking late.”

“I had a little problem which needed my attention.” Throwing his head back, he sinks deeper into the sofa. Zero fucks to give.

I decide against arguing with him. Dane’s a stubborn son of a bitch. “I’m happy to hear you’ve got your priorities in order.” I say, getting straight to the point. “Because our plans have changed.”

“What plans?” Cameron asks, his interest piqued. Ears pricking up like a dog in heat. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to speak to Dane sooner. Before Cameron had a chanceto listen in. When Dane doesn’t say anything, I narrow my eyes at him, letting him know I’d appreciate a little back up when it comes to Cameron and his involvement in our business.

He turns his head up, cold blue eyes locking with mine. “Do you wanna tell him, or should I?” Dane asks as he reaches out and grabs a beer—completely bypassing me as usual.

“There’s nothing to tell.” I grit out as a knot of frustration builds in my chest. If Matteo were here there’s no way Dane would be acting like this. “Not to you, anyway.” I add, speaking directly to Cameron.

“Are you being serious?” Cameron complains. “You’re still holding out on me and keeping me in the dark?”

The pain in his eyes is evident but I still stand my ground. “It’s for the best, kid.”

“Best for who?” He exclaims. “Best for you or me?” Cameron hates being left in the dark. I‘d hate it too, but I’m quick to remind myself that what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, and for now that has to be enough.

“For all of us.” I confess.

“Bullshit.” Dane spits back, slapping his brother on the shoulder. “Have you seen him? This guy’s old enough and ugly enough to handle anything thrown his way. It’s time Caleb, and you fucking know it.”

“Come on. Let me in, man.” Cameron’s brown eyes widen, pleading with me to jump on board, but the harsh truth is, it’s too much of a fucking risk. One I’m not comfortable taking. “I’m not a pussy.”

A faint smile pulls at the edges of Dane’s mouth and right in this moment I’m reminded of all the similarities between us.Not through blood, but through our choices. It doesn’t matter how much we grate on each other; we’ll always be pulled back—whether we like it or not.

“I’ll think about it.” I say, lying effortlessly as I try to pacify him, hoping to buy myself more time. I run a weary hand along my jaw as I snap my narrowed gaze back toward Dane, finally acknowledging the elephant in the room. “Right now, though, I want to know what you’ve been doing. I’d love to hear what could have been more important than meeting up with me.”

My body coils, resisting the urge to lash out. Desperate to release my anger as it fuels the fire raging deep in my chest, but another more practical part of my mind urges restraint. Instead of confrontation, I glare at him, my eyes narrowed with warning, allowing my stoic mood to speak for itself.

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